[Ubuntu-ma] Monitoring linux

Nordin Bouchtaoui bouchtaoui at gmail.com
Mar 14 Sep 22:16:36 BST 2010

2010/9/14 ISLAM Abou El Ata <kindyroot at gmail.com>

> Salam,
> It depends pretty much on what you're most interested in, here's a simple
> rule of thumb:
> - most Interested in monitoring performance >> run "top" or "htop" over
> SSH.

I'm already familiar with that.

> - most interested in monitoring security >> run Snort with e-mail alerts.

For now, this is not needed. It's not for the government with sensitive data
or something.

> - most interested in monitoring traffic >> run javascript based stats and
> traffic analysis (such as Google Analytics).
> - most interested in having a global view of your server set and having a
> dashboard>> see GLPI, Mandriva Pulse, and Zabbix.
> - most interested in networking >> see Nagios.

I don't want to annoy you but these tools all do the same, it's a matter of
For what I need I think Nagios is enough for me.

But what do you use? Are you administering also several servers? I remember
Hassan told me he manages hundreds of servers, so I was curious about how
he's doing that, don't take it personal.

> - most interested in something not in the list >> reply back with details.
> I hope this helps.

Always :)
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