[UCLP] Ubuntu Learning IRC

Bodhi Zazen bodhi.zazen at montanalinux.org
Wed Nov 4 16:33:46 GMT 2009

Your "defense" is nothing more then a denial of the problem and a personal attack against me.

You have clashed with 2 board members and several people for the beginners team and the end result is people are less likely to contribute to this project.

Now I am happy you worked things out with cprofitt, but I did notice it took the interventions of every other member of the board to accomplish that.

In terms of leadership, I believe leaders should be chosen based frankly on their ability to lead, not the contributions or number of contributions to this project.

Again, your contributions to this project are greatly appreciated and again you can contribute to this project without being in a leadership position.

Last, in terms of  your personal behavior, so long as you continue to be disruptive to this project I shall continue to call for your resignation.

In response to your comments directed at my contributions to this project, is it unfortunate you do not appreciate all I have contributed to this project. I suggest you speak to others if you do not understand what I have done for the project.

In response to you asking me to resign, I am afraid it is more of the same from you. First this is an old issue and in terms of licensing you again demonstrate your short comings :

1. You have either no understanding of my concerns you are disrespectful of my position, I do not know which.

2. Your "resolution" is again doctormo's way or no way. Either I agree with doctormo or doctormo throws the CoC at me and asks for my resignation. This is not what I expect from you as a leader.

3. I think you forget the final resolution, I did collaborate with others and please remind me of what license we went with ? So why are you hashing through old issues? 

So your "defense" of ongoing problems with your behavior is to lash out at me regarding old issues? Please lets keep on topic and address your behavior.

As I have told you, I am not wanting to clash with you, but I would like to see some acknowledgment of the ongoing problems and improvements on your part. You may work with myself, cprofitt, Vantrax, or pleia2 on these issues, but please lets acknowledge them and resolve them and stop with the vindictive personal attacks.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Martin Owens" <doctormo at gmail.com>
To: "Bodhi Zazen" <bodhi.zazen at montanalinux.org>
Sent: Tuesday, November 3, 2009 5:17:14 PM
Subject: Re: Ubuntu Learning IRC

I appreciate you raising issues with me, and I've consulted other people
including board members.

I decline your request to step down.

The most important reason is that I think you are making far too much of
my bad behavior. I am not bad, I have a high moral code and while I have
needed improvements in certain areas, I'm not the destructive element in
this group.

Besides we learn as we go and these massive problems you see don't exist
in other people's view on the same subjects. cprofit and I have worked
out our problems, I feel much more positive about my relationship with
cprofit now.

I believe I've made improvements in this year, but I don't think you see
them. Your never involved any more in discussions, we never talk.

I believe that I have yielded considerably to your attacks about my
behavior. Agreeing to work on things that even you fail on, trying to
reach exemplar standards that are impossible to reach. Because of this,
you seem to think it's right to continue pointing out my failures.

I believe that you should consider your own advice in terms of stepping
down. Non activity, picking fights with almost everyone including
cprofit, you were almost the reason the group died, and destructive

When we had that licensing debate, part of me wanted to call a vote to
get you removed. Such was the needless destruction on your part, failure
to listen to external advice from greg-g, failure to reconsider on new
evidence from other group's experiences and rationalized argument from
your fellow board members.

But I wasn't perfect in my conduct and I was convinced that as time went
on you would get better. That your hostility wouldn't last.

Now if pleia2 asks me to step down, I will. Because I believe she has a
fair assessment of people's behavior. But that's because I really trust
her, we've worked well together and I know she's been around and been
involved with any of these conflicts and problems.

But me and you, Bodhi, as I said, we have things to work out and we
should talk about them. We shouldn't be calling for each other's heads
before we've managed to work out a trust between each other, some kind
of understanding that isn't just based on past problems, but is trying
to look at what we each want to achieve.

Regards, Martin

On Tue, 2009-11-03 at 14:27 -0500, Bodhi Zazen wrote:
> You can be involved without being in a leadership position. I believe it would be best if you stepped down form leadership and worked on the project as a contributor.
> Regardless as to where the blame may be and regardless of if the issue is resolved, your name keeps coming up. I believe your behavior is interfering with the recruitment process.
> In terms of specific patterns of behavior, form the CoC:
> 1. Be considerate / Be respectful. In the past you have not been as open to other ideas and you are hostile when you disagree with others. People have either left the project or, in the case of cproffit, considered leaving because of this behavior. In the past I have been uncomfortable with the way you threatened me with the Code of Conduct and I have seen the logs where you threatened cprofitt.
> IMO this is completely unacceptable from one in a leadership position.
> 2. Be collaborative. The UCLP is not your personal project and you do not work well with others. It is often your way or no way and you are immature when it comes to working with others or accepting divergent points of view or solutions to problems.
> 3. When we disagree, we consult others. You do not respect the views of others.
> Just because solution A works for you does not mean solution A works for everyone. If solution B works for someone else, and moves the project forward, so be it.
> 4. When we are unsure, we ask for help. Along the lines I outlined above you could improve in these areas.
> You seem to act as if this is your personal project and you push your personal decisions on the group.
> 5. Step down with grace. When it comes right down to it, I expect improvements in your behavior or your resignation. If you behavior continues to be problematic we will vote you out of a leadership position.
> I have no interest in being confrontational with you. However, this is the second time I have raised what I feel are serious concerns I have with your behavior on this project.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Martin Owens" <doctormo at gmail.com>
> To: "bodhi.zazen" <bodhi.zazen at montanalinux.org>
> Sent: Monday, November 2, 2009 8:39:52 PM
> Subject: Re: Ubuntu Learning IRC
> Hey Bohdi,
> I've thought careful about what you've said,
> I think my involvement with the project is important and my focus
> diverse and complimentary.
> The problems me and others have had have all been resolved and fault did
> not always go to me alone.
> However, I believe that you and I still may need things to resolve and I
> don't think these are good reasons for me to step down from the learning
> board while there are issues between us.
> Best Regards, Martin Owens

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