
Robert Citek robert.citek at
Sun Feb 17 14:58:03 GMT 2008

On Feb 17, 2008 1:47 AM, Aanjhan R <aanjhan at> wrote:
> We are past Feature Freeze[0] in Ubuntu Hardy and getting in new
> Upstream releases without a UVFe[1] is not possible I guess. However
> if we can justify as to why the Upstream release is important for
> users and needs to be considered for Hardy, the MOTUs might have a
> look in.

I doubt it's worth the effort to get an exception.  If it can't be put
into Hardy, I imagine it would be possible to release the package
later as a bug fix.  Plus, as I mention in the bug report, one can
compile from source.

> Is the package already in Debian unstable? I mean the bug fixed version.

Does not look like it:

> [0]
> [1]

Can you recommend any links which give a birds-eye view of how bugs
get fixed?  I see a lot of process pages[1], but they are very
detailed.  I imagine it's something like this:

- user discovers bug in package foo
- user reports bug on launchpad
- launpad notifies Ubuntu package maintainers
- Ubuntu package maintainers notify Debian package maintainers
- Debian package maintainers notify developers
- developers fix bug, push out new release, and notify Debian package
- Debian package maintainers create new Debian package and notify
Ubuntu package maintainers
- Ubuntu package maintainers create new Ubuntu package and update launchpad
- user is notified by launchpad, runs apt-get upgrade, and gets fixed package
- everyone celebrates with a beer or two.  :)

How close am I to how things really work?

Thanks in advance.


- Robert

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