[Ubuntu Urdu] Take Templates

Syed Muhammad Saad smsaad at gmail.com
Sat Sep 2 09:57:36 BST 2006

کا ترجمہ کر رہا ہوں GTK + 2.0 بھئی میں تو

On 8/31/06, Noumaan Yaqoob <y.noumaan at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Team Members,
> Now that we are all set up. I suggest that we start working now. I
> suggest that every one of us adopt one file and reply to this message
> telling other team members which file they are working at. You should
> also tell the team about how much time you can spend on translation
> efforts and when we should expect you to finish the file you are
> adopting.
> I begin with myself and I adopt following files:
> Gnome-panel2
> https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/+source/gnome-panel/+pots/gnome-panel-2.0/ur/+translate
> and
> Gnome Applets
> https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/+source/gnome-applets/+pots/gnome-applets-2.0/ur/+translate
> Please reply to this message and let us know which package you are
> translating. We will hand out the remaining packages to Urdu Web Team
> where they are working on upstream Gnome translation.
> Noumaan
> --
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> Ubuntu-l10n-urd at lists.ubuntu.com
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