Tamil technical dictionary

Vijay Veeraraghavan vijay.raghavan08 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 8 06:53:47 BST 2006

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A-D - Analog-to-Digital -????? ?????: ???-??? ??
abacus - ????????
abbreviated addressing - ???? ????? ???
abend - ?????? ???
abort - ??????
abscissa - ????????
absolute address - ??? ?????
absolute coding - ???? ???????????
absolute movement - ??? ????
acceptance test - ???? ??????
access - ?????, ????
access arm - ??? ??
access code - ??? ???????????
access mechanism - ???? ????????
access method - ??? ???
access time - ??? ????
accessory - ??? ????
accumulator - ?????, ??????
accuracy - ??????
ACK - Acknowledge -????? ?????: ?? ???????
acoustic coupler - ???????? ?????
acoustical sound enclosure- ????????? ???? ???
action - ????
action entry - ???? ????
action oriented management report- ?????????
????? ??????
action statement - ???? ???
action stub - ???? ??
active cell - ??? ???
active file - ????? ?????
activity - ???????
activity ratio - ???????? ??????
ACU - Automatic Calling Unit -????? ?????: ????
??? ?????? ?????
Ada - ???: ?? ????????? ?????
adaptor - ???????
adaptor board - ??????? ????
adaptor card - ?????? ????
adaptive system - ?????? ?????
add time - ???? ????
add-in - ????
add-on - ??? ????
adder - ???
adding wheel - ???? ?????
addition record - ???? ??
address - ?????
address bus - ?????? ?????
address decoder - ?????? ??????
address modification - ????? ?????
address space - ?????? ???
address translation - ?????? ??????
addressing - ?????????
adjacent matrix - ???? ???
administrative data processing- ??????? ????
ADP - Automatic Data Processing -????? ?????:
??????? ???? ????????
Advanced BASIC - ??? ?????: ?? ????????? ?????
AI - Artificial Intelligence -????? ?????:
?????? ??????
AL - ?????? ?????
algebra of logic - ??? ??????? (?) ???? ???????
ALGOL - ALGOrithmic Language -????? ?????; ????
?: ?? ????????? ?????
algorithm - ???????
algorithmic language - ????????? ?????
alias - ????? ????
aligning disk - ??? ???
aligning edge - ??? ??????
alignment - ???
allocation - ??????
alpha testing - ??????? ??????
alphabetic string - ????? ???
alphameric - ???????
alphanumeric - ???? alphameric
alphanumeric display terminal- ???????? ?????
alphanumeric sort - ??????? ??????????
ALU - Arithmetic Logic Unit -????? ?????: ????
??? ???
ambient condition - ??? ????
ambient temperature - ??? ????????
amplifier - ??????, ???????
analog - ?????
analog computer - ????? ?????????
analog input system - ???? ?????? ?????
analog model - ?????? ????
analog representation - ????? ???????
analog signal - ?????? ?????
analog transmission - ????? ??? ??????
analog-to-digital converter- ???-??? ?????
analogical reasoning - ????? ?????
analyst - ??????
analytical engine - ????? ?????
AND gate - ???? ?????
animation - ???????
annotation symbol - ?????? ??????
answer/originate - ???????/??????
answer mode - ???? ????
anti aliasing - ?????? ??????
anti static mat - ??????? ????? ???
antidote - ???????
aperture card - ???? ????
APL - A Programming Language -????? ?????: ??
????????? ?????
appearance - ??????
append - ????????, ??????
application - ??????
application oriented language- ???????? ?????
applications programmer- ??????? ?????
applications programming- ??????? ????????
applications programs - ??????? ??????
applications software - ??????? ????????
applied mathematics - ???????? ?????
apprentice - ?????
approximation - ???????
APT - Automatically Programmed Tools -?????
????? ?????? ???????? ?????
architecture - ???????
archive - ???? ??????
area search - ?????? ????
argument - ???? ????
arithmetic - ???????
arithmetic expression - ??????? ?????
arithmetic logic unit - ?????? ??? ???, ????:
arithmetic operation - ?????? ????
arithmetic operator - ?????? ????????
arithmetic shift - ?????? ?????????
arithmetic unit - ?????????
array - ?????, ???
array processor - ???? ??????
arrival rate - ???? ????
arrow key(direction key) - ????? ????
artificial intelligence - ?????? ??????
artificial network - ?????? ????????
ascender - ?????
ascending order - ?????
ASCII - American national Standard Code for
Information Interchange -?????
aspect card - ?????? ????
aspect ratio - ??? ??????
ASR - Automatic Send/Receive -????? ?????: ????
??? ????/???
assemble - ????
assembler - ???????????????
assembler directive - ?????????
assembly - ??????
assembly language - ????? ?????
assembly listing - ??????? ???
assignment statement - ???????? ???, ?????? ???
associative storage - ?????? ???????
asterisk - ??????
asynchronous - ????????
asynchronous communication- ????????? ??????
asynchronous computer - ????????? ?????????
asynchronous input - ???????? ?????
asynchronous transmission- ????????? ??????
atomic - ??????
attenuation - ?????
attribute - ???
audio - ??????
audio cassette - ???? ????
audio device - ?????? ?????
audio output - ?????? ???????
audio response device - ??????? ?????
audiovisual - ????????
audit trail - ??????? ???
author language - ???????? ?????
authoring system - ???????? ?????
authorisation - ???????
authorised program - ??????? ????
author - ?????, ???????
auto chart - ??????? ????
auto dial - ??????? ???????????
auto indexing - ???????? ????
auto polling - ???????? ????
auto-answer - ??????? ?????????
auto-load - ??????? ????
auto-redial - ??????? ????????
auto-repeat - ??????? ???????
auto-restart - ??????? ??????????
automata - ??????? ????????
automated data processing- ???????? ??? ?????
automated flow chart - ???????? ???????? ???
automatic - ???????
automatic carriage - ??????? ????
automatic check - ???????? ????????
automatic coding - ???????? ???????????
automatic controller - ???????? ?????????
automatic digital network- ??????? ???
automatic error correction- ??????? ??????????
automatic message switching- ???????? ????? ??
automatic quality control- ???????? ??? ???????
automatic shutdown - ???????? ?????????
automatic teller machine - ???????? ??????? ????
automation - ??????? ???
automonitor - ???????? ????????
autopilot - ??????? ????
autoscore - ??????? ?????????
auxiliary equipment - ???? ????
auxiliary function - ???? ??????
auxiliary memory - ??? ???????
auxiliary operation - ???? ???????
auxiliary storage - ???? ??????
availability - ???????
available time - ?????? ????
average search length - ??????? ??? ????
axes - ?????
B-tree - B-???
babble - ???????
back panel - ?????? ????
back plane - ??????
back space - ??? ????
back tracking - ????????
background - ??????
background color - ?????? ????
background job - ??????? ???
background noise - ?????? ?????
background processing - ??????? ????????
background program - ?????? ????
backing store - ????? ??????
backing up - ???? ?????
backup - ????
backup copy - ???? ???
backvolume - ??????????
backward chaining - ????????? ??????????
backward read - ???????? ??????
bad sector - ???? ????
ball printer - ????? ?????????
band - ????????, ???
band printer - ???? ?????????
band width - ???? ????
banked memory - ?????? ????
bar chart - ???? ??????
bar code - ????? ??????
bar printer - ???? ?????????
bar-code scanner - ????? ?????? ???
bare board - ????? ????
base - ?? ??
base 2 - ?? ?? 2 (??)
base 8 - ?? ?? 8 (???)
base 10 - ?? ?? 10 (?????)
base 16 - ?? ?? 16 (???????)
base address - ?? ?????
baseband transmission - ??? ?????? ??????
baseline document - ???????? ????
BASIC - Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction
Code -????? ?????:
?? ????????? ?????
basic linkage - ?????? ????
batch - ??????
batch processing - ??????? ????????
batch total - ??????? ????
Batten system - ????? ?????
battery backup - ???? ????? ????
baud - ??? (?? ???)
baudot code - ????? ??????
bebugging - ???? ???????
beep - ????
bench mark problems - ???????? ??????
bench mark tests - ????????? ????????
bench marking - ??????? ?????
beta testing - ????? ???? ??????
bias - ????, ????
bidirectional - ?????
bidirectional printer - ????? ???? ?????????
bifurcation - ???????
binary - ??
binary arithmetic - ??? ??????
binary code - ??? ??????
binary coded character - ??? ?????? ??
binary coded decimal(BCD)- ??? ?????? ??????
binary device - ?? ????? ?????
binary digit - ?? ????
binary file - ??? ?????
binary notation - ??? ???????
binary number - ?? ??
binary operation - ??? ???????
binary point - ??? ????
binary search - ???????? ????
binary system - ?? ?????
binary-to-decimal conversion- ?? ????? ?????
binary-to-gray code conversion - ??-????? ??????
binary-to-hexadecimal conversion- ??-??????? ??
binary-to-octal conversion- ??-??? ?????
binding time - ?????? ????
biochip - ?????? ????
bionics - ???? ?????????
BIOS - Basic Input/Output System -????? ?????:
?????? ?????-??????? ?????
bipolar - ????
bipolar read only memory- ????? ???? ???????
biquinary code - ??? ??????
bistable - ?????
bistable device - ?????? ?????
bit - ????, ????
bit control - ????? ???????
bit density - ???? ??????
bit image - ????? ????
bit manipulation - ????? ??????
bit map - ????? ???
bit mapped screen - ????? ???????
bit rate - ???? ????
bit slice processor - ????? ???? ??????
bit stream - ????? ????
bit test - ????? ??????
bit transfer rate - ????? ????? ????
bit twiddler - ????? ???????
BL - Blank -????? ?????: ??????
blackbox - ????? ????
blank - ?????, ?????????
blank character - ?????
blanking - ??????????
blind search - ????? ????
blinking - ???????
block - ????, ??????
block diagram - ??? ??????
block leader - ???????, ??????? ???????
block length - ?????? ????
block move - ??????? ???????
block sorting - ?????? ??????????
block structure - ??????? ???????
block transfer - ?????? ?????
blocking - ???????, ??????
blocking factor - ??????? ?????
blow up - ???? ????
board - ????
bold facing - ????????
bold printing - ???? ??????
book keeping - ???? ????
Boolean algebra - ????? ???????
Boolean expression - ????? ?????
Boolean operator - ????? ????????
boot - ????????
boot strapping - ???????
boot virus - ?????? ??? ????, ??????? ??? ????
bore - ???
borrow - ??????
BOT - Beginning Of Tape -????? ?????: ???????
bottleneck - ??
bottom-up technique - ????? ??????????
bound - ?????
brainwave interface - ?????? ?????
branch - ??????, ????
branch instruction - ?????????? ???
branch point - ?????????? ??
branching - ??????, ???????
bread board - ??????? ????
break - ?????
break key - ????? ????
break point - ?????? ????
brightness - ??????
broadband - ???? ????
broadcast - ?????
browser - ??????
browsing - ????????
brush - ?????
brute-force technique - ???? ??????
BSC - Binary Synchronous Communication -?????
?????: ?? ??????? ??????
BTAM - Basic Telecommunication Access Method -
????? ?????:
??????? ?????? ?????? ??????
bubble memory - ????? ???????
bubble sort - ????? ??????????
bucket sort - ??? ??????????
budget forecasting model- ?????? ?????????? ??
buffer - ?????
buffering - ???? ????
bug - ????
building block principle - ????? ????? ???????
built-in check - ?????? ?????????
bulk storage - ???? ??????
bulletin board - ??????? ????
bundle - ???
burn - ??????
burn-in - ?????? ??????
burning - ?????? ????
burst - ????
burst mode - ???? ?????
bus - ?????
bus system - ????? ?????
business application - ????? ??????
business graphics - ???? ???????
business-oriented language- ???? ????? ?????
bypass - ?????
bypass capacitor - ????? ????
byte - ????, ???
C - ?? ????????? ?????
cable - ???
cable connector - ??? ?????
cache memory - ????? ???????
CAD - Computer Aided Design -????? ?????
CAE - Computer Aided Engineering -????? ?????
CAI - Computer Assisted Instruction -?????
CAL - Computer Augmented Learning -????? ?????
calculating - ???????
calculations - ????????
calculator - ???????
calculator mode - ??????? ????
calibration - ????? ?????
call - ???, ?????
call instruction - ????? ???
calligraphic graphics - ?????? ???????
calling sequence - ????? ?????
CAM - Computer Aided Manufacturing -????? ?????
cancel - ????
canned software - ???? ????????
capacity - ????????
caps lock - ?????? ????? ???
capture(of data) - ?????(???)
carbon ribbon - ??? ????
card - ????
card deck - ????? ???
card feed - ???? ???
card punching - ????? ???????
card reader - ????? ?????
card sorting - ???? ??????????
card verification - ????? ????????
caret - ???
carriage - ????
carriage control key - ????? ????????? ????
carriage control tape - ????? ???????? ????
carriage motor - ???? ???????
carriage return (CR) - ???? ????
carrier frequency - ???? ??????
carry - ????, ????????
carry register - ???????? ??????
cartesian coordinate system- ?????? ?????
cartridge - ??????
cartridge tape - ????? ????
cascade connection - ????? ????
cascade control - ????? ???????
cascade sort - ????? ??????????
case logic - ??? ????
cashless society - ??????? ????
cassette - ????
cassette interface - ???? ?????
cassette recoder - ????? ?????
cassette tape - ???? ????
CAT - Computer Assisted Training -????? ?????
CAT - Computerized Axial Tomograph -????? ?????
cat eye - ???? ??
catalog - ????
cathode ray tube (CRT) - ???????? ????? ???
cell - ??????
center - ????, ????????
central information file - ???? ???? ?????
central processing unit (CPU)- ???? ??????
central processor - ???? ?????
centralized design - ???? ???????
centralized network configuration- ????
???????? ????
certification - ????????
chain - ????????????
chain field - ???????????? ???
chain printer - ?????? ?????????
chained files - ???????????? ???????
chained list - ???????????? ???
chaining - ??????? ??????
chaining search - ???????????? ????
channel - ???
channel adaptor - ??? ???????
channel capacity - ??? ??????, ??? ????????
character - ??
character checking - ??? ????????
character code - ??? ??????
character density - ?? ??????
character generator - ?? ????
character map - ?? ????????
character pitch - ?? ??????
character printer - ?? ?????????
character reader - ??? ?????
character recognition - ?? ?????
character set - ??? ???
character string - ??? ???
character template - ?? ???
characteristic - ??
charge - ???????
charge coupled device (CCD)- ??? ????? ?????
chart - ??????
chassis - ??? ?????
check bit - ????????? ????
check digits - ???????? ??????
check point - ???????????
check problem - ????????? ????
check sum - ????????? ?????
checkout - ???????? ????
chief programmer - ????? ?????
child - ???
chip - ????
chip family - ????? ?????
chop - ????
chroma - ?????
chromaticity - ???? ???????
chrominance - ???? ??????
churning - ?????
cipher - ??????, ???
circuit - ???
circuit board - ???? ????
circuit capacity - ???? ????
circuit card - ??? ????
circuit switching - ??? ???? ?????
circuitry - ???????
circular list - ??? ???
circular shift - ??? ???????
cladding - ???
classify - ????????
cleaning disk - ????? ???
clear - ???
clearing - ?????
click - ????, ????? ???
