[உபுண்டு_தமிழ்]Ubuntu-l10n-tam Digest, Vol 33, Issue 11

கா. சேது | K. Sethu skhome at gmail.com
Tue Mar 24 05:43:16 GMT 2009

2009/3/24 balaji k s <ks_balaji11 at yahoo.com>
> .மன்னிக்கவும்.
> என்னால் உங்கள் மடலைப் படிக்க முடியவில்லை.
> கேள்விக்குறிகளாகவே  தெரிகின்றன.
> பாலாஜி.
> Sorry,
> I am not able to read your messages (below)
> I see only question marks.
> balaji.


You asked the same question last month.

Looking at the threads in February archive page for this list, at
 the first thread (subject tile : Fonts) on this started with your
first query,  and it was:
That had some 11 responses.

Then https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-l10n-tam/2009-February/001720.html
was your related post having subject title "Ubuntu-l10n-tam Digest,
Vol 32, Issue 5" (so because you had replied to posting of mine from
the digest but not edited the subject title to read as Re: Fonts).
This does not have any responses under same subject heading.

Similarly another - your post
. Under same suject title there were about 8 responses.

So there were some 22 postings of which 3 were yours. Subsequent to
last of those 3, there were responses from others, all in English. May
we know why you had not made any follow up questions then? Any access

Admitted majority of the responses did not have solution for you but
have you really read through them all?

If you had seen my posting :
you would have learnt that only a partial solution is available which
is to change your settings for the digest from the default Plain Text
Digest to MIME. It is partial because in the Topics section which
comes at the top of any digest, the problem does not get solved.
However  you could atleast read all the postings by members collected
below it. Have you tried it?

To be brief to effect that change:

1. Go to https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-l10n-tam page

2. Go to very bottom of the page and under section "Ubuntu-l10n-tam
Subscribers" in the bottom cage which has a button titled "Unsubscribe
or edit options" enter your email id with which you have subscribed to
this list and press that button

3. You are taken to a page with top section titled "Ubuntu-l10n-tam
list: member options for user " which identifies your email id after
user. There you enter your password. If you have never set up a
password or forgotten go to the bottom of the page and press "Remind"
button. You will get a password emailed to you. Copy that from email
and enter in this page and press Login button.

4. Now you will be in the page for configuration changes for your
subscription. Go to the section titled "Your Ubuntu-l10n-tam
Subscription Options" and for the cage titled "Get MIME or Plain Text
Digests?" choose "MIME" instead of "Plain text"

5. Then press the button titled "Submit My Changes" that is at the very bottom.

You can then exit and you should be able to read Tamil mail postings
inside the future digest posts (but not Topics list as I mentioned

Another alternative is to off the Digest mode (in the cage titled "Set
Digest Mode) then you will get  individual emails like most do. Is
there any particular reason you wish to continue with receiving Digest

I would appreciate if you try changing the Digest option to "MIME"
wait for the next digest to arrive and then give us a feedback and /
or further questions.


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