Deluge Torrent in feisty universe

Reinhard Tartler siretart at
Thu Nov 30 08:50:50 GMT 2006

"Zach Tibbitts" <zach at> writes:

> First off, we did release 0.4 tarballs yesterday (0.3.1 is in the repo now) so
> I don't know if you'd want to update the package.

"Flavio Martins" <xhaker at> writes:

> You did ok to post here. But the MOTU's did not package deluge. Someone did for
> debian and MOTU's synched it.
> You might want to talk with the packager, Adam Cécile (Le_Vert) <
> gandalf at>, and ask him if he can package python-libtorrent apart
> from deluge.

You're both right.

deluge-torrent 0.4.0 got accepted yesterday in debian:

Expect it to be synced into feisty soon.

If you want to have it in Ubuntu 6.06 and/or Ubuntu 6.10, please check
if it builds cleanly in the corresponding chroots and file Backports
requests. See for details

Reinhard Tartler, KeyID 945348A4
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