CLIP - Coded Language Information Processing -
????? ?????
clip art - ????? ???
clipboard - ?????? ????
clipping - ??? ?????, ????????
clobber - ??????
clock - ??????, ????
clock pulse - ?????? ????
clock rate - ?????? ???? ????
clock track - ?????? ???
clocking - ???? ??????
clone - ????, ???????
closed file - ??? ?????
closed loop - ??? ?????
closed routine - ??? ????
closed subroutine - ??? ???????
cluster controller - ?????? ?????????
clustered devices - ?????? ???????
clustering - ?????
CMOS - Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor -
????? ?????
coaxial cable - ??? ????? ???
COBOL - COmmon Business Oriented Laguage -?????
????????? ????????? ???
CODASYL - Conference On DAta SYstems and Languages
-????? ?????
code - ??????
code conversion - ?????? ?????
code levels - ?????? ??????
code set - ???? ???
coded decimal number - ?????? ????? ??
coder - ???????????
coding - ???????????
coding form - ??????????? ????
coding sheet - ??????????? ???
coercion - ????? ?????
COGO - CoOrdinate GeOmetry -????? ?????
coherence - ??????
cold boot - ?? ???????
cold fault - ?? ???
cold start - ?? ???????
collate - ????(??)
collating sort - ???? ??????????
collation sequence - ???? ?????
collator - ?????
collection - ??????
collector - ?????
collision - ?????
collision detection - ????? ???????
color burst signal - ???? ????? ?????
color camera - ??? ??????? ????
color coding - ???? ??????
color contrast - ??? ??????
color graphics - ??? ???????
color map - ??? ????????
color missing - ??? ???
color printer - ??? ?????????
column - ????????
column split - ????????? ??????
combination logic - ?????? ????
combinatorial explosion - ??????? ??????
combinatorics - ??????????
command - ?????, ???
command key - ?????? ????
command language - ????? ?????
command processing - ?????? ????????
command-chained memory- ?????? ?????? ?????
command-driven software- ????? ??? ????????
comment - ???????
common carrier - ??????????? ?????
common storage - ????? ??????
communicating - ?????? ??????
communication - ??????
communications channel- ??????? ???
communications control unit- ??????? ??????????
communications link - ?????? ????
communications processor- ??????? ??????
communications protocol- ?????? ??????
communications satellite- ??????? ???????????
communications server - ??????? ??????
communications software- ?????? ????????
communications system - ?????? ?????
compaction - ??????
comparative sort - ?????? ??????????
comparator - ????????
compare - ?????
comparison - ?????
compatibility - ???
compatible - ??????
compatible software - ????? ????????
compilation - ???????
compilation time - ?????? ????
compile - ????
compile time - ?????? ????
compile-and-go - ?????? ???
compiler - ???????
compiler language - ?????? ?????
compiler program - ?????? ????
compiling - ???????
complement - ?????
complement notation - ????? ???
complementary MOS - ????? ????? ????? ????????
completeness check - ????? ????????
component - ????, ??
composite - ???
composite card - ??? ????
composite symbol - ???? ??????
composite video - ??? ??????????
compound statement - ???? ???
CompuServe - ???? ????
computability - ????? ????
computation - ?????
compute-bound - ????? ???
computed tomographic - ????: CAT
computer - ?????????
computer aided design - ????????? ??? ???????
computer aided manufacturing - ????????? ???
computer architecture - ?????????? ???????
computer art - ????????????? ???
computer artist - ?????????? ?????
computer assisted diagnosis- ????????????? ?????
computer assisted instruction- ????????????? ????
computer augmented learning- ????????? ??????
?? ????
computer awarness - ????????? ?????????
computer based learning- ????????? ????????
computer classification - ????????? ???????
computer code - ????????? ????
computer conference - ???????????? ?????
computer control console- ?????????? ????????
computer crime - ????????????? ????
computer enclosure - ?????????? ??
computer flicks - ?????????? ??????????
computer game - ????????? ????????
computer graphicist - ????????? ?????
computer graphics - ????????? ???????
computer industry - ?????????? ?????????
computer information system- ?????????? ????
computer integrated - ????????? ????????
manufacturing ??????
computer interface unit - ????????? ????????
computer jargon - ?????????? ???????
computer kit - ?????? ?????????
computer literacy - ????????? ????
computer managed instruction- ????????? ?????
computer music - ????????? ??
computer network - ????????? ????????
computer nik - ?????????? ?????
computer numerical control- ????????? ??????
computer operations - ???????????? ?????????
computer operator - ????????? ????
computer process - ?????????? ????
control system ???????? ?????
computer processing cycle- ?????????? ???? ?????
computer program - ????????? ????
computer programmer - ????????? ?????
computer revolution - ?????????? ?????
computer science - ????????? ???????
computer security - ?????????? ????
computer simulation - ?????????? ?????
computer specialist - ????????? ?????
computer system - ????????? ?????
computer user - ?????????? ????
computer utility - ?????????? ???????
computer vendor - ????????? ??????????
computer word - ?????????? ????
computer-aided design - ??????????? ???????
computer-aided manufacturing- ??????????? ??????
computer-on-a-chip - ???????? ?????????
computerese - ????????????? ???????
computerization - ????????????????
computerized axial tomography- ??????????? ???
???????? ?????
computerized database - ?????????? ???????
computerized mail - ????????? ????
computer phobia - ????????? ????
computing - ?????
concatenate - ????, ???
concatenated data set - ????? ???? ???
concatenated key - ????? ????
concatenation - ???????? ????, ???????
concentrator - ??????????
conceptual tool - ?????? ????
concordance - ???? ????
concurrent - ???????
concurrent processing - ??????? ???????
concurrent program execution- ??????? ????????
concurrent programming- ??????? ????????
condition - ???????, ????
condition code - ???????? ??????
condition entry - ???????? ????
condition stub - ??????? ????
conditional branching - ???????? ?????
conditional expression - ???????? ?????
conditional jump instruction- ???????? ????
conditional paging - ???????? ????????
conditional statement - ???????? ???
conditional transfer - ?????????? ?????
conditioning - ???????
confidentiality - ????
configuration - ????
configuration management- ?????? ???????
configure - ??????
connect time - ???? ????
connected graph - ???? ?????
connecting cable - ???? ???
connection matrix - ???? ???
connector - ?????
connector symbol - ????? ??????
consecutive - ???????
consistency check - ???? ????????
console - ???????? ?????
console operator - ???????? ???? ????
console printer - ???? ?????????
constant - ??????
constraint - ????
consultant - ???????
content-addressable memory- ????-???? ???????
contention - ???
contents directory - ???????? ????
context sensitive help key- ??? ??? ????? ????
contiguous - ??????, ???????
contiguous data structure- ?????? ???? ???????
contingency plan - ?????? ?????????? ?????
continuation card - ????? ????
continuation forms - ????? ??????
continuous processing - ????? ????????
continuous scrolling - ????? ????
continuous tone image - ????? ???? ???
contour analysis - ??????? ???????
contouring - ???????????
contrast - ??????
contrast enhancement - ???????? ??????????
control block - ????????? ??????
control break - ???????? ?????
control bus - ????????? ?????
control cards - ???????? ??????
control character - ???????? ??
control circuit - ????????? ???
control data - ????????? ???
control field - ????????? ???
control key - ????????? ????
control logic - ???????? ????
control panel - ????????? ????
control program - ???????? ????
control punch - ????????? ???
control section - ????????? ?????
control sequence - ???????? ?????
control signal - ????????? ?????
control statement - ????????? ???
control station - ???????? ??????
control structures - ???????? ???????
control total - ????????? ?????
control unit - ??????????
control words - ????????? ??????
controlled variable - ??????? ????
controller - ?????????
controls - ?????????
convention - ???
conversational - ???????
conversational interaction- ?????? ????????
conversational mode - ?????? ?????
conversational operation- ?????? ????
conversion - ?????
conversion table - ???? ??????
convert - ????
converter - ?????
cookbook - ???? ?????
coordinate indexing - ?????? ????
coordinate paper - ??? ???????
coordinates - ??? ????????
coprocessor - ??? ??????
copy - ???
copy holder - ??? ?????
copy protection - ??? ????
core storage - ????? ??????
corner cut - ??? ????
coroutine - ??????
corporate model - ?????? ????
corrective maintenance - ?????? ????
correspondence quality - ??? ???
cost analysis - ???? ???????
cost benefit analysis - ???? ??? ???????
cost effectiveness - ???? ???????
costing - ????????
count - ????
counter - ????
counting loop - ??? ?????
coupling - ??????
courseware - ???????
crash - ????
crash conversion - ????? ?????
Cray - ????? ??? ?????????
create - ??? (?????)
critical path - ???? ????
cross hairs - ???????
cross talk - ????? ????
cross-assembler - ???? ???????????????
cross-assembling - ???? ???????????????
cross-check - ????? ????????
cross-compiler - ???? ???????
cross-compiling - ???? ???????
cross-footing check - ???????? ????????
cross-reference dictionary- ????-??????? ??????
cross hatching - ????? ??????
crunching - ?????
cryoelectronic storage - ??????? ?????? ??????
cryogenics - ???????????
cryosar - ??????? ?????????
cryptanalysis - ???????? ???????
cryptographic techniques- ??????? ????
cryptography - ?????????
crystal - ????
cue - ????: call
current - ?????????
current awareness system- ????? ???????? ?????
current location counter - ???? ????? ????
current loop - ????????? ????
current mode logic(CML)- ???????? ????? ????
current position - ???? ????, ???????? ??
cursive scanning - ??? ????
cursor - ???
cursor control - ???? ???????
cursor key - ???? ????
cursor tracking - ??? ??? ??????
curve fitting - ?????????? ???????
custodian - ?????????
custom IC - ??????? ?????????? ???
custom software - ??????? ????????
customize - ??????????
customized form letters - ??????? ???? ????
cut - ????
cut form - ????? ????
cut-and-paste - ???? ???
cut-sheet feeder - ???????? ???
cutter path - ????? ????
cyan - ???????? (?????)
cybernetics - ?????????
cycle - ?????
cycle code - ?????? ??????
cycle stealing - ?????? ?????
cycle time - ????? ????
cyclic redundancy check(CRC)- ????? ???? ????????
cyclic shift - ??? ???????, ??? ????
cylinder - ????
cylinder method - ???? ???
cypher - ??????????
DA - Direct Access -????? ?????: ??? ????
D/A - Digital-to-Analog -????? ?????: ???-?????
???? ?????
D/A converter - ???-????? ?????
daisy chain - ?????? ??????
daisy wheel - ?????? ?????
daisy wheel printer - ?????? ???? ?????????
dark bulb - ???????
darkness - ???
DASD - Direct Access Storage Device -????? ?????:
??? ???? ???? ?????
DAT - Dynamic Address Translation -????? ?????: -
??????? ?????? ?????
data - ???
data acquisition - ??? ????
data administrator - ??? ???????
data aggregate - ???? ?????
data bank - ??? ????
data base - ???? ???
data base administrator - ???? ?? ???????
data base analyst - ???? ??? ????????
data base environment - ???? ??? ???
data base management system - ???? ?? ?????
data base manager - ???? ?? ??????
data base packages - ???? ??? ????????
data base specialist - ???? ?? ?????
data bus - ???? ?????
data byte - ??? ???, ??? ???
data capturing - ???? ?????
data catalog - ??? ????????
data cell - ???? ??????
data center - ??? ????
data chaining - ??? ???????????
data channel - ???? ???
data clerk - ??? ?????
data collection - ??? ??????
data communication - ???? ??????
data communications equipment- ???? ??????? ????
data communications system- ???? ?????? ?????
data compression - ??? ??????
data concentration - ???? ?????
data control section - ???? ????????? ?????
data conversion - ??? ????????
data definition - ??? ??????
data definition language(DDL)- ??? ?????? ?????
data description language(DDL) - ??? ??????? ?????
data dictionary - ??? ??????
data diddling - ??? ???????????
data directory - ??? ????
data division - ???? ????
data editing - ???? ???????
data element - ??? ????
data encryption - ??? ???? ??????????
data encryption standard- ??? ????????????
data entry - ???? ????, ??? ?????
data entry device - ???? ????? ?????,
??? ??????? ?????
data entry operator - ??? ?????????
data entry specialist - ???? ???? ?????
data export - ??? ??????
data field - ???? ???
data field masking - ?????? ?????
data file - ???? ?????
data file processing - ???? ?????? ????????
data flow - ???? ????
data flow analysis - ???? ???? ???????
data flow diagram - ???? ????? ???
data gathering - ??? ???????
data import - ??? ??????
data independence - ???? ????????
data integrity - ??? ???????
Data Interchange Format(DIF)- ???? ???????? ????
data item - ??? ?????
data leakage - ??? ????
data librarian - ??? ????
data link - ??? ????
data logging - ??? ?????
data management - ??? ???????
data management system- ??? ????? ?????
data manipulation - ??? ??????
data manipulation language- ??? ?????? ?????
data medium - ??? ????
data model - ???? ????
data movement time - ??? ????????? ????
data name - ???? ????
data origination - ??? ???????
data packet - ???? ???????
data point - ???? ????
data preparation - ??? ???????
data preparation device - ??? ???????? ?????
data processing - ??? ????????
data processing center - ??? ??????? ????
data processing curriculum- ??? ???????? ??????
data processing cycle - ??? ???????? ???
data processing management- ??? ??????? ????
data processing manager- ??? ??????? ??????
data processing system - ??? ??????? ?????
data processing technology- ??? ???????? ?????
data processor - ??? ??????
data protection - ???? ????
data rate - ??? ????
data record - ???? ??????
data reduction - ???? ?????
data security - ???? ???????
data set - ???? ???
data sharing - ???? ?????
data sheet - ???? ???
data sink - ??? ??
data source - ??? ???
data storage device - ??? ????? ?????
data storage techniques- ??? ???? ??????
data stream - ??? ???
data structure - ???? ???????
data tablet - ???? ????
data terminal - ??? ?????
data transfer operations - ??? ??????
data transfer rate - ??? ????? ????
data transmission - ??? ??????
data type - ??? ???
data validation - ??? ??????? ??????
data value - ??? ?????
data word - ???? ????
data word size - ???? ???? ????
datum - ??? ?????
daughter board - ??? ????
