call for votes: KDE4 uploads to universe

George Farris farrisg at
Wed Mar 14 16:46:06 GMT 2007

On Wed, 2007-14-03 at 17:08 +0100, Dennis Kaarsemaker wrote:
> On wo, 2007-03-14 at 08:31 -0700, George Farris wrote:
> > 1 month and the the new repository for 7.10 will open and they can go
> > in there, is that too much to ask. 
> Yes, because feisty+1 will be unstable for a while
> No, because after release the kde4 packages in feisty can't easily be
> updated and will be obsolete *very* quickly

Yes well that pretty much says it right there, "obsoleted very quickly".
This isn't a race we are in folks, is it?  Maybe slow down a bit, smell
the roses and let it mature, 6 months goes by very quickly.


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