[UCLP] Chat Log -- Friday Night/Saturday Morning -- Course Organization

Charles Profitt indigo196 at rochester.rr.com
Sat Oct 24 01:05:52 BST 2009

Hello all:

I have pasted a small snip of a conversation about using the wiki to
control our course development efforts. Please read and comment.


<cprofitt> when should a course for the UCLP be considered 'done'?
<pleia2> swoody: no way, buy local :)
<cprofitt> hey pleia2 
<swoody> pleia2, local *and* orgamic :)
<Saj0577> cprofitt: when all the content is done, and its been tested,
and everyones had a look over it for possible improvements etc.
<pleia2> content done, tech and peer reviewed
<cprofitt> Saj0577, by content do we mean asciidoc, Moodle, pdf
<pleia2> I think "done" is a poor term though, ubuntu changes
<swoody> +1 pleia2 and Saj0577
<cprofitt> I agree pleia2 
<pleia2> asciidoc
<cprofitt> I was just reviewing the pages... and it prompted me to ask
<cprofitt> as things are marked 'done'
* pleia2 nods
<pleia2> those are ones doctormo has taught in classrooms
<cprofitt> so if a person creates a Moodle course w/o asciidoc it would
not be marked 'done' until it was converted?
<cprofitt> pleia2, but are those in asciidoc?
<pleia2> we can probably convert "done" to links to moodle content,
acsciidoc, etc
<swoody> cprofitt, well I think 'done' and 'completed' can be two
different things...
<pleia2> so instead of done you say "link to moodle" "link to pdf" etc
<cprofitt> swoody, that is what I was thinking...
<cprofitt> I tend to ask 'open ended' questions
<cprofitt> to not poison responses...
<swoody> 'done' for when the info itself has been reviewed, and the
course looks solid, and then 'completed' when it's been converted into
whatever formats it needs to be
<Saj0577> when it is a stage where it could be used my students
<cprofitt> I was thinking we should likely use a table -- have columns
for in-person, Moodle, source (asciidoc) and complete
<pleia2> +1
<swoody> cprofitt, that would help keep things organized :)
<cprofitt> yeah... that is what I am thinking...
<Saj0577> yeah +1
<cprofitt> otherwise we will not know what 'parts' are done...
<swoody> true
<cprofitt> perhaps add a column for peer review too...
<cprofitt> pleia2, mentioned that ... and that is important
<cprofitt> some courses may end up being 'NA' for certain formats...
<cprofitt> as some courses will not work well in Moodle
<swoody> yes, but that shouldn't pose any issues keeping track of it's
<cprofitt> I agree...
<swoody> again, just with 'N/A' where reqired
<cprofitt> but if a course does not fit a medium we NA and it can be
complete without that particular medium
<swoody> indeed :)
<cprofitt> sound good pleia2 ?
<pleia2> yep
<swoody> so would this be on a completely separate wiki page for 'course
<cprofitt> I think so...
<swoody> then having the chart organized by each 'category' (i.e. use,
maint.) and then have all the courses listed under them
<cprofitt> I think we have a page for course ideas... and a sub-page for
each course...
<cprofitt> with one page with a table of all current courses in
production and development

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