DBMS - Data Base Management System -????? ?????:
???? ?? ????? ?????
DC - Data Conversion -????? ?????: ??? ?????
DCTL - Direct Coupled Transister Logic -?????
???? ???? ????????? ????
DDD - Direct Distance Dialing -????? ?????: ??
??? ????? ?????
DDL - Data Discription Language -????? ?????:
??? ??????? ?????
dead halt - ?? ??????
dead letter box - ???? ??? ????
dead lock - ???? ????
deallocation - ???????
debit card - ??? ????
deblocking - ?????
debounce - ?? ????? ????
debug - ???? ????
debugger - ???? ?????
debugging aids - ???? ????? ???????
decatenate - ????? ??????
deceleration time - ???? ????
decimal - ??????
decimal code - ?????? ??????
decimal digit - ????? ????
decimal number - ????? ??, ??? ??
decimal point - ?????? ????, ???? ????
decimal system - ????? ???, ??? ???
decimal to binary conversion- ?????-?? ?????
decimal to hexadecimal conversion- ?????-??????
decimal to octal conversion- ?????-??? ?????
decision - ???
decision instruction - ?????? ?????
decision structure - ?????? ???????
decision symbol - ?????? ??????
decision table - ?????? ??????
decision theory - ?????? ???????
decision tree - ?????? ???
deck - ???
declaration statement - ???????? ???
decode - ?????? ?????
decoder - ?????? ?????
decollate - ??? ???????
decrement - ???????
decryption - ?????? ?????
dedicated - ???????
dedicated computer - ??????? ?????????
dedicated word processor- ??????? ???????????
default - ?????????
default???????? - ????????? ????
default value - ????????? ?????
deferred address - ????? ?????
deferred entry - ???????? ????
deferred exit - ???????? ?????????
definite iteration - ???????? ????? ?????
degausser - ??????? ?????
degradation - ????????
deinstall - ?????
dejagging - ????? ?????
delay circuit - ????? ???, ????? ???
delay line storage - ????? ???? ??????, ?????
???? ??????
delete - ????
deletion record - ????? ??????
delimit - ???????
delimiter - ????? ???
delivery - ?????
demagnetization - ???? ?????
demand paging - ????? ????????
demand report - ????? ??????
demodulation - ??????????
demount - ?????
demultiplexer - ??????????
dense binary code - ??? ??? ??????
dense list - ??? ???
density - ??????
dependency - ????
depth queuing - ????????? ?????????
deque - ????? ????
descender - ????
descending order - ??? ?????
descriptive statistics - ??????? ????????
descriptor - ??????? ????
design aids - ???????? ???????
design automation - ??????? ???????
design costs - ???????? ??????
design cycle - ???????? ???
design engineer - ???????? ?????????
design heuristics - ?????? ??????? ?????
design language - ??????? ?????
design phase - ???????? ????
design review - ??????? ????????
design specifications - ???????? ?????????
desk checking - ?????? ????????
desk top computer - ????? ?????????
desk top publishing - ????? ?????
destination - ???????
destructive operation - ??????? ????
destructive read - ??????? ?????
detachable keyboard - ???? ????? ????
detail - ?????
detail diagram - ???? ??????
detail file - ????? ?????
detail flow chart - ???? ???? ???
detail printing - ???? ??????
detail report - ???????? ??????
detection - ?????????
determinisitic model - ????????? ????
development support library- ?????? ???? ????
development system - ?????? ?????
development time - ?????? ????
development tools - ??????? ??????
device - ?????
device cluster - ????? ?????
device code - ????? ??????
device dependent - ????? ?????
device flag - ????? ????
device media control language- ???? ???? ??????
?? ?????
diagnosis - ????????
diagnostic routine - ???????? ???????
diagnostics - ??? ???????
dial-up - ???, ????
dial-up line - ????? ???
dialect - ???? ?????
dialog - ???????
dibit - ? ????
dichotomising search - ? ????? ????
dictionary program - ?????? ????
diddle - ???? ?????
DIF - Data Interchange Format -????? ?????: ???
???????? ????
diffusion - ?????
digit - ????
digit place - ??? ??
digit punching place - ???? ??????? ??
digital - ??????
digital audio tape - ?????? ??? ????
digital communication - ?????? ??????????
digital computer - ?????? ?????????
digital control - ?????? ???????
digital data - ?????? ???
digital plotter - ?????? ?????
digital recording - ?????? ????
digital repeater - ?????? ??????
digital signal - ??????? ?????
digital sorting - ?????? ??????????
digital speech - ?????? ????
digital-to-analog converter- ???-????? ?????
digital transmission - ?????? ??????
digitise - ???????
digitiser - ????????
digitising - ????????
digitising tablet - ??????? ????
dimension - ???????
diode - ??????
diode transistor logic - ?????? ??????? ????
DIP - Dual Inline Package -????? ?????
DIP switches - ?? ???????????
direct access - ???? ????
direct access processing- ???? ??? ????????
direct access storage device- ???? ??? ????? ??
direct address - ???? ?????
direct connect modem - ???? ???? ?????
direct conversation - ???? ?????
direct coupled transistor logic - ???? ????? ????
???? ????
direct data entry - ????? ???? ????
direct distance dialing - ????? ???????? ?????
direct processing - ????? ????????
direct recovery plan - ???? ????? ?????
directory - ????
disable - ????
disassembler - ????????????? ??????????????
disaster dump - ????? ??????
disclaimer - ?????? ????
discrete - ????????, ?????
discrete component - ???????? ????, ????? ????
disk - ???
disk access time - ??? ??? ????
disk buffer - ??? ?????
disk change - ??? ????
disk change sensor - ??? ???? ????
disk controller card - ???? ???????? ????
disk copying - ???? ??????
disk crash - ??? ???
disk drive - ??? ????
disk duplication - ??? ???????
disk envelope - ??? ???
disk file - ???? ?????
disk jacket - ???? ????????
disk library - ??? ????
disk memory - ??? ???????
disk operating system - ??? ??? ?????
disk pack - ??? ????
disk partition - ???? ????????
disk sector - ???? ????
disk unit enclosure - ???? ???
diskette - ???
diskette tray - ???? ????
dispatch - ??? ?????, ??????
dispatching priority - ??? ???????
dispersed data processing- ?????? ???? ????????
dispersed intelligence - ?????? ?????????
displacement - ???????
display - ????????
display adaptor - ????? ????? ????
display background - ?????? ??????
display console - ???????? ????? ?????
display cycle - ????? ???????
display device - ?????? ?????
display foreground - ????? ?????
display highlighting - ???????? ????????
display image - ?????? ????
display menu - ????? ???????
display surface - ?????? ????
display terminal - ????? ?????
display tolerance - ?????? ??????
display type - ????? ???
display unit - ????? ???
distortion - ?????
distributed data base - ????? ???? ???
distributed data processing- ????? ???? ????????
distributed design - ????? ???????
distributed information - ????? ???? ???????
processing system ?????
distributed network - ????? ????????
distributed sort - ????? ??????????
disturbance - ?????
dithering - ???????? ??????
division check - ????? ????????
DMA - Direct Memory Access -????? ?????: ???? ??
???? ????
DML - Data Manipulation Language -????? ?????:
??? ????? ?????
DNC - Direct Numerical Control -????? ?????: ??
?? ????? ???????
do until - ??? ??? ???
do while - ???? ??? ???
DOA - Dead On Arrival -????? ?????: ???????????
document - ????
document reader - ???? ??????
document retrieval - ??? ????
documentation - ????????
documentation aids - ???????? ???????
documentor - ????????
domain - ???
domain knowledge - ?? ????
domain tip - ?? ???
dopant - ???
doping - ??? ????
doping vector - ??? ???
DOS - Disk Operating System -????? ?????: ??? -
??? ?????
dot commands - ????? ?????
dot matrix - ???? ???
dot matrix printer - ???? ??? ?????????
dot pitch - ???? ??????
double buffering - ???? ????? ???
double click - ???? ???????
double dabble - ?????-???? ?????
double density - ???? ??????
double precision - ???? ???????
double punch - ????? ???
double sided disk - ???? ???
double striking - ????? ????
doubly linked list - ???? ????? ???
down - ???????? ????
down line processor - ???????? ??????
down load - ??? ????
down time - ???????? ????
downward compatible - ???????? ???????
draft mode - ???? ?????
draft quality - ????? ???
drag - ?
dragging - ????
drain - ?????
DRAM - Dynamic Random Access Memory -????? ?????
drawing - ?????
drive - ????
drive number - ???? ??
driver - ??? ????
droid - ???? ??????
drop - ???? ???, ??? ????
drop dead halt - ???? ????
drop in - ?? ??????
drop out - ??? ??????
drum plotter - ???? ?????
drum printer - ???? ?????????
drum sorting - ??????? ??????????
drum storage - ????? ??????
dry plasma etching - ??? ????? ???????
dry run - ?????????
dual channel controller - ???? ?????????
dual in line package - ???? ???
dual intensity - ????? ?????
dual processors - ????? ??????
dual sided disk driver - ???? ??? ????
dumb terminal - ??? ?????
dummy argument - ???? ?????
dummy instruction - ???? ???
dummy module - ????? ??, ???? ????
dump - ?????
dumping - ??????
duplex - ????
duplex channel - ????? ???
duplexing - ???? ????????
duplication check - ?????? ???? ????????
dust cover - ?????? ???
Dvorak keyboard - ?????? ????? ????
dyadic - ? ???????
dyadic operation - ? ????
dynamic address translation- ??????? ????? ??
dynamic dump - ???????? ??????
dynamic operand - ??????? ???? ????
dynamic RAM - ???????
??? ??? ???????
dynamic relocation - ??????? ????? ?????
dynamic scheduling - ??????? ?????????
dynamic simulation language- ??????? ????? ???
dynamic storage - ???????? ??????
dynamic storage allocation- ???????? ????? ????
dynamics - ???????
EAM - Electronic Accounting Machine -?????
?????: ?????? ????? ????? ?????
EAROM - Electically Alterable Read Only Memory -
????? ?????:
???????????? ???????? ???? ???????
easy writer - ???? ?????? ???????????? ???
eavesdropping - ?????????
EBAM - Electron Beam Addressed Memory -?????
?????? ??????? ??? ???????
echo - ????????
echo check - ???????? ????????
ECOM - Electronic Computer Originated Mail -?????
?????? ???????????? ????
edge - ??????
edge card - ?????? ????
edge connector - ?????? ??????
edit - ?????, ??????
edit line - ????? ???
edit mode - ????? ????
editing - ?????????
editor - ???????
EDP - Electronic Data Processing -????? ?????
EEPROM - Electrically Erasable Programmable Read
Only Memory -????? ?????:
???????????? ???????? ???? ???????
EFT - Electronic Fund Transfer -????? ?????
eight bit chip - ???? ????? ????
electro mechanical - ??? ?????
electro sensitive paper - ?????? ???
electro sensitive printer - ?????? ?????????
electro static printer - ??????? ?????????(?????)
electro thermal printer - ??????? ?????????
electron beam deflection system - ?????? ????
????? ?????
electronic bulletin board - ????? ??????? ????
electronic cottage - ?????? ???
electronic data processing- ?????? ???? ?????
electronic filing - ?????? ????????
electronic fund transfer - ????? ???? ?????
electronic journal - ?????? ??????
electronic magazine - ????? ??
electronic mail - ??? ????
electronic music - ??? ??
electronic office - ??? ??????
electronic pen - ??? ????
electronic power supply - ??? ???? ?????
electronic publishing - ??? ?????
electronic tablet - ?????? ????
element - ????
elementary diagram - ???? ??????
ELIZA - ?? ????????
ellipse - ???????
E-mail - ???????
embedded command - ????????? ???
embedded system - ????????? ?????
embedding - ??????????
empty string - ????????
emulation - ??????
emulator - ??????
enable - ?????????
encipher - ??????????????
enclosure - ??
encode - ?????? ???
encoder - ??????????
encryption - ??????????????
end mark - ???? ???
end of block(EOB) - ?????? ???
end of file(EOF) - ????? ???
end of page halt - ?????? ??????
end of tape marker - ???? ???? ???
end of text - ??? ???
end of transmission - ?????? ???
end user - ???? ????
endless loop - ?????? ????
enhancements - ????????
ENTER key - ???? ????
entry point - ???????
environment - ???
environment devision - ??? ????
EPO - Emergency Power Off -????? ?????: ???? ??
EPROM - Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory -
????? ?????:
???????? ???? ???????
erasable storage - ????????? ??????
erase - ???
ergonomics - ???? ??????
error analysis - ???? ???????
error control - ???? ???????
error correcting code - ???? ?????? ??????
error detecting code - ???? ????? ??????
error file - ???? ?????
error handling - ???? ??????
error message - ???? ?????
error rate - ???? ????
error ratio - ???? ??????
error transmission - ????? ????
ESCAPE key - ????? ????
evaluation - ????????, ???????
even parity check - ???????? ????????
event - ?????
exception reporting - ????????? ???????
exclusive OR - ??????? ????
executable statement - ????????? ???
execute - ????????
execute cycle - ???????
execution - ?????????
execution time - ???? ????
executive - ????? ????, ??????
exit - ?????????
expandability - ????????
expansion card - ???????? ????
expansion interface - ???????? ?????
expansion slots - ????????? ?????
expansion units - ???????? ?????
expert support system - ????? ??? ?????
expert system - ????? ?????
explicit address - ???????? ?????
exploded view - ??????? ??????
exponent - ????????, ??????
exponential notation - ????? ???????
exponential smoothing - ??????? ??????????
exponentiation - ????????, ???????
export - ??????
expression - ?????
extender board - ?????? ????
extensible language - ?????? ?????
extension - ??????
external data file - ??? ???? ?????
external memory - ?? ???????
external reference - ?? ???????
f - ?????? ??????, ??????? ??????
fabricated language - ???? ?????
fabrication - ?????
face - ???
facilities management - ???? ???????
facility - ????
facsimile(FAX) - ????? ????
facsimile transceiver - ????? ??? ?????????
factor analysis - ????? ???
factorial - ???? ???????????
fail safe system - ?????? ????? ????????
fail soft system - ?????? ??? ?????
failure prediction - ?????? ???????
fairness - ????
fall back - ????????
fallout - ?????
family of computers - ?????????? ?????
fan in - ?????
fan out - ???? ????
fanfold paper - ??????????? ???
fat bits - ???? ?????????
fatal error - ???? ????
father file - ????? ?????
fault - ???
fault tolerance - ??? ??????
