Handling of proposals for new packages

Stephan Hermann sh at sourcecode.de
Thu Jan 19 18:57:50 GMT 2006

Hi Matt,

On Thursday 19 January 2006 19:36, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> Currently, proposals for new packages to be added to universe are
> maintained here:
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UniverseCandidates
> This seems to work reasonably well, but has the usual limitations of
> storing structured data in a wiki.  Also, we receive a steady flow of such
> requests via Malone, and moving data between these systems is inconvenient.
> Therefore, I would like to ask your opinions about maintaining this list in
> Malone instead.
> - With Launchpad teams, it would be possible for interested developers to
> be notified of requests for new packages, to see if it's something they
> would be interested in packaging.  Consider a "MOTU new packages" team or
> similar.
> - The status of each package could be tracked using the usual Malone
>   mechanisms, and interested parties could subscribe to be notified when
>   the status changes
> - The queue could be prioritized using Malone metadata
> Thoughts?

Well, we thought about a system like RT, to maintain a list like this.
Actually, it would be better, when we can have a tool in launchpad, like Corey 
proposed in his reply.

But Launchpad/Malone would be as first step a very good idea. 



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