[UCLP] Suggestions for next user day

Elizabeth Krumbach lyz at ubuntu.com
Sun Jan 24 13:57:50 GMT 2010

I'm including the entirety of Nigel's email because I'm moving this
over to the Ubuntu Classroom list where it's more appropriate :)

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On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 8:07 AM, Nigel Babu <nigelbabu at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello folks:
> Thanks everyone for the wonderful time and spending that many hours at
> the computer.  I've got a few suggestions for the next User Day which I
> hope will be considered or shot down by everyone ;)

Thanks for helping yesterday and in the past few weeks!

> (a) Date set around 2 weeks to 1 month after Lucid release.  Then, sync
> with release cycles like every first weekend of May and November.  If
> possible, get release announcements (at least unoffical ones) to talk
> about User Days.
> (b) Sessions on whats new in Lucid (gnome shell!)
> (c) Total of 24 hours, but across 3 days like Day 1 - 0000 UTC to 0800
> UTC, Day 2 - 0800 UTC to 1600 UTC, and Day 3 - 1600 UTC to 0000 UTC.
> Probably only 2 of us per day.  We could divide work according to TZ's
> (this could be shot down but its a way to get everyone an opportunity to
> participate at some point and no complaints of Oh no!, it was night here)

Finding volunteers to run it is going to be key here, maybe contact
locos in the other timezones?

> (d) We planned to do screencasts, but due to various reasons, it was not
> ready.  Probably, get this ready by then.

I don't remember this discussion so I don't really know how
screencasts would work with an IRC session, but I think it's good to
keep in mind that this makes the barrier to entry for participation
higher. No longer is it just connecting to IRC, you also now have to
be able to run the screencasts.

A discussion should also be had about using more features of Lernid
next time, and exploring how something like slides would work for
those who are still just using IRC for the session.

> (e) Have a meeting with all instructors beforehand on IRC.

Good idea. Maybe instead of a single meeting, have a few times the
week before that they can drop by the -learning channel to make sure
we have ironed out all the expectations and details?

> (f) Having Duane and Jeremy around this time helped a great deal.  We
> should probably have a disaster management plan ;) (I think I'm being
> paranoid, shoot me down on this one if so)

Sounds good. I mentioned this last night because we really were quite
fortunate to have them fill in. I think the disaster management plan
doesn't have to be super formal, just "hey, if someone can't make it,
$foo can pull something together"

I'm also looking forward to the results of our survey, as of last
night Chris said we'd had 18 surveys submitted :)

Elizabeth Krumbach // Lyz // pleia2

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