FAX - Facsimile: ????? ????
feasibility study - ???? ???
feature - ???? ??
feature extraction - ?????? ???????????
feed - ???
feed holes - ??? ?????
feedback - ??????
feedback circuit - ??????? ???
feep - ????
female connector - ??? ????
fetch - ?????
fiber optics - ?? ???????
field - ???
field effect transistor(FET)- ?? ????? ?????????
field emission - ?? ????
field engineer - ??? ?????????
field of view - ?????? ???
field upgradable - ?????? ???????
fifth generation computers- ????? ??????? ???
figure shift - ????? ????
file - ?????
file allocation table - ????? ??????? ??????
file backup - ?????? ????
file conversion - ????? ?????
file gap - ????? ??????
file handling routine - ????? ??? ????
file label - ????? ???????
file layout - ????? ?????
file level model - ????? ????? ????
file librarian - ????? ????
file maintenance - ?????? ????
file manager - ????? ??????
file name - ?????? ????
file organisation - ????? ?????
file processing - ?????? ????????
file protect ring - ?????? ???? ?????
file protection - ?????? ????
file size - ????? ???
file storage - ?????? ??????
file structure - ?????? ???????
file transfer - ????? ?????
file transfer protocol - ?????? ??????? ??????
file virus - ????? ????
filename extension - ?????????? ?????
filling - ??????
film developer - ???? ?????
FILO - First In Last Out -????? ?????
filter - ?????, ?????
find and replace - ??? ??????, ??? ????
finder - ????, ???
finite - ????, ???, ??????????
finite element method - ??????? ???
firmware - ?????????
first generation computers- ??? ??????? ???
first-in first-out - ???-???? ???-?????????
first-in last-out - ???-???? ?????-?????????
first-order predicate logic- ????? ?????? ????
fitting - ????????
fixed - ???????????, ????
fixed area - ???????? ????
fixed point - ????? ????
fixed point arithmetic - ????? ????? ??????
fixed spacing - ???? ??????
fixed storage - ???? ??????
fixed word length - ????? ????????
fixed-head disk unit - ????-??? ?????
fixed-length record - ???? ??? ??
fixed-program computer - ???? ???? ?????????
fixed-size record - ???? ??? ??
flag - ????
flat pack - ????? ?????
flat panel display terminal- ????? ???? ????????
flat screen - ????? ????
flatbed plotter - ????????? ?????
flexible disk - ????????
flicker - ??????
flight computer - ?????? ?????????
flight simulator - ????? ?????????, ????? ????
flip-flop - ????-????
float - ?????
floating point - ?????? ????
floating point notation - ?????? ???? ???????
floating-point arithmetic - ?????? ???? ??????
floating-point constant - ?????? ???? ??????
floating-point operation - ?????????? ????
floating-point routine - ?????? ???? ????
floppy disk - ????? ???
floppy disk case - ????? ?????
floppy disk controller - ????? ???? ?????????
floppy disk unit - ????? ?????
FLOPS - FLoating-point Operations Per Second -
????? ?????
flowchart - ???????
flowchart template - ?????? ??????
flowchart text - ??????? ?????
flowcharting symbol - ??????? ??????
flowline - ????? ????
flush - ????????
focusing - ??????
font - ???? ???
footer - ????????
footprint - ??????
force - ????? ???
forecast - ???????
foreground job - ????? ????
foreground processing - ?????? ????????
foreground program - ????? ????
foreground task - ?????? ???
forest - ???
form - ????
form feed (FF) - ??? ????
form letter program - ???? ??? ????
formal language - ?????? ?????
format - ????
formatted display - ???? ?????
formatter - ?????
forms design - ??? ???????
formula - ??????
FORTH - ????????? ????????? ???
FORTRAN - FORmula TRANslation -????? ?????
forward chaining - ???????? ??????
forward pointer - ??????? ???
four-address instruction - ????????? ?????
four-out-of-eight code - ???? ???? ??????
fourth generation computers- ?????? ???????
fractals - ??????
fragmentation - ???????
frame - ????
frame buffer - ???? ??????
free form - ????? ????
freeware - ???? ?????
frequency - ??????
frequency counter - ?????? ????
friction-feed - ???????? ????
friendliness - ??????
friendly interface - ?????? ?????
frob - ?????
front panel - ????? ????
front-end processor - ?????? ??????
fry - ??
full adder - ????? ???
full frame - ????? ?????
full screen - ???????
full-duplex - ??-??????????
full-page display - ??????? ?????
full-screen editing - ???????? ?????
full-text searching - ?????? ????
fully formed characters - ????? ?????
function - ??????, ????
function codes - ???? ????????
function key - ???? ????
function subprogram - ???????? ???????
functional description - ???? ???????
functional design - ???? ???????
functional programming - ???? ????????
functional specification - ???? ??????
functional units - ???? ??????
funware - ??????? ?????
fuse - ????
fusible link - ???? ??????
fuzzy logic - ???? ????
G - Giga -????? ?????, 1000000000
gain - ??????
gallium arsenide - ?????? ???????
game theory - ????????? ???????
gamut - ???????
Gantt chart - ???? ??????
gap - ??????
garbage - ????
garbage collection - ???? ??????
gas display - ????? ????
gate - ?????
gateway - ????????
gating circuit - ????? ???
GB - Giga Byte -????? ?????: ???? ????
geek - ???????
general purpose - ?????????
general purpose computer- ?????????? ?????????
general purpose register- ?????????? ??????
generality - ??????
generalized routine - ????? ???????
generate - ???
generation - ??????
generator - ????
generic model - ????-?? ????
geocoding - ?????? ??????
geometric model - ?????? ????
geometry - ??????
germanium - ?????????
GERT - Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique -
????? ?????
get - ???
gibberish - ??????? ????
Giga - ????, 1000000000
Giga Byte - ???? ????
Giga Hertz - ???? ?????
GIGO - Garbage In Garbage Out -????? ?????:
??????? ???? ???
glare - ????
glitch - ???????
global - ???? ??????
global character - ???? ?????? ?????
global operation - ???? ?????? ???????
global search and replace- ???? ?????? ?????
global variable - ???? ?????? ????
go down - ?????????
GP - Graphic Programming -????? ?????
GPS - General Purpose Service -????? ?????
GPSS - General Purpose Systems Simulator -?????
grabber - ??????, ?????
graceful degradation - ????????? ??????? ????
grade - ?????
grammatical error - ????? ????
grammatical mistake - ????? ???
grammar - ?????
grandfather file - ????? ?????
graph - ??????
graph theory - ???? ??
graphic data structure - ??????? ???? ???????
graphic digitizer - ??????? ????????
graphic display mode - ??????? ????? ?????
graphic display resolution- ??????? ?????? ??????
graphic display terminal - ??????? ????? ?????
graphic input device - ??????? ??????? ?????
graphic limits - ??????? ????
graphic module - ??????? ??????
graphic output - ??????? ???????
graphic output device - ??????? ????????? ?????
graphical terminal - ??????? ?????
graphics - ???????
graphics input hardware- ??????? ?????? ?????
graphics output hardware- ??????? ???????? ?????
graphics printer - ??????? ?????????
graphics program - ??????? ????
graphics resolution - ??????? ????????
graphics screen - ??????? ????
graphics tablet - ??????? ???? ????????
graphics terminal - ??????? ?????
gray code - ????? ??????
gray scale - ????? ?????
greater than - ??? ????
grid - ????
grid chart - ?????? ????????
grid sheet - ???? ???
gridding - ????????
grounding - ??? ????
group mark - ??????? ???
group printing - ?????? ??????
guest computer - ?????? ?????????
gulp - ?????
gun - ????? ?????
hacker - ?????
half adder - ???? ???
half duplex - ??? ????? ????
half toning - ???? ???
halfword - ???? ????
halt instruction - ?????? ?????
halting problem - ?????? ?????
Hamming code - ????? ??????
hand calculator - ??? ???????
hand held computer - ??????? ?????????
handler - ??????
hands on - ???????
handshaking - ?????????
handwriting recognition - ??????? ?????
hang up - ??????
hard clip area - ????? ???????
hard contact printing - ??????? ??????
hard copy - ??? ??
hard disk - ?? ???
hard error - ????? ????
hard failure - ????? ???
hard hyphen - ?? ?????
hard sector - ?? ????
hardware configuration - ??????? ???????
hardware dependent - ??????? ?????
hardware description language- ??????? ???????
hardware key - ??????? ????
hardware resources - ??????? ???
hardware specialist - ??????? ?????
hardwired - ???????
harness - ??????
HASCI - Human Application Standard Computer
Interface -????? ?????
hash totals - ?? ?????????
hashing - ?????? ??????????
hatching - ????????
HDBMS - Hierarchical Data Base Management System -
????? ?????
head - ???
head cleaning device - ??? ????? ?????
head crash - ??? ?????
head positioning - ??? ????
head slot - ???? ???
head switching - ??? ?????????
header - ?????
header card - ????? ????
header record - ?????? ??????
heap - ?????
heap sort - ????? ??? ??????????
helical wave guide - ??? ??? ?????????
help - ????, ???
Henry - ?????, ??????? ???
Hertz - ?????, ??????? ???
heuristic - ?????????
heuristic learning - ?????? ????????
hex - ????: hexadecimal
hexadecimal number - ??????? ??
hexadecimal point - ???????? ????
hi-res graphics - ??? ???????? ???????
hidden line - ???????
hidden line removal - ??????? ?????
hidden objects - ????? ?????
hidden surface - ????? ????
Hierarchical DataBase - ??????? ??????
Management System ????? ?????
hierarchical network - ?????? ????????
hierarchical structure - ??????? ???????
hierarchy - ??????
high density - ??? ??????
high level language - ??????? ?????
high order - ??? ?????????
high order column - ??? ?????? ????
high persistence phosphor- ??? ????????? ??????
high resolution - ??? ????????
high speed printer(HSP) - ??? ??? ?????????
high storage - ??? ??????
high volatility - ??? ????
highlighting - ??????? ?????
HIS - Hospital Information System -????? ?????
histogram - ???? ??????
hit(cache) - ???????
holding time - ????? ????
Hollerith card - ??????? ????
Hollerith code - ??????? ??????
hologram - ????? ????
holography - ????? ???????
home - ??????????, ???
home computer - ??? ?????????
home grown software - ??? ??? ????????
home key - ??????? ????
home management software- ???? ????? ????????
home page - ??????? ????
home record - ??????? ??????
home row - ????? ?????
homunculus - ??????? ????
horizontal scrolling - ???? ?????
host computer - ?????????? ?????????
host language - ????????? ?????
hot zone - ????? ?????
house keeping - ??? ?????
housing - ??
HTML - Hyper Text Markup Language -????? ?????:
????? ????????
hue - ????
Huffman tree - ????? ???
human engineering - ????? ?????????
human/machine interface- ?????-????? ?????
hybrid computer system - ??????? ????????? ?????
hyper text - ?????
hypertape - ???? ????
hysteresis - ?????
I/O - Input/Output -????? ?????: ?????/???????
I/O bound - ?/?? ?????
I/O channel - ?/?? ???
I/O control system(IOCS)- ?/?? ???????? ?????
I/O device - ?/?? ?????
I/O instructions - ?/?? ?????
I/O ports - ?/?? ??????
I/O processor - ?/?? ??????
I/O Symbol - ?/?? ??????
icon - ??????
identification division - ??????? ????
identifier - ???????
idle characters - ???? ??
idle time - ???? ????
if-then-else - ???? - ????
ignore character - ???????? ??
illegal character - ?????? ??
illuminate - ??????
image - ????
image area - ???? ????
image converter - ??? ?????
image enhancement - ??? ??????
image processing - ??? ????
immediate access - ???? ?????
immediate address - ??????? ???
immediate-mode-commands- ???? ?????? ???????
impact printer - ???? ?????????
impedance - ?????
implied address - ??????? ?????
implimentation - ????????????
import - ??????
in-line coding - ????? ?????
in-line processing - ????? ????????
in-line subroutine - ????? ???????
inactive - ???????
inactive window - ??????? ?????
incidence matrix - ?? ???
incident light - ?? ???
inclusive OR - ???? ????
increment - ??????
incremental compiler - ????? ??????????
incremental plotter - ????? ?????
incremental spacing - ????? ??????????
indefinite iteration - ??????? ?????? ????
indegree - ???? ??
indent - ????
indentation - ??????
index - ???
index hole - ???? ???
index hole sensor - ???? ??? ????
index register - ???? ??????
index variable - ??? ????
indexed address - ??? ?????
indexed file - ??? ?????
indexed sequential access- ??? ????? ???????
indexer - ??? ???????
indexing - ??? ???? ???
indicator - ????
indirect addressing - ????? ??????????
induce - ???
inductance - ????
induction - ????
industrial robot - ??????? ??????
inequality - ??? ???
inference - ????????
inference program - ?????? ????
inference rule - ?????? ???????
infinite loop - ?????? ????
infix notation - ????? ???????
informatics - ???????
information - ????
information banks - ???? ??????
information bits - ???? ????, ???? ????
information explosion - ???? ??????
information network - ???? ????????
information processing - ???? ????
information processing centre- ???? ??? ????
information providers - ???? ??????
information resource management- ???? ?? ????
information retrieval - ???? ????
information revolution - ???? ?????
information science - ???? ??
information services - ???? ??????
information storage and retrieval- ???? ??????
information system - ???? ?????
information technology - ???? ??????????
information theory - ???? ???????
information utility - ???? ???????, ????
inherent error - ?????? ????
initialise - ?????? ??????????
ink cartridge - ??? ??
ink jet printer - ?? ???? ?????????
input - ?????
input area - ????? ????
input data - ????? ???
input device - ????? ?????
input job stream - ????? ?????????
input media - ?????? ??????
input stream - ??????? ?????
input unit - ????????
input/output(I/O) - ?????/???????(?/??)
inputting - ??????
inquiry - ?????
inquiry processing - ????? ????????
inquiry station - ????? ??????
insertion method - ???? ???
insertion point - ????????
install - ????
installation - ?????
installation time - ????? ????
instant print - ???? ???
instruction - ???
instruction code - ???? ??????
instruction counter - ??? ????
instruction cycle - ???? ???
instruction register - ???? ??????
instruction set - ???? ??????
instruction time - ??? ????
instruction word - ???? ????
instrument - ????
instrumental input - ??????? ?????
integer - ????
integer type - ???? ??
integer variable - ???? ????
integrate - ???????
integrated circuit - ??????? ???????
integrated computer package- ??????? ??????????
integrated data processing- ??????? ??? ????
integrated programs - ??????? ??????
integration - ?????????
integrity - ?????, ????, ??????, ???????
intelligence - ??????
intelligent language - ?????? ?????
intelligent terminal - ????? ?????
intensity - ?????
inter block gap(IBG) - ?????? ??????
inter record gap(IRG) - ??? ??????
interactive - ????
interactive graphics - ???? ???????
interactive graphics system- ???? ??????? ?????
interactive program - ???? ????
interactive query - ???? ?????
interactive system - ???? ?????
interconnection - ?????????
interface - ?????
interface card - ???? ????
interference - ??????
interlace - ????????
interleaving - ?????????
interlock - ??????
internal clock - ?????? ????
internal data representation- ??????? ???? ?????
internal documentation - ????? ??????
internal fragmentation - ??????? ?????
internal memory - ????? ???????
internal modem - ????? ?????
internal report - ?????? ??????
internal scheme - ?????? ???????
internal sort - ?????? ??????????
internal storage - ?????? ??????
internet - ????
interpolation - ??? ?????
interpretation - ??????
interpreter - ??? ??????????
interrupt - ?????
interrupt driven - ????????? ????
interrupt mask - ??????? ????
interrupt priority - ??????? ???????
interrupt vector - ??????? ??????
interruption - ???????
interval timer - ?????? ??? ????
interview - ???????
intranet - ?? ????
inventory control - ???????? ???????
inventory management - ??????? ???????
inverse video - ??????? ??????????
invert - ????
inverted file - ???? ?????
inverted structure - ???? ???????
inverter - ????
invisible refresh - ?????? ?????
isolation - ???????????
item - ?????
iterate - ????? ???
iteration - ?????? ????
iterative - ????? ?????
jack - ???
jacket - ???
jacquard loom - ??????? ???
jaggies - ???????
job - ???
job control language - ???????????? ?????
job control statement - ????????????? ???
job number - ??? ??
job queue - ??? ?????
job scheduler - ??? ?????????
job stream - ??? ???
job turnaround time - ??????? ????
job-to-job transition - ??? ???????
