Error building source package ttf-ubuntu-title: Binary change irrepresentable

Cesare Tirabassi norsetto at
Sun Aug 10 18:11:12 BST 2008

On Sunday 10 August 2008 18:27:10 Efrain wrote:
> Dear all:
> I have made some modifications to the ttf-ubuntu-title package (added
> new gliphs). I wanted to generate a new source package. obviously the
> binary file (.ttf has changed). and the building process fails claiming
> that the changes made to that file are irreprensentable which makes
> sence.
> What is the best way to reflect the changes in this situation?

I would say that you should make your changes as a patch to the "preferred 
form of modification", in this case the Ubuntu-Title.sfd file, and 
re-generate the ttf during build using fontforge.
Other possibilities could be to uuencode your binary patch and apply it during 
build (uudecoding it and using patch --binary) or repack the tarball (that 
would be fine for personal use only though).


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