No subject
Thu Aug 10 23:56:37 BST 2006
Rosetta before 12th October will be used in Edgy
(NonLanguagePackTranslationDeadline) the installer is not using language
packs, that means that you should have most of it ready at that time to
have it translated for Edgy.
If you translate the .po files directly using KBabel or any other
desktop editor instead of Rosetta, remember to upload your files before
that timeline or your translations will not be included.
> Well, both distributions need translations, we are going to
> provide
> language pack updates for Dapper for the next 4 years and a
> half so your
> work there will not be wasted so it's up to you to decide
> which one
> should you focus on.
> if i do edgy, is there a backward integration?
Well, right now, there is a kind of integration both ways, but requires
you to 'approve' those translations, we show them as 'suggestions'.
> i see there is a forward integration. from dapper to edgy.
Yeah, I guess we will run it before Edgy release, but I need to agree
some technical details first to know that date.
> but some packages change and so the files for edgy may become
> incomplete.
Sure, so you would need to translate those new strings in Edgy.
If you do Dapper translations and then go to Edgy, you will see your
translations from Dapper as suggestions in Edgy.
We are going to implement a way that allows you to apply a translation
to Dapper and also to any other distro release if it also applies there,
but I don't think it would happen before Edgy release.
> regards
> tv
> --
Carlos Perell=F3 Mar=EDn
Ubuntu =3D>
mailto:carlos.perello at
Alicante - Spain
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hi friends,<br>forwarding a mail that i sent over to ubuntu people and some=
one responded and replied very fast to further queries.<br>read the mail a=
nd you will understand.<br>and so there is a deadline to work for:<br>oct 1=
2th so that most of the important files are done before that for use in edg=
<br>please hurry up!<br><br>tv<br><br>---------- Forwarded message --------=
--<br><span class=3D"gmail_quote">From: <b class=3D"gmail_sendername">Carlo=
s Perell=F3 Mar=EDn</b> <<a href=3D"mailto:carlos.perello at"=
>carlos.perello at
</a>><br>Date: Sep 18, 2006 2:33 PM<br>Subject: Re: ?<br>To: Tirumurti V=
asudevan <<a href=3D"mailto:agnihot3 at">agnihot3 at</a>&g=
t;<br>Cc: rosetta <<a href=3D"mailto:rosetta at">rosetta at laun=
</a>><br><br></span>El lun, 18-09-2006 a las 14:07 +0530, Tirumurti Vasu=
devan escribi=F3:<br>> hello mr. carlos!<br><br>Hi<br><br>> so kind o=
f you to respond so fast!<br>><br>> On 9/18/06, Carlos Perell=F3 Mar=
=EDn <
<a href=3D"mailto:carlos.perello at">carlos.perello at
m</a>> wrote:<br>> El=
lun, 18-09-2006 a las 13:45 +0530, Tirumurti Vasudevan<br>> =
escribi=F3:<br>> &=
nbsp; > hello mr. carlos!
<br>><br>> Well, we a=
re working on the search functionality, but right<br>> =
now, you<br>> &nbs=
p; should look them that way. Anyway, you also have a bit=
of<br>> context based<b=
r>> on the application w=
here you see the missing translation.
<br>><br>> ok<br>><br>><br>> &n=
bsp; > more over this installer is not listed among the firs=
t few<br>> that are<br>&=
gt; > supposed to be imp=
ortant -which in my humble opinion should
<br>> be.<br>><br>>=
; Well, the installer is no=
t so important because it's not being<br>> =
updated<br>>  =
; with those translations, but the applications are. That's the<br>&g=
t; reason we
<br>> give high priority=
to the other packages for dapper. In Edgy<br>> &=
nbsp; is not the<br>> &nb=
sp; same situation because it's not yet released.<br>><br>&g=
t; since there is no installer at all in the first place in my language
<br>> it becomes priority to us!<br><br>I see. The main problem with Dap=
per's installer is that your translation<br>will not be used until a new po=
int release is done (6.06.1 was one of<br>those point releases I guess ther=
e will be another one at some point in
<br>the future, but Edgy will be released before that happens, so for the<b=
r>Debian Installer part, you should focus on Edgy).<br><br>><br>> any=
way got a reply saying it is the debian installer from the<br>> translat=
ors forum.
<br>> that is right?<br>> got the link too and down;loaded.<br><br>I =
don't know the URL they gave you. The translations we use for the<br>instal=
ler are:<br><br>Dapper:<br><a href=3D"
debian-installer</a><br><br>Edgy:<br><a href=3D"
</a><br><br>> if we hurry with the translation will it be included in ed=
gy?<br><br>From Edgy's release schedule<br>(<a href=3D"https://wiki.ubuntu.=
com/EdgyReleaseSchedule"></a>) a=
ny translation done in
<br>Rosetta before 12th October will be used in Edgy<br>(NonLanguagePackTra=
nslationDeadline) the installer is not using language<br>packs, that means =
that you should have most of it ready at that time to<br>have it translated=
for Edgy.
<br><br>If you translate the .po files directly using KBabel or any other<b=
r>desktop editor instead of Rosetta, remember to upload your files before<b=
r>that timeline or your translations will not be included.<br><br>><br>
> Well, both distributio=
ns need translations, we are going to<br>> =
provide<br>>  =
; language pack updates for Dapper for the next 4 years and a<br>>=
half so your<br>> =
work there will not be wasted so=
it's up to you to decide
<br>> which one<br>>&=
nbsp; should you focus on.<br>>=
;<br>> if i do edgy, is there a backward integration?<br><br>Well, right=
now, there is a kind of integration both ways, but requires<br>you to 'app=
rove' those translations, we show them as 'suggestions'.
<br><br>> i see there is a forward integration. from dapper t=
o edgy.<br><br>Yeah, I guess we will run it before Edgy release, but I need=
to agree<br>some technical details first to know that date.<br><br>> bu=
t some packages change and so the files for edgy may become
<br>> incomplete.<br><br>Sure, so you would need to translate those new =
strings in Edgy.<br><br>If you do Dapper translations and then go to Edgy, =
you will see your<br>translations from Dapper as suggestions in Edgy.<br>
<br>We are going to implement a way that allows you to apply a translation<=
br>to Dapper and also to any other distro release if it also applies there,=
<br>but I don't think it would happen before Edgy release.<br><br>Cheers.
<br><br>> regards<br>> tv<br>><br>><br>><br>><br>> --<=
br>> BE HAPPY! LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO BE UNHAPPY!<br>--<br>Carlos Perell=
=F3 Mar=EDn<br>Ubuntu =3D> <a href=3D"">http://www.=
</a><br>mailto:<a href=3D"mailto:carlos.perello at">carlos.perel=
lo at</a><br><a href=3D"">http://carlos.p=</a><br>Alicante - Spain<br><br><br><br clear=3D"all"><br>-- <br>BE=
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