[UCLP] Ubuntu Educators

indigo196 at rochester.rr.com indigo196 at rochester.rr.com
Sun Dec 13 00:04:31 GMT 2009

Hell all:

I was asked by Doctormo to repost my blog entry to the mailing list. I also ran doing so by Pleia2 to ensure that it was acceptable to do so.

-- blog post --
The world, at times, is a do-ocracy. Tonight I decided to create a Ning community for Ubuntu Educators. I wanted to create this community to give educators and those supporting educators a place to:

    * Share ideas about how to use FOSS in the classroom
    * Share success stories
    * Ask questions on how to develop curriculum using FOSS

In short have a resource that discusses pedagogy. While there is a great amount of information pertaining to the more technical side of using Ubuntu in the classroom I have not found any focus point that focuses on the classroom teacher.

The URL for the Ning site is: http://ubuntuedu.ning.com/

It will take some time to get the site properly decorated, but for now educators and interested members of the community can join and start discussions.
-- end blog post --

Charles Profitt

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