[Ubuntu-ma] CAN YOU HELP ME?

ISLAM Abou El Ata kindyroot at gmail.com
Lun 9 Nov 08:58:23 GMT 2009

Hi Achraf,

That's a good idea! The first thing to determine now is who you want to be
there, if you are going to be receiving tech guys and "already familliar
with Linux" people, I think a little bit of blogging should do it. But if
you want virgin audiences it can be a tough matter! how are you planning to
go about marketing your event?

Next to that, what do you want to do? presentations/talks? or an install
party? a free training session? or a bit if each?

If you are in doubt (and if you're having a non techy audience), I suggest
that you do an introduction to free software and Linux and Ubuntu to tell
what the whole thing is all about + a presentation of the desktop
environment to show why it is special and why people should be using it +
how everyone can install the system in their machines + optionally some
additional content by other volunteer people, and why not a projection of
the video "namecode linux"?!

Keep us in tune ;)

Islam Abou El Ata

2009/11/9 ACHRAF SELLAM <achrafsellam at yahoo.es>

> Dear Sir,
> As I suggested I want to set up an "UBUNTU MEETING IN EL JADIDA". Now I
> have the agreement of a school director to help me do it.
> So, would you share your ideas with us?
> Thanks for time giving and think about! all suggestions are welcome!
> --
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