[Ubuntu-ma] Kids On Computers Voulunteers

Yousef SAADY saadyyousef at gmail.com
Mer 22 Jan 11:10:49 UTC 2014

We are a charitable organization of volunteers who provide computers to
kids in disadvantaged areas so they have access to technology.  We use and
promote Open Source software and free/open content in our labs.  Our past
projects have used Lubuntu, Edubuntu, antiX Linux, Cyanogenmod, offline
Wikipedia, Khan Academy videos, and other content.  Currently, we have
computer labs in Mexico, Argentina, Nepal, and India.

This spring, one of our volunteers will be traveling to Morocco to set up a
small computer lab near Beni Mellal, Morocco (Ouaouizerth).  The lab will
have about 10 computers.  We are looking for Moroccan volunteers with
experience in installing and using an Open Source distro (Fedora, Ubuntu,
Linux Mint, etc.) to help with this project.

Would you be able to help with this computer lab?

Pour ceux qui sont intéressé,veillez SVP de me contacter.

 thank you.

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