New model for the mentoring program
Andres E. Rodriguez Lazo
andreserl at
Tue Jul 15 17:48:41 BST 2008
I believe this is a great improvement on the mentoring program and that this
is a very good initiative of you MOTUs to help us beginners in getting more
involved with Ubuntu Development.
So, i guess i have a question regarding on how will the application to
become to obtain a mentor will be, and where/how will MOTU classes will
On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 4:36 AM, Cesare Tirabassi <norsetto at>
> Dear all,
> the current mentoring program has been in place for about one year.
> During this time several shortcomings of this model have become evident,
> especially as the number of new contributors grow. The alternative
> sponsoring
> model is also felt quite inadequate, especially for new contributors and
> contributors which are on their way to motuship.
> What is evident today, is that:
> - Some MOTU have weaknesses in certain skill areas
> - Those potential contributors who are not self-starters aren't getting
> started
> - There is an insufficient number of volunteers to act as Mentors
> - There is an insufficient number of volunteers to teach MOTU School
> classes
> - Many existing contributors have difficulty reaching a sufficient skill
> level
> to apply for MOTU
> With the introduction of the ubuntu-universe-contributors team, it is
> finally
> time that we implement the new structure, as we already discussed in [1]
> and
> [2].
> Our proposal is to split the Mentoring program into two parts:
> - a program to help new contributors who wish personal attention when
> starting
> - a program to help established contributors who wish personal guidance
> when
> applying for motuship
> Furthermore, stronger ties with the current MOTU School program will be
> established.
> All participants in the Mentoring program will be expected to attend MOTU
> School sessions, and those not in regular attendance may no longer be
> eligible for Mentoring.
> All contributors alike are expected to take an active role in preparing and
> giving sessions on fields where they are particularly experienced, as well
> as
> in general Q&A sessions.
> The new program is detailed in:
> Before finally implementing this change, we would like to hear from you,
> and contributors alike, if you have any remaining objections or comment.
> Cesare
> [1]
> [2]
> --
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Andres E. Rodriguez Lazo (4nDr3s - RoAkSoAx)
Official Ubuntu Member
Ubuntu Counter Project - User # 17582
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