[Ubuntu Leadership] [IDEA]Guides for Leaders

SilverLion silverlion at posteo.org
Thu Sep 18 21:23:45 UTC 2014

Hello there,

>From my point of view we should not struggle with imagining any
scenarios that somehow could maybe happen someday. Being a good leader
means being able to adapt to all sorts of situations and personalities
to achieve the best efforts for the team.

By this I do not mean that the basic idea behind this is wrong. In my
personal opinion we should make the effort to be responsive to the teams
seeking our advise, take the time to look at the situation individually
and to analyze the opportunities we have under the given circumstances.
If the results are working out, we can dokument them at a central
location (I would suggest the wiki for this) and by this create a FAQ
for other Team Leader to which they can orient themselves with their own

All the Best!

Am 13.09.2014 19:38 schrieb Ian Weisser:
>> I was thinking about some of us writting guides on vaiours topics
>> that leaders/mangers face.
> Generic guides about leading nonprofit/volunteer projects are already 
> on
> the interwebs. I don't see much need to re-invent that wheel.
> Are we perhaps talking about Ubuntu-community specific?
> Or technical-specific?
> Professional broadening and personal resiliency topics often pay off 
> in
> better-rounded, emotionally-balanced leaders with a wider network of
> useful peers...but those are interactive topics unsuited to static 
> guide
> pages. And, honestly, many volunteers may understandably see little
> immediate value from such topics.
>> Would this be a better way to reach out our leaders and the next
>> gen ones then what we have tired to do in the past?
> I suppose it depends upon what the team is offering in exchange for 
> the
> leader's valuable time and effort.
> It also depends upon individual personality traits. People are often
> blind to some of their development needs, yet readily recognize 
> others.
> -Ian

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