Ubuntu-LB New to the list

BOB Merhebi bobmerhebi at gmail.com
Sat Jun 11 20:42:27 UTC 2011

Dear fellow Lebanese Ubuntuers,

I have been using Ubuntu for a couple of years now 7 been on the forums
since late 2009.

I have been searching for fellow Lebanese who use Linux & Ubuntu (as I
used Fedora when I first started) since then. It was not an easy start
to move from Windows to Fedora but I was ready for it & here I am.
I've been recently participating in Ubuntu on the forums
<http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=960247> & on launchpad
(~bobmerhebi <https://launchpad.net/%7Ebobmerhebi>)

Having found you (& the Team :D) I am glad to kindly ask to join you. I
would like to both help & get help.

I hope you accept me as part of your team.

P.S.: My name is Ibrahim Merhebi, also known by Bob or Astrobob (the
latter due to being an amateur astronomy: www.astrobob.tk).
Sincerely Yours,
-Ibrahim (Bob) Merhebi

Thunderbird Signature
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