Josephson junction - ??????? ????
journal - ??????
JOVIAL - Jules' Own Version of International
Algorithmic Language-
??????? ??? ?? ????????? ?????
joystick - ???? ???
joyswitch - ????????????
julian number - ?????? ??
jump - ????, ???
junction - ????
junk - ???
justification - ?????? ?????
justify - ?????? ???
K - Kilo -????? ?????, 1024
Karnaugh map - ????? ??????
KB - Kilo Byte -????? ?????
keep-out area - ???? ????
kernel - ??
kerning - ??????
key - ????,(????, ????)
key bounce - ????? ????
key pad(numeric) - ?? ???
key punch - ???????
key punching - ????????
key stations - ?????? ???????
key stroke - ????? ????
key switch - ????
key verification - ????: card verification
key verify - ???? ?????????
key-to-address - ????: hashing
key-to-disk unit - ????-??? ????
key-to-tape unit - ????-???? ????
keyboard - ?????????
keyboard terminal - ????????? ?????
keyboard-to-disk system- ?????????-??? ?????
keyboard-to-tape system- ?????????-???? ?????
keyword - ?????? ????
keyword-in-context - ????? ?????? ????
kill - ????
kilobaud - ????????
kinematics - ?????????
kinetics - ??????????
kludge - ??????
knowledge acquisition - ???? ????
knowledge base - ????? ???
knowledge engineering - ????? ?????????
knowledge information processing system- ?????
???? ??? ?????
knowledge representation- ???? ??????????
label - ???????
lag - ??????
LAN - Local Area Network -????? ?????
land - ??????? ????
language description language- ????? ??????? ?????
language processor - ????? ????
language statement - ?????? ???
language subset - ????? ?????
language translation - ????? ??????
language translation program- ????? ?????? ????
lap computer - ??? ?????????
large scale integration - ????? ?????????
laser - ????
laser printer - ???? ?????????
laser storage - ???? ??????
last-in last-out - ?????-??????
last-in first-out - ?????-??????
latency - ????? ?????
layer - ????
layering - ??????
layout - ? ????
layout sheet - ????? ???
leader - ?????
leading - ??? ??????
leading edge - ????? ???
leaf - ??
leased lines - ????? ??????
least significant digit (LSD)- ???? ????? ????
LED - Light Emitting Diode -????? ?????
left justify - ???? ?????????
less than - ???? ????
letter quality - ??? ???
letter quality printer - ??? ?? ?????????
level - ????
lexicon - ????????
library - ????
library function - ???? ????
library manager - ??? ????? ????
library routine - ??? ????
life cycle - ??? ?????
light emitting diode - ??? ???? ??????
light guide - ??? ?????????
light pen - ???? ????
lightness - ???????
limit check - ????? ??????
limitting operation - ???????? ????
line - ????, ???, ????
line balancing - ??? ????????
line chart - ????? ????
line drawing - ????????? ???
line feed (LF) - ??? ????
line filter - ??????? ??????
line generator - ???? ????
line height - ??? ????
line number - ??? ??
line of code - ???? ???
line plot - ????? ????
line printer - ??? ?????????
line printer controller - ??? ???? ?????????
line printing - ??? ??????
line segment - ?????? ????
line speed - ?????? ????
line style - ????? ???
line surge - ???????? ?????
line voltage - ???????? ?????
line width - ?????? ????
line-at-a-time printer - ??? ?????????
linear IC - ?????? ?????????? ???
linear list - ?????? ???
linear programming - ?????? ????????
linear search - ????????? ????
linear structure - ????????? ???????
lines per minute (LPM) - ????? ???????
link - ??, ????
link register - ????? ??????
linkage - ????
linker - ?????
linking loader - ???? ????
links - ??????
LIPS - Logical Inferences Per Second -?????
liquid crystal display - ????? ????????
LISP - LISt Processing -????? ?????: ?? ???????
????????? ?????
LISP machine - ???? ?????????
list - ???
list processing - ??? ????
list processing languages- ??? ??? ???????
listing - ?????
literal - ??????
live data - ????? ???
liveware - ???????, ??????????
load - ???
load and go - ???? ???
load module - ???? ??????
load point - ??? ???
load sharing - ???? ?????
loader - ????
local area network - ??????? ????????
local intelligence - ????? ??????
local store - ?????? ?????
location - ??
lock - ???
lock code - ???? ??????
locked-up keyboard - ???? ?????????
locking a disk - ?????? ????
lockout - ?????
lockup - ?????
log - ????
log off - ?????
log on - ???????
log out - ?????
log-in name - ??????? ????
logarithm - ?????
logging-in - ???????
logging-off - ?????
logic - ????
logic board - ???? ????
logic card - ??? ????
logic circuits - ??? ???????
logic diagram - ??? ??????
logic element - ??? ????
logic gates - ??? ???????
logic operator - ??? ????????
logic programming - ??? ????????
logic seeking - ??? ????
logic symbol - ??? ??????
logic theorist - ??? ???????? ????
logic theory - ??? ???????
logical data design - ??? ??? ???????
logical decision - ???? ????
logical design - ??? ???????
logical error - ???? ????
logical file - ???? ?????
logical inference - ??? ?????
logical instruction - ??? ???
logical multiply - ???? ??????
logical operations - ??? ??????
logical operator - ??? ???????
logical product - ???? ?????????
logical record - ???? ????
logical representation - ??? ???????
logical sum - ??? ?????????
logical unit number - ??? ??? ??
logical value - ??? ?????
logo - ????? ??????????? ?? ??????? ?????????
look alike - ?????? ?????
lookup table - ???? ??????
loop - ????
loop code - ???????? ?????
loop hole - ????
loop structure - ???? ???????
loop technology - ???? ??????????
looping - ?????????
lotus 1-2-3 - ?? ????????
Lovelace, Ada Augusta- ????? ??? ??????: ???
??? ??????? ????
low activity - ????? ???????
low level language - ??? ???? ?????
low order - ??? ????
low order column - ??? ???? ????
low resolution - ????? ????????
low-res graphics - ?????-???????? ???????
lower case - ????????, ??????? ????
lower-level management- ??????? ???????
luminance - ?????
luminance decay - ????? ????
luminosity - ????????
M - ???? -????? ?????, 1000000
machine code - ?????? ??????
machine cycle - ?????? ???????
machine dependent - ????????
machine error - ?????? ????
machine independent - ?????????
machine instruction - ?????????? ???
machine intelligence - ????: artificial
machine language - ????? ?????
machine learning - ????? ????
machine oriented language- ?????????? ?????
machine readable information- ????? ??????? ????
machine sensible information- ????? ???????
macro - ????
macro assembler - ???? ?????? ????????
macro instruction - ???? ?????; ????: micro
macro programming - ??? ????????
magnetic bubble - ????? ?????
magnetic bubble memory- ????? ????? ???????
magnetic card - ???? ????
magnetic character - ???? ?????
magnetic core - ???? ?????
magnetic core storage - ????????? ??????
magnetic coreplane - ???????? ?????????
magnetic disk - ???? ???
magnetic diskunit - ???? ?????
magnetic domain - ????? ???
magnetic drum - ???? ????
magnetic film storage - ????? ???? ??????
magnetic head - ????? ???
magnetic ink - ???? ??
magnetic media - ???? ??????
magnetic printer - ???? ?????????
magnetic resonance - ???? ???????
magnetic storage - ????? ??????
magnetic strip card - ???? ??? ????
magnetic tape - ???? ????
magnetic tape cartridge - ???? ????? ??????
magnetic tape cassette - ???? ????? ????
magnetic tape code - ???? ????? ??????
magnetic tape density - ???? ????? ?????????
magnetic tape drive - ???? ???? ????
magnetic tape recorder - ???? ????? ?????
magnetic tape reel - ???? ????? ???
magnetic tape sorting - ???? ??????? ??????????
magnitude (of a number)- ???, ????
mail box - ???? ????
mail merging - ???? ????
mailing list program - ??????? ????
main memory - ????? ???????
main storage - ?????? ??????
main-line program - ?????? ????
mainframe - ?????? ?????????
maintainability - ???????
maintenance - ????
maintenance programmer- ???? ?????
maintenance routine - ???? ?????
major sort key - ????? ?????????? ????
malfunction - ????????
malice program - ??? ????
management graphics - ????? ???????
management information system- ????? ????
management report - ????? ??????
management science - ???????????
manager - ??????
manipulating - ???????
manpower loading chart- ??????? ??????? ????
mantissa - ????
manual input - ????? ?????
manual operation - ????? ????
map(memory) - ??????(???????)
mapping - ???????????
margin - ???
mark sensing - ??? ?????
marker - ???
mask - ????
mass storage device - ???? ?????? ?????
massage - ???? ????
master clear - ???? ??????
master clock - ????? ????
master data - ?????? ???
master file - ?????? ?????
master/slave computer system- ?????/???? ???
?????? ?????
match - ??????
matching - ????????
mathematical functions - ????? ????????
mathematical logic - ???? ????
mathematical model - ????? ????
mathematical symbols - ????? ????????
matrix - ???
matrix notation - ???? ???????
matrix printer - ??????? ?????????
means/ends analysis - ???-????? ???????
mechanical data processing- ???????? ???? ?????
mechanical translation - ???????? ???????????
mechanics - ????????
mechanization - ????????????
media - ??????
media eraser - ???? ???????
medium - ????
medium scale integration- ?????? ?????????
membrane keyboard - ???? ?????????
memory - ???????
memory allocation - ?????? ??????
memory board - ??????? ????
memory chip - ??????? ????
memory cycle - ??????? ???????
memory dump - ??????? ??????
memory management - ?????? ???????
memory map - ?????? ??????
memory protection - ??????? ????
memory slot - ??????? ??????????
memory sniffing - ??????? ????? ??????
menu - ???
menu driven software - ?????? ???????????
menu item - ??? ?????
merge - ???, ?????
merge print program - ????? ??? ????
mesh - ????
mesh network - ???? ????????
message - ?????
message format - ?????? ????
message header - ?????? ?????
message queuing - ?????? ?????????
message retrieval - ????? ????
message switching - ????? ???
message switching centre- ????? ??????
meta language - ???????
meta-metalanguage - ??-???????
metacharacter - ????
metacompiler - ??????????
metallic oxide semiconductor- ????? ?????
micro - ??
micro chart - ?? ???
micro chip - ?? ????
micro coding - ?? ????
micro coding device - ???????? ?????
micro computer - ?? ?????????
micro computer chip - ?? ?????????? ????
micro computer development system- ???????????
?????? ?????
micro computer system - ??????????? ?????
micro controller - ?? ?????????
micro electronics - ?? ?????????
micro fiche - ????? ????
micro film - ??????
micro floppy disk - ?? ????? ???
micro graphics - ?? ???????
micro instructions - ?? ?????
micro justification - ?? ???????
micro logic - ?? ????
micro miniaturization - ?? ??????????
micro processor - ?? ??????
micro progamming - ?? ????????
micro programmable computer- ?? ???????? ???????
micro spacing - ?????? ??
microform - ??????
microwave - ?????
microwave hop - ?????? ????
microwave transmission line- ????? ????? ?????
migration - ?? ?????
mini - ???
mini computer - ??? ?????????
mini floppy disk - ??? ????? ???
miniaturization - ??????????
minimal tree - ???????? ???
minimax - ??????????
minor sort key - ?????????? ????????
MIPS - Million Instructions Per Second -?????
mirroring - ??? ?????
mixed number - ??????
mnemonic - ?????????
mnemonic code - ????????? ??????
mnemonic language - ????????? ?????
mode - ?????
model - ????
model, geometric - ????, ??????
modeling - ????????
modem - MOdulation DEModulation -????? ?????,
modular coding - ?????? ????????
modular constraint - ??????? ?????????
modular element - ?????? ????
modular programming - ?????? ????????
modularity - ????????
modulation - ?????????
modulator - ?????????
module - ??
modulo - ????
monadic - ?????
monadic Boolean operator- ????? ????? ????????
monitor - ???????
monochrome card - ????? ????
monochrome monitor - ?????? ???????
monolithic - ????? ?????
monolithic integrated circuit- ????? ?????
?????????? ???
monte carlo method - ???? ?????? ???
morphing - ???????
