More one default server by country

Mon May 3 15:52:56 BST 2010

Why do not create more than one long-term stability URL for large country ?

(ex : , , , ...)
If a server is definitively down, the ubuntu team can repoint to a working mirror without user intervention.

The live-cd can attribute one of this long-term stability servers :
=> with random
=> with ping the port 80
=> with the reverse-DNS of the public IP (this need an database with reverse-dns of the country and the server to use. If is near the network "Orange", the database chose this server for reverse-dns of the ISP Orange.

If the is the server for reverser-dns "orange" and the company who host him decide to turn off, is repoint with another working mirror that is near (not in km, but in latency) than Orange customers.

Note : for ping the port 80 :
$ sudo hping3 -S -c 20 -I u200000 -p 80

Vivien Guéant

Bouygues Telecom (french ISP)
Email: vgueant at

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Mattias Wadenstein [mailto:maswan at]
Envoyé : lundi 3 mai 2010 16:10
À : Ondřej Surý
Cc : Berge Schwebs Bjørlo; GUEANT, VIVIEN; ubuntu-mirrors at
Objet : Re: More one default server by country

Well, for default choice of mirror, long-term staibility of the URL (i.e.
http://$ is IMHO much more important than
bandwidth concerns. Someone who chooses a non-default mirror can be
expected to find a new one if the one chosen cancels the service, but for
the default choice that should be repointed to a working mirror without
user intervention.

/Mattias Wadenstein

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