[Ubuntu-ma] Language
Abdellatif El Qochairi
latimamal at gmail.com
Lun 7 Déc 20:22:39 GMT 2009
Good evening,
If we say we are the Ubuntu Moroccan Team, then it's natural to use the
language that the majority of Moroccans use, which is of course Darija.
We should also encourage any initiatives to use other Moroccan languages
(Tachelhit-Tamazight-Tarifit-Hassania) in the Free Software context.
Using standard Arabic it's also great, especially for those who are not
used to write Darija, and for those involved in other pan-Arabic
No language is superior in itself than another one, all languages are
great when they are used in their proper context.
Abdellatif El Qochairi
On Mon, 2009-12-07 at 20:18 +0100, Azzeddine Ouadyani wrote:
> Bonsoir,
> Je pense qu'on devrait pas communiquer en dialecte marocain mais
> plutôt en langue arabe classique, parce qu'il faut bien sur essayer de
> pousser la langue commune des 21 % de la population mondiale si on
> compte tout les musulmans !
> Il y a un groupe de travail arabe qui fait du bon boulot dans le monde
> du logiciel libre - http://www.arabeyes.org/
> Librement votre,
> Azzeddine Ouadyani.
> http://linux-maroc.org/
> On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 7:39 PM, Achraf Reg <lexiquez at hotmail.com>
> wrote:
> Je suis d'accord, sauf que je n'utilise pas l'arabe, je
> communique en français et darija...
> Pour ceux qui n'ont pas un clavier Arabe, il peuvent utiliser
> www.yamli.com
> ______________________________________________________________
> Date: Mon, 7 Dec 2009 16:58:58 +0000
> Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-ma] Language
> From: handrix at gmail.com
> To: lexiquez at hotmail.com
> CC: azzeddine.ouadyani at gmail.com; latimamal at gmail.com;
> ubuntu-ma at lists.ubuntu.com
> Salam alaykum,
> Good news for you we have a very modern, common and
> interesting language named Arabic.
> as you know there are also an active Arabic community, but the
> most of us did not have an Arabic keyboard nor have a good
> knowledge about Arabic technical words even it is our mother
> tongue.
> If you look inside you'll find that we were affronted to
> french education programs at high school, so all our knowledge
> is translated to french and english. So please if you believe
> that you can help this language to grow please do it.
> Please excuse my modest english, also the mail subject, i hope
> that this mailling list will not be limited to only technical
> purpose but also, to political, social and others.
> Finally, and if god will all your posts will be read as they
> are in arabic, english or french, so keep the great work.
> Happy to hear from you Abdellatif.
> Regards,
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