MOS - Metal Oxide Semiconductor -????? ?????
mother board - ???? ????
mouse - ??????
mouse button - ?????? ???????
movable head disk unit - ???? ??? ?????
move - ????
moving average - ???? ??????
multiaccess computer - ?????? ?????????
multiaddress - ???????
multicomputer system - ?????? ????????? ?????
multidrop line - ??????? ?????
multifile sorting - ??????? ??????????
multifunction board - ??????? ????
multijob operation - ????? ????
multilayer - ??????
multilevel addressing - ?????? ?????????, ????
multiline function - ?????? ????
multilinked list - ??????? ???
multimedia - ?? ????
multipass - ?????
multipass sort - ????? ??????????
multiple access network- ?????? ????????
multiple address instruction- ??????? ???
multiple address message- ???????? ?????
multiple connector - ????? ?????
multiple pass printing - ????? ??????
multiple regression - ??????? ??????????
multiple user system - ?????? ?????
multiplex - ?????????
multiplexer - ?????????
multiplexer channel - ????????? ???
multiplication time - ?????? ????
multiprocessing - ????? ????????
multiprocessing arithmetic- ????? ????????
multiprocessor - ???????????
multiprogramming - ?????? ????????
multireel sorting - ????? ??????????
multistar network - ???????? ????????
multisystem network - ????? ????????
multitask - ?????
multitask operation - ????? ????
multitasking - ?? ????????
multiuser - ??????
multiview ports - ??????? ???????
multivolume file - ????????? ?????
multiway branching - ?????? ??????
music synthesiser - ?? ???????
musical language - ?? ?????
musicomp - ???????
NMOS - N-Channel Metal Oxide Semiconductor -?????
naive user - ???????
NAK - Negative AcKnowledge -????? ?????: ??????
name - ????
NAND - NOT-AND -????? ?????: ????????? ??
nano - ?? ??????? ??? ????? ???????, 10-9
nano acre - ?????????? ????? ?????? ?????? ???
nano computer - ????? ?????????
Napier's bones - ??????? ??????
narrow band - ??? ????
native compiler - ?? ??????????
native language - ?? ?????
natural language - ?? ?????
NDBMS - Network DataBase Management System -?????
near letter quality - ??? ????? ??? ???
negate - ??????? ????
negative true logic - ???? ??? ????
negotiation - ????
nerd - ?????
nest - ?????
nested block - ?????? ??????
nested loop - ????? ?????
nested subroutine - ?????? ???????
nesting - ??????
network - ????????
network analysis - ???????? ???????
network chart - ???????? ????
network theory - ???????? ???????
network topology - ???????? ???
networking - ????????????
neural net - ????? ???
nibble - ??? ????
nil pointer - ??? ????
niladic - ???????
nine's complement - ????? ??????
nixie tube - ????? ???
no operation instruction - ??????? ???
no-op (No Operation) - ????-???
node - ??, ?????
noise - ?????
noise immunity - ????? ???????
noise pollution - ????? ???
non conductor - ?????? ?????
non destructive read - ??????? ??????
non erasable storage - ?????????? ??????
non executable statement- ????????? ???
non graphic character - ??????? ???? ??
non impact printer - ????? ?????????
non linear programming - ?????? ????????
non numeric programming- ?? ???? ????????
non overlap processing - ???????? ????????
non print - ???? ??????
non procedural query language- ?????? ???? ?????
non reflective ink - ???????????? ??
non sequential computer- ????? ???? ?????????
non switch line - ????????? ??????
non volatile storage - ??????? ??????
NOP - No Operation -????? ?????
NOR - NOT-OR -????? ?????: ????-??? ????????
normalise - ??????
NOT - ??? ????????
NOT Gate - ??? ?????
notation - ???????
notebook computer - ???? ?????????
nucleus - ????
null - ????
null cycle - ????? ?????
null string - ????? ???
number - ??
number base - ?? ??????
number cruncher - ?? ????
number crunching - ?? ?????
number lock - ?? ????? ???
number system - ?? ???
numeral - ????
numeral system - ???? ?????
numeralisation - ???????
numeric - ?????
numeric character - ?? ??
numeric coding - ?? ??????
numeric constant - ?? ??????
numeric data - ?? ???
numeric keypad - ?? ????
numerical analysis - ????? ???????
numerical control - ????? ???????
numerical expression - ????? ?????
numerical indicator tube - ?? ????? ???
obey - ?????
object code - ??? ????
object computer - ???? ?????????
object deck - ???? ???
object language - ??? ?????
object language programming- ??? ????? ????????
object oriented programming- ????? ????? ?????
object program - ??? ????
OCR - Optical Character Recognition -?????
?????: ?????? ????? ?????
octal - ???
octal numeral - ??? ??
octal point - ???? ????
odd parity check - ????????? ??????
off the shelf - ????
office automation - ?????? ????????????
office computer - ?????? ?????????
office information system- ?????? ???? ?????
off line - ????????
off line processing - ???????? ????????
off line storage - ???? ??????
offload - ???
off page connector - ???? ?????
offset - ?????, ??????
OMR - Optical Mark Reader -????? ?????: ???????
??? ?????
on board computer - ???????? ?????????
on board regulation - ????? ???????
on line - ??? ????
on line data base - ??? ???? ???? ???
on line fault tolerant system- ??? ???? ??????????
on line problem solving - ??? ???? ????? ????
on line processing - ??? ???? ????????
on line service - ??? ???? ????
on line storage - ???? ??????
one address computer - ???? ?????? ?????????
one address instruction - ???? ????? ???
one chip computer - ????? ????? ?????????
one dimensional array - ????? ?????? ???
one level memory - ?? ???? ???????
one line function - ?? ???? ????
one out of ten code - ????? ???? ??????
one pass compiler - ????? ??? ??????????
one's complement - ???? ?????
OP - OPeration Code: ????
opacity - ??? ?????
opcode - ???? ??????
open - ???, ??????
open architecture - ????? ???????
open ended - ????? ???????
open file - ????? ?????
open subroutine - ?????? ???????
operand - ???? ????
operating ratio - ?????? ??????
operating system - ??? ?????
operation - ????
operation analysis - ???? ???????
operation centre - ??? ????
operation code - ???? ??????
operation personnal - ?????? ????
operations research - ???? ??????
operational management- ???????? ???????
operator - ????
optical character - ??????? ??
optical character reader - ??????? ?? ????????
optical communication - ??????? ??????
optical disk - ??????? ???
optical fibre - ??? ??
optical laser disk - ???? ??? ???
optical mark reader - ??????? ??? ????????
optical mark recognition- ??????? ??? ?????
optical page reader - ??????? ???? ????????
optical printer - ??????? ?????????
optical reader - ??????? ????????
optical reader wand - ??????? ??????? ????
optical recognition device- ??????? ????? ?????
optical scanner - ??????? ???
optical scanning - ??????? ????
optimal merge tree - ???? ??? ???
optimisation - ????????
optimising compiler - ??????? ??????????
optimize - ???????
optimum - ???? ????
optimum programming - ???? ????
optimum tree search - ???? ??? ????
option key - ??????????? ????
opto electronics - ??? ?????????
OR circuit - ???? ??????
OR gate - ???? ?????
OR operator - ???? ????????
order - ?????
order of operation - ??? ?????
ordinate - ???????
organisation chart - ????? ?????? ???
organisational control - ?????? ???????
origin - ???????
original data - ??? ???
original equipment manufacturer - ??? ????
originate/answer - ??????-???????
orphan - ??????? ??????
orthographic - ???????
OS - Operating System -????? ?????: ??? ?????
oscillatory sort - ???? ??????????
oscillography - ??? ???????
oscilloscope - ???? ??????
out degree - ?????? ??
out of line - ???????
outdent - ????????
output - ???????
output area - ????????? ????
output buffer - ???????? ??????
output data - ????????? ???
output device - ????????? ?????
output media - ???????? ????
output stream - ???????? ???
output unit - ??????????
outputting - ????????
overflow - ?????
overhead - ???????
overlap - ???????
overlap processing - ??????? ????????
overlapping - ????????
overprint - ??? ?????
overpunch - ???? ??????
override - ??????
overrun - ??????????
overscan - ???? ????
overstriking - ??? ?????
overwrite - ??? ???
p system - p ?????
P-Register - P-??????
pack - ?????
package - ?????, ??????
packaged software - ????? ????????
packet - ???????
packing - ????????
packing density - ????? ??????
pad - ????????, ????, ????
pad character - ????? ??
padding - ??????
paddle - ???
page - ????
page frame - ???? ????
page in - ???? ?????
page out - ???? ?????????
page printer - ??? ?????????
page reader - ???? ????????
page skip - ???? ????
pagination - ????????
paging - ????????
paging rate - ??????? ????
paint brush - ???? ?????: ?? ??????? ??????
painting - ???? ???
palette - ???? ???
pan - ??? ????
pane - ????? ?????
panel - ????
panning - ??? ??????
paper feed - ??? ????
paper tape - ??? ????
paper tape code - ??? ???? ??????
paper tape punching - ??? ???? ???????
paper tape reader - ??? ???? ????????
parabola - ???????
paradigm - ???????
paragraph - ????
paragraph assembly - ????? ??????
parallel - ??
parallel access - ?? ????
parallel adder - ??? ???
parallel circuit - ??? ???????
parallel computer - ??? ?????????
parallel conversion - ?? ?????
parallel input/output - ?? ?????/???????
parallel interface - ?? ?????
parallel operation - ?? ????
parallel printer - ?? ?????????
parallel printing - ?? ??????
parallel processing - ??? ????????
parallel reading - ?? ??????
parallel run - ?? ????
parallel transmission - ??? ??????
parameter - ????
parent - ???????
parenthesis - ???? ???
parity bit - ?? ????
parity checking - ?? ????????
Parkinson's law - ????????? ????
parser - ????????
parsing - ??????
partition table - ?????? ??????
partitioning - ???????
parts explosion - ???? ???????? ???
parts list - ????? ???
parts programmer - ???? ?????
party line - ??????? ?????
Pascal - ????? ??? ?? ????????? ?????
pass - ???
passive device - ????? ????? ?????, ?????? ?????
passive graphics - ??? ???????
password - ???? ????
paste - ???
patching - ??? ????
path - ????
pattern recognition - ????? ?????
PC - Personal Computer -????? ?????
PCB - Printed Circuit Board -????? ?????
PCM - Plug Compatible Manufacturer -????? ?????
PDM - Pulse Duration Modulation -????? ?????
PDP - ?? ???? ?????????
peek - ?????
PEL - Picture ELement -????? ?????
pen plotter - ???? ?????
peopleware - ???????
perforator - ???????
perform - ???, ???????
performance - ????????
performance monitor - ???????? ??????
perfory - ???????
perfs - ???????
periodic report - ?????? ??????
peripheral equipment - ??? ??????
peripheral slots - ???????? ???
permanent storage - ????? ??????
persistence - ?????? ????
personal computer - ?????? ?????????
personal identification number- ?????? ??????
personalised form letter - ?????? ???? ????
PERT - Project Evaluation and Review Technique -
????? ?????:
?? ???? ????? ???
Petri nets - ????? ?????
phased conversion - ???????? ?????
phoneme - ?????
phonetic system - ???????? ???
photo optic memory - ??? ??? ???????
photo pattern generation- ??? ??????????
photo plotter - ?????? ?????
photo resist - ??? ??????
photo type setter - ??? ??????????
photocomposition - ??? ?????????
physical design - ?????? ???????
physical record - ?????? ??, ??????? ????
physical security - ??????? ???????
pica - ?????, ??????? ?????; ???????? ???? ??
picking device - ?????? ?????
pico - ??????, 10-12
pico computer - ?????? ?????????
pico second - ?????? ????
picture element - ??? ????
picture graph - ?? ????
picture tube - ??? ???
picutre processing - ?? ????
pie chart - ???? ???
piggyback board - ???? ????
piggyback file - ?????????
PILOT - Programmed Inquiry Learning Or Teaching -
????? ?????:
????????? ????? ????? ????
pilot method - ???????? ???
pin - ??, ???, ???
pin compatible - ?? ???????
pin feed - ?? ????
pingpong - ??? ????, ???? ????
pipeline - ????? ?????
piracy - ???
pitch - ??????????
pixel - ???????, ??????
PLA - Programmable Logic Array -????? ?????
plain text - ??? ???
plan sheet - ???????
planimeter - ???????
plasma display panel - ????? ?????? ????
platen - ??? ????
platform - ????
platter - ??????? ??? ????
plot - ????, ???
plotter - ?????
plotter resolution - ?????? ????????
plug - ????, ?????, ???, ???????
plug board - ????? ????
plug compatible - ????? ???????
PMOS - P channel Metal Oxide Semiconductor -?????
poaching - ?????
pocket computer - ???????? ?????????
point - ????, ???
point identification - ???? ???????
point of sale terminal - ?????? ?????
point set curve - ???? ???? ????
point to point line - ?????????????
pointer - ???
Poisson theory - ?????? ???????
Poke - ???? ??? ????????? ?????
polar - ?????????
polar coordinates - ??? ?????
polarising filter - ??????? ?????
Polish notation - ??????? ???????
polling - ????????
polyphase sort - ????? ??????????
pooler - ?????
pop - ???????
pop instruction - ??????? ???
pop up menu - ??????? ???
populated board - ?????? ????
port - ???
portability - ?????? ????
portable - ???????
portable computer - ??????? ?????????
portable program - ??????? ????
positional notation - ??????? ???????
positive true logic - ??? ??? ????
post edit - ???????? ??????
post implementation review- ???????????? ??????
post mortem - ??????
post mortem dump - ??????? ??????
postfix notation - ??????? ???????
potentiometer - ??????? ????
power - ????
power amplifying circuit - ???? ????? ???????
power down - ???? ?????
power fail/restart - ??? ?????/??? ???????
power off - ??? ???? ??????
power on - ??? ???? ???????
power supply - ??? ?????
power surge - ????????
power up - ??? ????? ???????
powerful - ???????
pragmatics - ??????????
pre edit - ??????? ??????
precedence - ???????
precision - ???????
precompiler - ?????????
predefined function - ??????? ????
predefined process - ??????? ???????
predefined process symbol- ??????? ????????
predictive report - ??????? ??????
preliminary study - ?????????? ???
preloaded - ?? ????????
preprinted forms - ???????? ??????
preprocessor - ??????? ????????
presentation graphics - ?????? ??????, ???????
preset - ?? ????
press - ????
pressure sensitivity keyboard- ????? ??? ????
preventive maintenance - ????????? ????
primary cluster - ?????? ?????
primary colors - ????? ??????
primary key - ?????? ????
primary shift - ?????? ??????
primary storage - ?????? ??????
primitive - ?????? ????
primitive element - ??? ????? ??
print chart - ?????? ????
print control character - ???? ???????? ??
print density - ??? ??????
print element - ????: printer head; ???? ???
print out - ???? ??
print wheel - ??? ????
print zone - ???? ????
printed circuit - ?????? ???????
printed circuit board - ?????? ???????? ????
printer - ?????????
printer format - ???? ????
printer head - ???? ???
printer layout sheet - ??? ????? ???
printer quality - ???? ???
printer stand - ????????? ???
priority assignment - ????? ??????
priority interrupt - ??????? ???????
priority processing - ???????? ????????
private automatic branch exchange- ?????? ????
