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Ming Hua
minghua-list at
Mon Nov 13 05:44:36 GMT 2006
On Sun, Nov 12, 2006 at 04:50:38PM +0100, Stephan Hermann wrote:
> Hi,
Hi Stephan,
> On Saturday 11 November 2006 23:10, Daniel T. Chen wrote:
> > Ming Hua wrote:
> > >
> > > I care about stable updates a lot, and while I am not confident to be in
> > > the MOTU-SRU team, I would be happy to be in such a bug triaging team
> > > and help what I can. Anybody with me?
> >
> > Ideally all MOTU would participate, but understandably there are
> > resource constraints. I'm game for being on such a triaging team.
> Just another team with the same ppl in as in our other teams?
In particularly this case, I am proposing to form and join a team to
help another team (MOTU-SRU) that I am not in. So it would not be the
same people in both teams in the first place. Daniel does belong to
both teams though (if a second one is formed, of course).
> I think this structure of teams will work if there are different ppl doing
> different work. But the same ppl doing the same work (and what is different
> from bug triaging for normal motu bugs, then triaging bugs for sru bugs?)
I understand your argument of reducing unnecessary infrastructures. But
I still believe a triage team for SRUed packages is necessary. Let's
face it: it's just not realistic to ask every MOTU/hopeful to look at
all bugs in universe. I was subscribed to -universe-bugs list for a few
months, couldn't keep up with the traffic and ended up doing nothing
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