Rebuilding all packages in Edgy on i386

Lucas Nussbaum lucas at
Thu Oct 19 13:10:26 BST 2006


I rebuilt all packages from main, restricted, universe and multiverse
which were supposed to build on i386 according to their Architecture:
field in a edgy i386 chroot on amd64 systems. Such work was already
carried out with Debian etch[0] earlier this week.

The list of packages which failed to build is available from:
(packages are sorted by section: main first, then universe, then

All build logs from failed builds:

Some details:
* Arch: all packages were built as well.
* The build was carried out on about 40 cluster nodes and took about 4
or 5 hours.
* Internet was not accessible from the nodes, causing some builds to
take a very long time.
* Does Ubuntu use additional information to determine on which archs a
package is supposed to build ? Debian uses a Packages-arch-specific file
in the dak suite for that.
* Each line is tagged by a cause determined by using regexps to parse
logs. Not very accurate, but gives an idea.
* I didn't have the opportunity to give back the failed builds, so some
false positive might have slipped in.
* The kernel used on host system (2.6.12) is known to have a bug related
to the RTLD. Might cause some false positives too.

I'm sorry to make this available that late in the release process, but
maybe it can still be used to at least analyse and fix some of those ?

Do you have ideas/suggestions to improve the whole process, except
"running this earlier" ? :)

The rebuilt was done on about 40 AMD64 nodes of the Grid'5000 platform.
The Grid'5000 project aims at building a highly reconfigurable
experimental Grid platform gathering 9 sites and featuring a total of
5000 CPUs. Its main purpose is to serve as an experimental testbed for
research in Grid Computing. To learn more about Grid'5000, read

| Lucas Nussbaum
| lucas at |
| jabber: lucas at             GPG: 1024D/023B3F4F |

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