Order of packages on REVU (was: Re: Frustration)

Emmet Hikory emmet.hikory at gmail.com
Sun Nov 4 15:39:48 GMT 2007

Stefan Potyraのメッセージに:
> Am Sonntag 04 November 2007 15:53:39 schrieb Emmet Hikory:
> > First:
> >     Oldest-first list of packages where there is at least one
> > advocation, and any comments after the advocation are by the uploader.
> >
> > Second:
> >     Oldest-first list of packages where any comments since the last
> > upload are by the uploader.
> >
> > Third:
> >     Oldest-first list of all remaining packages
> >
> That would mean that completely new uploads fall in the third catagory and
> would end up pretty much at the bottom... is this intended?

    My apologies, I should have made it more explicit that by "any" I
mean "zero or more".  If there is a new upload, it should appear at
the bottom of the second section.  If the uploader comments, it should
not adjust the position.  If a reviewer comments, and advocates, it
should move to the first section.  If a reviewer comments and does not
advocate, it should move to the third section.


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