Proposal for the enhancement of the Mentoring Program

Emmet Hikory emmet.hikory at
Tue Oct 23 13:51:30 BST 2007

Please find below a proposal for alterations to the MOTU Mentoring
process.  For reference, a glossary is included at the end.

Current State

The MOTU Mentoring Program has been established for people who want to
contribute to Ubuntu and possibly become MOTU, but are completely new
to packaging and Ubuntu development.  Through the Mentoring Program,
MOTU Contributors are introduced to the community and guided on the
use of the basic tools and about the development procedures.

This program has been very successful, to such a degree that the MOTU
Mentoring Reception has begun to take measures to screen the flow of
applicants, including requests for demonstration of prior work, or
demonstration of commitment to continued contribution.

Currently, there are no criteria defined for the successful completion
of Mentoring, beyond acceptance as a MOTU, nor does every Contributor
who participates in Mentoring intend to become MOTU in the short term.
 We believe that these issues increase the cycle time for available
mentoring slots, increase the Mentoring Reception backlog, and raise
the requirements to request mentoring.

For these reasons, we would like to submit to the MOTU community this
proposal, aimed at increasing the efficiency of Mentoring, broadening
the spectrum of admitted contributors, and eventually raising the
number and quality of trained MOTUs.


A) Split MOTU Mentoring into two mentoring stages.

B) Define clear goals and expectations for each stage

C) The first stage will assist a Newcomer to become a Contributor

D) The second stage will assist a Contributor to become a MOTU

   There is no strong link between the stages.  Interested parties
are welcome to enter both, one, or neither stage as they progress with
Ubuntu development.  Further, there is no expectation that the first
stage will be immediately followed by the second.

Proposed implementation:

(unchanged from current implementation)

1) A Mentoree requests a Mentor from the Reception:
Request includes:
   - Name,
   - LP page,
   - Wiki page (which should have a description of goals)

2) Reception queues the application, and attempts to match the
Mentoree with the best available Mentor.

3) The assigned Mentor contacts the Mentoree to clarify his intentions
and background.

4) The Mentor confirms acceptance or rejection to Reception

In the case of rejection, Reception reviews the status with the
Mentoree, and may assign an alternate Mentor.

(changed from current implementation)

5) The assigned Mentor determines if the Mentoree is a Newcomer or a Contributor
   - The LP page, Wiki page, etc. are good sources of guidance

In the case where the Mentoree is a Newcomer

6a) The Mentor and Mentoree determine a schedule for the Mentoring

7a) The Mentor provides an introduction to Ubuntu development, including:
   - Standard communication methods (IRC, mailing lists, wiki, etc.)
   - Launchpad bug workflow
   - Coordination with Debian and upstream
   - Guidance on where to find answers to problems
   - Guidance on where to find documentation
   - Introduction to MOTU processes (SRU, Security, Sponsoring, etc.)
   - Assistance with first project (package adoption, new package,
bugfixing, etc.)

8a) The Mentor works with the Mentoree to establish a plan for future
projects, and may introduce the Mentoree to people or teams working on
similar efforts.  The plan may optionally include a roadmap towards
applying for Ubuntu membership based on packaging and development

9a) The Mentor notifies Reception that the Mentoring is complete

10a) The Mentoree continues as a Contributor, receiving guidance and
sponsorship through the standard communication methods and processes.

In the case where the Mentoree is an experienced Contributor

6b) The Mentor and Mentoree review work to date, and prepare a
schedule for the Mentoring

7b) The Mentor provides advice and guidance including:
   - Assisting in preparation of a plan to become MOTU
   - Recommendations and introductions to other contributors / teams
   - Guidance on Ubuntu processes and personalities
   - Providing technical support and review of Mentoree progress
   - Helping the Mentoree prepare for MOTU Council questions

8b) The Mentoree completes preparation, applies for MOTU, and is accepted

9b) The Mentor notifies Reception that the Mentoring is complete

10b) The Mentoree continues as a MOTU

Exception Handling:

A) If the Mentoree ceases progress towards the goal, and does not
maintain communication with the Mentor, the Mentor should notify
Reception (cc: the Mentoree) that the Mentoring has stalled, and
request reassignment.

B) If the Mentor is unresponsive, the Mentoree should notify Reception
(cc: the Mentor) that the Mentoring has stalled, and request

C) If the Mentor believes that the Mentoree is not able to accomplish
the goal within a reasonable amount of time, and the Mentoree does not
agree, the Mentor should report this condition to Reception, with
explanatory commentary.  If there is a current Mentoring queue,
Reception should notify both parties that the Mentoring is cancelled,
and assign the Mentor a new Mentoree.  The Mentoree may, if desired,
reapply for Mentoring.

D) If the Mentor will be unable to complete the Mentoring, the Mentor
should notify Reception that the Mentoring schedule cannot be met, and
Reception should assign the Mentoree another Mentor as soon as

E) If the Mentoree is not accepted for MOTU upon first application,
the Mentor and Mentoree should review the responses to the
application, and prepare a draft plan for future efforts (which may
include reapplication).  The Mentor should then notify Reception that
the Mentoring is complete, and Reception should assign the Mentor a
new Mentoree.

F) If the Mentor and Mentoree mutually agree that the Mentoring is
complete prior to the achievement of the specific target goals, the
Mentor should notfiy reception to be assigned a new Mentoree.
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Newcomer: A person interested in contributing to Ubuntu through
packaging and bug fixing
Contributor: A member of the Ubuntu community actively involved in the
maintenance of packages
MOTU: A Contributor with upload permission, ultimately responsible for
packages in the archive
Mentor: An established MOTU with time to demonstrate tools, and provide guidance
Mentoree: A Newcomer or Contributor who seeks one-on-one guidance
towards further contribution
Reception: A team responsible for matching Mentorees to available Mentor slots


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