[Ubuntu-ma] 1ere Edition des journee open source
bouchtaoui at gmail.com
Mer 22 Sep 16:51:15 BST 2010
On 22-9-2010 17:38, ISLAM Abou El Ata wrote:
> Very funny! but it's just a coincidence, I have tried to translate a few
> excerpts now containing the words "open source" and it translated normally.
I think I know the "bug". "a la faculté" is translated as "has the
power". If you translate "a la faculté" than you get "has the right".
Anyway it's funny :P
> On Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 1:58 PM, Nordin<bouchtaoui at gmail.com> wrote:
>> A funny thing I found out. Since I regularly translate french posts into
>> English, I got the following translation in google translate of Zligui
>> Hammou post:
>> I am studying at the School of Sciences Agadir
>> I desired from days of organized "open source" has the power, I
>> believe it is the first time in his at a faculty in Morocco.
>> I Need Your Help.
>> for students of ENSA who are already involved in this type of
>> activities what is the procedure to follow??? (Which are in Agadir
>> Please
>> Your Email)
>> The translation is not accurate, for example, the second line should be
>> something like:
>> "I desire to organize "open source" days". But some crazy opensource
>> hackers manipulated google translate such that it adds "has the power" after
>> the words "open source" :)
>> Or is it just coincidence?
>> On 22-9-2010 0:09, ZLIGUI Hammou wrote:
>> Salam
>> Je suis Etudient a la faculte des sciences d'agadir
>> je désirée d'organisée des journées " open source " a la faculté , je
>> crois c'est la premier fois au sien d'un faculté au Maroc .
>> J'ai Besoin Votre aide.
>> pour les Étudiants des ENSA qui sont déjà participe au ce type des
>> activités quelle est la procédure a suive ??? ( qui sont a Agadir SVP
>> votre Email )
>> Merci Bcp
>> -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- HAMMOU ZLIGUI --
>> -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
>> --
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