???? ????? ????????
private leased line - ?????? ?????? ???
private line - ?????? ???
privileged instruction - ????????? ???
probability - ???????
probability theory - ???????? ???????
probablistic model - ???????? ????
problem analysis - ????? ???
problem definition - ????? ??????
problem description - ????? ???????
problem oriented language- ???????? ?????
problem programme - ???????? ????
problem solving - ????? ??????
procedure - ???? ???
procedure division - ???????? ????
procedure oriented language- ??????? ??? ?????
process - ????
process bound - ???? ???
process control - ???? ???????
process control system - ???? ???????? ?????
process conversion - ???? ?????
process signal - ??????? ???????
processing - ????????
processing symbol - ???????? ??????
processor - ??????
processor bound - ????????? ?????
production run - ???? ????
productivity - ??????? ????
program - ????
program card - ???? ????
program chaining - ???? ??????? ?????????
program coding - ???? ????
program control - ???? ???????
program counter - ???? ???
program deck - ???? ????????
program development cycle- ???? ??????? ?????
program file - ???? ?????
program flowchart - ???? ???????
program generator - ????????
program graph - ???? ????????????
program ID - ???? ???????
program language - ???? ?????
program library - ???? ????
program listing - ???? ?????
program maintenance - ???? ????
program specification - ???? ??????
program stack - ???? ????
program stop - ???? ??????
program storage - ???? ??????
program switch - ???? ????????
program testing - ???? ??????
programmable calculator- ???? ???? ???????
programmable communication interface- ???? ????
????? ?????
programmable function key- ???????? ???? ????
programmable logic array- ??????? ??? ???
programmable memory - ??????? ???????
programmable read only memory- ??????? ?????? ??
programmed check - ??????? ????????
programmed instruction - ???????? ???????
programmed label - ?????? ?????? ???????
programmer - ?????
programmer board - ???? ??????? ????
programmer analyst - ??????? ?????
programming - ????????
programming aids - ???????? ???????
programming language - ???? ?????
programming librarian - ???? ????
programming linguistics- ???? ?????????
programming team - ???? ??
progress reporting - ?????? ??????
project control - ????????? ???????
project library - ???????? ????
project manager - ???????? ??????
project plan - ???????? ????
project schedule - ????????? ????????
projection - ????
prolog - ?? ????????? ?????
PROM - Programmable Read Only Memory -?????
prompt - ???
proofing program - ????? ????
propagated error - ????? ????
propagation delay - ????? ?????
proportional spacing - ???????? ??????
proposition - ???
proprietary software - ???????? ????????
protect - ?????
protected storage - ??????? ??????
protocol - ??????, ????? ???????
prototype - ?? ???
proving - ??????, ?????????
pseudo computer - ?????????? ?????
pseudo language - ?????? ?????
pseudo operation - ???? ?????
pseudo random number - ?????? ??????? ??
pseudocode - ?????? ??????
public domain software - ???? ?? ????????
public network - ???? ????????
publication language - ???????? ?????
pull - ?
pull down menu - ??? ??? ???
pull instructions - ??? ?????
pulse - ????
pulse modulation - ????? ?????????
punched card - ??? ????
punched card code - ??? ????? ??????
punching position - ??? ??
pure procedure - ?? ????, ?? ???????
purge - ????
push - ??????
push down list - ??????? ???
push down stack - ?????? ????
push instruction - ??? ???
push pop stack - ??? ???? ????
push up list - ?????? ???
quad-density - ????? ??????
quadratic quotient search- ??? ??? ????
quality - ???
quality control - ??? ???????
quality engineering - ??? ?????????
quantity - ???
quantum - ?????
quasi language - ???????????
query - ????, ?????
query answer - ????-????
query by example - ????????? ??? ?????
query language - ???? ?????
query response - ????????? ????
queue - ????
queued access method - ???? ???? ???
queuing - ?????????
queuing theory - ????? ???????
quick disconnect - ?????? ?????
race condition - ???? ????
rack - ???? ????
radix point - ????? ????
radix sorting - ??????? ??????????
ragged left - ?????? ?????
ragged right - ?????? ??????
raised floring - ??????? ???
RAM - Random Access Memory -????? ?????
random access - ??? ????
random access file - ?????? ?????
random access memory- ????? ???????
random logic design - ??????? ??? ???????
random number - ??????? ??
random processing - ???????? ????????
range - ????
range check - ????? ??????
rank - ??????
raster display - ?????????
raster fill - ??? ??????
raster graphics - ??? ???????
raster scan - ??? ????
rat's nest - ??? ???
raw data - ??? ???
read - ????
read only memory - ?????? ???????
read only storage - ?????? ??????
read-write head - ?????? ???? ???
reader - ????????
reader head - ??????? ???
reading station - ??????? ??????
real constant - ??? ??????
real number - ??? ??
real storage - ???? ??????
real time image generation- ???????? ?? ???????
real time processing - ??????? ????????
real-time - ????????
real-time clock - ??????? ????
real-time output - ??????? ???????
reboot - ?? ???????
receive - ???
recompile - ????? ????
reconstruction - ??????????
record - ??, ????
record length - ??? ????
record manager - ???? ??????
record number - ??? ??
recording density - ???? ??????
recording layout - ???? ?????
records management - ?????? ???????
recover - ???
recoverable error - ????? ????
rectangular coordinate system- ????? ?? ?????
rectifier - ??????
recurring cost - ????? ????
recursion - ???????
recursive - ?????
recursive procedure - ????? ???
recursive subroutine - ????? ???????
red-green-blue moniter - ?????-????-??? ???? ??
reduction - ??????
redundancy - ??????
redundancy check - ??????? ??????
redundancy code - ??????? ??????
redundant information - ????? ????
reentrant - ??????
reentrant subroutine - ??????? ???????
reference edge - ?????? ??????
reflectance - ????????? ????
reflectance ink - ?????????? ??
reformat - ????????, ????????
refresh circuitry - ????? ???????
refresh disply cycle - ?????? ????? ????
refresh memory - ????? ???????
refresh rate - ????? ????
refreshing - ?????
regenerate - ??????
region - ?????
register - ??????
registration - ??????
regression analysis - ????????? ???
regression testing - ?????????? ??????
relative coding - ????? ??????
relation - ??????, ???
relational data base - ???????? ???? ???
relational expression - ??????? ?????
relational model - ??????? ????
relational operation - ??????? ????
relational operator - ??????? ????????
relational structure - ??????? ???????
relative address - ???? ?????
relative movement - ???? ????
relay - ???? ??????
release version - ????????? ?????
reliability - ?????????
relocatable address - ???????? ?????
relocatable program - ???????? ????
relocate - ??????
remark - ???????
remote - ??????
remote access - ????? ????
remote batch processing- ????? ???????? ?????
remote computing service- ????? ?????? ????
remote job entry - ????? ???????
remote job service - ????? ?????? ????
remote logging - ????? ????
remote processing - ????? ????????
remote station - ????? ??????
remote terminal - ????? ?????
removable media - ???? ??????
reorder point - ????????? ?????
repagination - ???? ??????????
repaint - ??????????
repeat counter - ??????? ????
repeat key - ??????? ????
repeating number - ????? ??
repetition instruction - ??????? ???
replacement theory - ???????? ???????
report - ??????
report file - ??????? ?????
report generation - ?????? ???????
report generator - ?????? ???????
report writer - ?????? ??? ????
reproduce - ?????
reprogramming - ??????????
reprographics - ???????????
rerun - ??????
reserve accumulator - ???? ?????
reserved words - ?????? ??????
reset - ???? ?????
reset key - ???? ?????????
reside - ???
resident program - ??? ????
residual value - ??? ?????
resilient - ???????????
resistor - ??????
resizing - ?????????
resolution - ????????
resource - ???
resource allocation - ??? ??????
resource file - ??? ?????
resource leveling - ??? ?????
resource sharing - ??? ?????
response - ???????, ????
restart - ?????????
results - ??????, ?????
retrieval - ????
retrieving - ?????
retrofit - ??????? ???? ??????
return - ?????
RETURN key - ?????? ????
reusable - ???????
reverse video - ??????? ??????????
review - ????????
rewind - ?????? ???
rewrite - ????????
ribbon cable - ???? ???
ribbon cartridge - ????? ????
ring - ?????
ring network - ???? ????????
ripple sort - ????? ??????????
RO(Read Only) terminal- ???? ?????
roam - ?????
robot - ??????, ??????
robot control language - ?????? ???????? ?????
robotics - ?????????
robustness - ??? ?????
rod memory - ??? ???????
roll out - ?????????
rollback - ??? ?????
rollover - ????? ??????
ROM - Read Only Memory -????? ?????: ?????? ??
ROM cartridge - ?????? ??????? ????
ROM simulator - ?????? ??????? ??????????
root - ???
rotating memory - ??? ???????
rotation - ?????
rotational delay - ????? ???? ????
round off error - ??????????? ????
round robin - ????? ???
round, roundoff - ???????????
rounding - ???????????
router - ?????????
routine - ????, ?????
routing - ????????
row - ?????
rule based deduction - ?????????? ????????
run - ???, ????, ????
run manual - ??? ???????(?????)
run time - ??? ????
S-100 bus - S-100 ?????
S-curve - S-????
salami technique - ?????? ??????
sales forecasting model - ?????? ???????? ????
SAM - Sequential Access Method -????? ?????
sample data - ??????? ???
sampling - ?????? ?????
sampling rate - ?????? ???? ????
sans serif - ???????? ??
satellite - ????????
satellite communications- ???????? ??????
satellite computer - ???? ?????????
saturate - ??????
save - ????
SBC - Single Board Computer -????? ?????: ????
????? ?????????
scalar - ????
scalar value - ???? ?????
scale - ???????, ???????
scale factor - ???????? ?????
scaling - ????????
scan - ????, ???
scan area - ???? ????
scan line - ???? ???
scan path - ???? ????
scanner - ???
scanner channel - ???? ???
scanning - ?????
scatter plot - ????? ???
scatter read/gather write- ????? ??????/????? ????
scheduled maintenance - ???????? ????
scheduled report - ???????? ??????
scheduler - ????????????
scheduling - ????????????
schema - ??????????
SCHEMA - ???? ?? ?????? ????????? ???
schematic - ?????? ???
schematic symbols - ?????? ????????
scientific applications - ??????? ????????
scientific notation - ??????? ???????
scissoring - ????????
scope - ????????
scrap book - ??????
scratch - ?????? ???
scratch file - ?????? ?????
scratch pad - ?????? ???
screen - ????
screen dump - ???? ??????
screen generator - ???? ????
screen position - ???? ??
screen saver - ????? ????
screen size - ???? ???
screen update - ???? ?????
scroll lock - ???? ???? ???
scrolling - ???? ????
search - ???, ????
search and replace - ??? ????
search engine - ???? ?????
search key - ??? ????
search memory - ???? ???????, ????: associative
second - ????
second generation computers- ????? ???????
second source - ????? ???
secondary key - ???? ????
secondary storage - ??? ???????
sector - ???
sector method - ??? ???
secure kernel - ?????? ??
security - ????
security controls - ????? ???????
security files - ????? ???????
security program - ???? ????
security specialist - ???? ?????
seed - ????
seek - ????
seek time - ???? ????
segment - ????
segmentation - ?????????
segmented bar chart - ?????????? ???? ??????
select - ????? ???
selection - ????? ?????
selection sort - ????? ??????????
selection structure - ?????? ???????
selector channel - ?????? ???
self-adapting - ????? ???????
self-checking code - ????? ????????? ??????
self-compiling compiler - ????? ???????
self-complementing code- ???? ?????? ??????
self-correcting code - ????? ?????? ??????
self-validating code - ????? ??????? ??????
semantics - ????????????
semaphores - ???? ?????
semiconductor - ????????
semiconductor device - ????????? ?????
semiconductor storage - ????????? ??????
semirandom access - ???? ???? ????
sense - ???
sense probe - ?????
sensitivity - ???????
sensors - ??????
sequence - ????????
sequence check - ????????? ????????
sequence structure - ????????? ???????
sequential - ???????? ?????
sequential access - ???????? ????
sequential computer - ????????? ?????????
sequential data set - ????????? ???? ???
sequential data structure- ????????? ????
sequential device - ????????? ?????
sequential file organisation- ????????? ???
sequential list - ????????? ???
sequential logic - ???????? ????
sequential machine - ???????? ??????
sequential processing - ????????? ????????
sequential storage - ????????? ??????
serial - ?????
serial access - ????? ????
serial adder - ????? ???
serial board - ????????? ????
serial computer - ?????????? ?????????
serial data - ?????????? ?????
serial input/output - ????????? ?????/???????
serial interface - ????????? ?????
serial operation - ????????? ????
serial port - ?????????? ???
serial printer - ????????? ?????????
serial processing - ?????????? ????????
serial reading - ????????? ??????
serial transmission - ?????????? ??????
serializability - ???????? ????
server - ???????
service bureau - ???? ??????
service contract - ???? ??????
service provider - ???? ??????
servo mechanism - ????? ???????
session - ????
set - ???
setup - ????, ????
setup time - ???? ????, ????? ????
shade - ???????
shading symbols - ??????? ????????
shadow printing - ???? ??????
shape - ????
shared file - ???? ?????
shared logic - ???? ????
shared resource - ???? ???
sharpness - ????
sheet feeder - ??? ???
shielding - ????
shift - ??????
shift click - ????? ??????? ????????? ?????
shift key - ????? ????
shortest operating time - ???? ??? ????
shutdown - ?????????
SI - Systems Internationale -????? ?????
side effect - ??? ?????
sift - ???
sifting - ??????
sign - ???
sign digit - ??? ????
sign extension - ??? ?????????
sign flag - ???? ????
sign position - ??? ??
sign-off - ????? ??????
sign-on - ????? ???????
signal - ?????
signal-to-noise ratio - ?????-????? ??????
signaling rate - ????????? ????
significant digit - ?????? ????
silicon chip - ??????? ????
silicon valley - ??????? ????????
silicon wafer - ??????? ????
simplex - ????
simulation - ?????
simulator - ??????????
simultaneous input/output- ??????? ?????/???????
simultaneous processing- ??????? ????????
single address - ???? ?????
single density - ???? ??????
single precision - ???? ???????
single step - ????? ??
single-board-computer - ?????????? ?????????
single-sided disk - ???????? ???
sixteen-bit chip - ?????? ????? ????
size - ???
sketch pad - ???????
sketching - ????
skew - ????
skip - ????
slab - ????
slack time - ???? ????
slave - ????
slave tube - ????? ???
sleeve - ??????
slew - ???
slewing - ????
slice - ????
slide - ?? ?????
slide rule - ???? ?????
slide show package - ???? ?????? ?????
slope - ????
slot - ??????????
