[Ubuntu Urdu] Test Urdu Translations in Ubuntu
Noumaan Yaqoob
y.noumaan at gmail.com
Mon Sep 11 21:35:06 BST 2006
The Gnome Translation guide located here states that you should paste your
mo file into /usr/share/locale/ur/LC_MESSAGES folder. For Ubuntu users the
place to paste the mo files is /usr/share/locale-langpack.
1. Download the po file to your desktop.
2. Open a terminal a change to desktop directory:
cd /home/user/Desktop
Replace user with the your user name.
3. Convert po file to mo file using
msgfmt -cv filename.po
Replace file name with the po filename you downloaded
4.Rename messages.mo to package name to the packagename.mo for example
gnome-panel-2.0.mo for gnome-panel. To find out the name you should use for
some package, see how the same package is named in other locales present in
5. Now copy paste this file to /usr/share/locale-langpack/ur/LC_MESSAGES
You must have Urdu Language pack available. To enable it go to system >
administration > language support and check Urdu.
To copy the mo file in LC_MESSAGES folder you need administrative privileges
start nautilus with gksudo:
gksudo nautilus
Remember that it is important to test your translations. Do not worry if the
font appears broken. We will get Nafees Web Naskh as dependency for Urdu
support and it would replace the Urdu text. Currently you can go to System
> Preferences > font and change application font to monospace or tahoma or
even nafees web naskh but since large parts of your urdu locale are still in
English Nafees web Naskh is not the ideal choice.
There would also be problems with the sentences using english and urdu
alphabates in the same line. This too would get resolved hopefully.
PS. Remember that you have Urdu Word Bank available to assist you with
translations please refer to it often so that we can maintain a consistency
in translations: http://l10n.urduweb.org/dictionary/
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