MOTU Application process

Stefan Potyra sistpoty at
Fri Mar 2 00:18:15 GMT 2007

Hi folks,

as we've got our new shiny mailing list[1] set up, the MOTU council can 
finally start handling new developer applications.

The process is lined out at [2], here in short again:

If you are a MOTU hopeful and have worked in MOTU realm for some time, send us 
an application to [1].

Any application should be signed with your gpg key and should include
* your launchpad id
* what you've contributed so far (a link e.g. to a wiki page will suffice)
* why you want to become a MOTU

Please also CC your sponsors!

If you are a MOTU and have sponsored/reviewed work of a hopeful and think 
he/she is ready to go for MOTU, make sure to tell him/her to send an 
Also your input is highly appreciated by MOTU council, so ping us on IRC or 
send a mail to [1] as well.

Of course if you've got any other urgent MOTU business that you want to run by 
MOTU council, just send it of to [1], or contact any member on IRC.

   Stefan on behalf of MOTU Council.
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