[உபுண்டு_தமிழ்] Methodology for translations..
shriramadhas at gmail.com
Mon Nov 6 09:40:16 GMT 2006
We would like to have to frame some methodolgy of Translations and put it to
concerned persons so that all the problems we discussed do not occur.
We will get their feedback. Please think of your plans and put forward.
The initial Reviewer - Translator methodology that i had put forward etc.,
Training of new comers, Tools for that.... etc.,
Co-ordinating with upstream... Preventing some one else from translating
already translated text... etc., We will have this as this week's discussion
agends.. Sunday I will compile the thoughts shared and send them to Ubuntu
People....Let it be generic and later it can be specific to Tamil...
ம. ஸ்ரீ ராமதாஸ்.
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