Ubuntu development release and Finding something to work on.

Alain Lessard alales at vif.com
Mon Oct 31 17:46:57 UTC 2011


I did the following steps :



Those leads me to the following questions :

Where can I find an iso image for 12.04 (Development branch) to run in
the VirtualBox, do I have to generate it myself ?

How can I test Unity in 12.04 (Development branch) ?

Is it possible to test it starting from a tty session in 12.04 (sudo
chroot /var/chroot/precise) and then starting the gui (lightdm) ?

Thank you very much.

Have a nice day.


On Thu, 2011-10-27 at 11:55 -0400, Andrew Starr-Bochicchio wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 10:16 AM, Alain Lessard <alales at vif.com> wrote:
> > I did "sudo update-manager -d" on a separate partition to get Ubuntu
> > development release.
> >
> > Right now, this is what I got back from issuing the command :
> >
> > DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu
> > DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 11.10"
> >
> > How do I upgrade to 12.04 (precise) ?
> I don't believe you can upgrade to a development release using the"-d"
> switch to upgrade-manager until after Alpha 1 has been released. Of
> course, you could always change the entries in /etc/apt/sources.list
> manually to point to precise.
> > Do I need to switch to 12.04 (precise) ?
> Not at all. At this point in the development cycle, I would even
> suggest that it would be a bad idea to upgrade you main work
> environment. I suggest would suggest that you use a virtual machine or
> go back over some of the options in the
> UsingDevelopmentReleases/OtherWays wiki page. Many Ubuntu developers
> prefer to build their packages with pbuilder
> (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto) and then test them in a
> virtual machine.
> -- Andrew Starr-Bochicchio
>    Ubuntu Developer <https://launchpad.net/~andrewsomething>
>    Debian Maintainer
> <http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=a.starr.b%40gmail.com>
>    PGP/GPG Key ID: D53FDCB1

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