SLSI - Super Large Scale Integration -????? ?????
slug - ?????
small business computer- ??? ????? ?????????
small scale integration (SSI)- ?????? ?????????
Smalltalk - ?????????????????? ???
smart - ?????
smart card - ????? ????
smart machines - ????? ????????
smart terminal - ????? ?????
smash - ???
smooth - ???
smooth scrolling - ??? ????
SNA - Systems Network Architecture -????? ?????:
????????????? ???? ???????
snapshot dump - ???????? ??????
SNOBOL - StriNg Oriented symBOlic Language -?????
????????? ????????? ???
SO - Send Only -????? ?????: ???? ????
socket - ???
soft clip area - ??? ???????
soft copy - ??? ???
soft fails - ??? ???????
soft hyphen - ??? ???????
soft keys - ??? ??????
soft return - ??? ??????
soft sector - ??? ????
software - ????????, ???????
software base - ???????? ???
software broker - ???????? ????
software compatibility - ???????? ???????
software development - ???????? ???????
software document - ???????? ????
software encryption - ???????? ??????
software engineering - ???????? ?????????
software flexibility - ???????? ????????
software house - ???????? ???
software librarian - ???????? ????
software license - ???????? ?????
software maintenance - ???????? ????
software monitor - ???????? ????????
software package - ???????? ?????
software piracy - ???????? ???
software portability - ???????? ????????
software protection - ???????? ????
software publisher - ???????? ????????
software resources - ???????? ?????
software science - ???????? ???????
software system - ???????? ?????
software transportability- ???????? ??????????
softwhite - ???????
solar cell - ???? ??????
solid state - ???? ????
solid state cartridge - ???? ????? ????
solid state device - ???? ????? ?????
son file - ??? ?????
sort - ?????????
sort effort - ????????? ?????
sort generator - ????????? ????
sort/merge program - ?????????/????? ????
sorter - ??????????
sorting - ??????????
SOS - Silicon On sapphire -????? ?????
soundhood - ???? ??
source - ???
source code - ?? ????
source computer - ??? ?????????
source disk - ?? ???
source document - ?? ????
source language - ?? ?????
source media - ?? ??????
source program - ?? ????
source register - ??? ??????
source- data automation- ??? ??? ????????????
space - ??????
space bar - ??????? ?????????
spaghetti code - ???? ????
span - ?????
spanning tree - ???? ???
sparse array - ??? ?????
spatial data management- ????? ??? ???????
spatitial digitizer - ????? ????????
spec - specification -????? ?????
special character - ????? ??
special function key - ?????? ????????
special purpose - ???????
special purpose computer- ??????? ?????????
special purpose programming language- ??????? ??
special symbol - ?????? ??????
specification - ???? ??????
specification sheet - ???? ??????? ???
speech recognition - ???? ?????
speech synthesis - ???? ???????
speech synthesizer - ???? ???????
speed - ????????
spelling checker - ???? ??????????
spider configuration - ?????? ???????
spike - ???????
spin writer - ??? ????
spindle motor - ???? ?????
spline - ????? ????
split screen - ?? ????
split window - ?? ?????
splitting a window - ????? ?????
spool - ???, ????
spooler - ????
spooling - ??????
spread sheet - ???????
spring tension - ??? ?????
sprites - ????
sprocket holes - ????????? ?????
SSI - Small Scale Integration -????? ?????: ??
???? ?????????
Stack - ????
stack pointer - ????? ???
stacked job processing - ????????? ????????
stacker - ?????
stair stepping - ????? ?????, ??? ????
stand-alone - ?????????
stand-alone graphics system- ????????? ???????
stand-alone system - ????????? ?????
standard - ??????
standard interface - ????? ?????
standardise - ?????? ????
standards - ????? ????????
standards enforcer - ????? ????????????
standby button - ????? ???????
standby equipment - ????? ?????
standby time - ?????? ????
star network - ?????? ????????
start bit - ??????? ????
startup - ???????
startup disk - ?????? ???
stat - statistical ???? photostat -????????
state - ????
state-of-the-art - ???? ??????????
statement - ???
statement label - ??? ?????
static - ????
static RAM - ???? RAM
static analysis - ???? ???????
static dump - ???? ??????
static memory - ???? ???????
static refresh - ???? ?????
static storage - ???? ??????
staticizing - ????? ????
station - ??????
statistics - ????????
status - ????????
status report - ???????? ??????
step - ??
stepper motor - ?????? ?????
stochastic procedures - ???????? ????????
stochastic process - ???????? ???????
stop bit - ?????? ????
stop code - ?????? ??????
storage - ??????
storage allocation - ????? ??????
storage block - ?????? ??????
storage capacity - ?????? ???????
storage circuit - ?????? ???
storage device - ?????? ?????
storage dump - ?????? ??????
storage key - ?????? ????
storage location - ????? ???????
storage map - ????? ??????
storage pool - ?????? ??????
storage protection - ?????? ????
storage tube - ?????? ???
storage unit - ??????
store - ????
store and forward - ?????? ?????
stored-program computer- ????????? ?????????
stored-program concept - ????????? ????
straight-line code - ????????? ????
streamer - ????????
streaming tape drive - ???????? ???? ????
stress testing - ????? ??????
string - ???
string expression - ??? ?????
string handling - ??? ??????
string length - ?? ????
string manipulation - ??? ????????
string processing languages- ??? ??? ???????
string variable - ?? ????
stringy floppy - ?? ????????
stroke - ????
stroke writer - ???? ????
structural design - ???? ???????
structure - ???????
structure chart - ???????? ???
structured coding - ??????? ????
structured design - ??????? ???????
structured English - ??????? ??????
structured flowchart - ??????? ???????
structured programming - ??????? ????????
structured walkthrough - ??????? ???
stub testing - ??????? ??????
stylus - ???????, ???
subdirectory - ??? ????
subprogram - ???????
subroutine - ???????
subroutine reentry - ??????? ??????
subschema - ??? ????
subscript - ??????
subscripted variable - ??? ????, ??????? ????
subset - ???????
substrate - ??????
substring - ????? ???
subsystem - ??? ?????
suffix - ????????
suite - ??????
super computer - ??? ?????????
super large scale integration- ??? ????? ?????
superconducting computers- ????????? ???????????
superconductor - ????????
supermini computer - ????? ?????????
superscript - ??????
supervisory system - ???????? ?????
support - ????, ???
support library - ??? ????
suppress - ????
suppression - ?????
surface of revolution - ?????? ????
surge - ?????
surge protector - ?????? ??????
surging - ???
suspend - ?? ??????
swapping - ?????
swarm - ????? ??????
swim - ????
switch - ???, ?????????
switch mode power supply - ??? ????? ????????
switched line - ????????? ?????
switching algebra - ???????? ???????
switching circuit - ????????? ???
switching theory - ????????? ??????
symbol - ??????
symbol string - ???? ???
symbol table - ??? ??????
symbolic address - ??????? ?????
symbolic coding - ??????? ????
symbolic device - ???????? ?????
symbolic editor - ???????? ??????
symbolic I/O assignment- ??????? ?/?? ?????
symbolic language - ??????? ?????
symbolic logic - ??????? ????
symbolic name - ???????? ????
symbolic programming - ??????? ????????
symbolic table - ??????? ??????
sync character - ??? ??
synchronization - ????????
synchronization check - ??????? ????????
synchronous communications- ??????? ??????
synchronous computer - ??????? ?????????
synchronous network - ??????? ????????
synchronous operation - ???????? ???????
synchronous transmission- ???????? ??????
synonym - ??????? ???????
syntax - ????????
syntax error - ???????? ????
synthesizer - ???????, ???????
system - ?????
system analysis - ?????? ???????
system analyst - ?????? ??????????
system analyzer - ????? ????????
system board - ?????? ????
system chart - ?????????
system commands - ?????? ???????
system diagnostics - ?????? ???????
system disk - ??? ????? ???
system flowchart - ???????? ???????
system follow up - ?????? ?????????
system generation - ????? ????
system implementation - ????? ?????????
system installation - ????? ?????
system interrupt - ????? ???????
system loader - ????? ????
system maintenance - ?????? ????
system priorities - ????? ?????????
system programmer - ????? ?????
system reset - ????? ?????????
systems design - ????? ???????
systems engineer - ?????? ???????
systems house - ????? ???
systems manual - ?????? ??????
systems programmer - ????? ?????
systems programming - ????? ????????
systems programs - ????? ??????
systems resource - ????? ???
systems security - ?????? ????
systems software - ????? ????????
systems study - ????? ???
systems synthesis - ????? ???????
systems testing - ????? ????????
tab - ????
TAB - Terminal Anchor Block -????? ?????: ??
tab group - ???? ??
tab interval - ???? ??????
tab key - ???? ????
table - ?????, ??????
table file - ???? ?????
table lookup - ??? ??????
tablet - ???? ????????
tabulate - ???????
tabulation - ????????
tabulation character - ???????? ??
tabulator - ?????????
tabulator clear key - ???? ???? ????
tabulator key - ???????? ????
tabulator mechanism - ???????? ?????
tabulator set key - ????? ????? ????
tabulator setting - ????? ????
tabulator stop - ????? ??????
TAF - Terminal Access Facility -????? ?????:
???? ???? ????
tag - ?????? ???
tag along sort - ?????? ??????????
tag field - ???? ???
tail - ???
tail frame - ???????
tailing - ??? ????
take over - ?????????
tandem computer - ????? ????? ?????????
tangent point - ???? ????
tap - ???
tape cartridge - ????? ????
tape code - ????? ???????
tape deck - ???? ????
tape drive - ???? ????
tape label - ???? ???????
tape mark - ???? ????????
tape punch - ???? ????????
tape reader - ???? ????????
tape reel - ????? ???
tape reproducer - ????? ?????????
tape resident system - ???? ???? ???????
tape spool - ????? ???
tape station(tape unit) - ???? ?????
tape volume - ???? ??????
target - ???
target data set - ???? ???? ???
target directory - ??? ????
target disk - ??? ???
target drive - ??? ????
target language - ??? ?????
target path - ???? ????
tariff - ???? ????
task - ???????
task dispatcher - ??????? ??????
task panel - ??????? ?????
task queue - ?????? ????
technique - ???????
tele autograph - ??????????
telecine - ?????? ????????
telecommunication - ????????????
teleconferencing - ??????????
telecopy - ????????
telemeter - ?????????
teletext - ????????
telnet - ???????????
template - ??? ???
tensile strength - ? ?????
terminal - ?????
terminal address card - ???? ????? ????
terminal component - ????? ??
terminal configuration facility- ???? ???????
terminal emulation - ????? ??????
terminal emulator - ????? ??????
terminal entry - ???? ????
terminal error - ????? ????
terminal job - ????? ???
terminal node - ????? ??
terminal port - ????? ???
terminal response mode - ????? ?????? ????
terminal security - ????? ????
terminal session - ???? ????
terminal stand - ????? ?????
terminal table - ????? ???
terminal transaction facility- ????? ???????
terminal user - ????? ????
terminate - ??
terminated line - ????? ???
terminator - ??????
ternary - ????
test data - ??????? ???
test plan - ??????? ?????
test run - ????????????
text - ???
text area - ???? ????
text attribute - ???? ?????
text body - ??? ???
text compression - ??? ?????
text control - ???? ???????
text cursor - ???? ???
text editing - ???? ?????
text editor - ??? ??????
text file - ???? ?????
text formating program - ???? ??? ????
text line - ??? ???
text lock - ???? ???
text processing - ??? ????
text processor - ??? ????
text revision - ??? ?????
text segment - ???? ????
text stream - ??? ???
text string search - ???? ??? ????
text suppression - ??? ?????
text transmission - ???? ??????
text transparency - ??? ??????
text window - ??? ?????
textual scrolling information- ????????? ????
texture - ???
theorem proving - ????? ?????
theory of numbers - ?????? ???????
thermal printer - ???? ?????????
thermal stencil - ???? ??????
thin film - ???????
thin film storage - ??????? ??????
thrashing - ???? ????
threaded - ?????
threaded tree - ????? ???
threat - ???????
threat agent - ???????
threat analysis - ??????? ???????
three address computer - ???????? ?????????
three dimensional - ????????
three point curve - ?????? ????
throughput - ????????
thumb wheel - ???????? ?????
ticket - ???? ?????
ticket based access control- ???????? ????
ticket list - ???? ?????? ?????
tightly coupled mutiprocessing- ????? ???
????? ????????
tile - ????? ?????
time frame - ??????
time scale - ??? ??????
time share - ???? ?????
time sharing - ???? ????????
time sharing priority - ????????? ???????
timeout - ???????? ????
timer - ????
toggle - ????? ?????
token - ?????
tolerance - ??????
toll - ????
tone - ?????????
toner - ??
toolkit - ????? ??????
top margin - ??? ???
topology - ??????
touch screen - ???? ????
touch sensitive - ???? ???
trace - ???
track - ???
track ball - ??? ???
track density - ?? ??????
track pitch - ?? ??????
track recovery - ?? ????
track reverse - ??? ?????????
track sector - ??? ?????
track selector - ??? ?????? ?????
tracker ball - ???????? ???
tractor - ??? ???
tractor feeder - ??????? ???
trade off - ?? ????
traffic intensity - ?????????? ?????
trailer record - ???????? ??
trailing edge - ??? ??????
train - ??????
transaction - ????????
transaction code - ???????? ??????
transaction file - ???????? ?????
transaction journal - ??????? ??????
transaction oriented processing- ???????????
transaction programme - ??????? ????
transaction trailing - ???????? ???
transborder - ???? ????
transceiver - ?????? ?????
transcribe - ??????? ?????
transcript - ?????????? ?????
transcription machine - ??????? ?????
transducer - ????? ?????
transfer - ????
transfer rate - ????? ????
transform - ??????
transformation - ???????
transformer - ????????, ???????
transient - ???????
transient error - ???????? ????
transient program - ??????? ????
transient suppressions - ??????? ???????
transistor - ?????????
transit delay - ???? ?????
translation - ???????????, ???????
translation time - ??????? ????
translator - ??????????? ????
transmission - ??????
transponder - ????? ??????
transpose - ???????
trap - ?????
trap door - ?????????
TRC - Terminal Reference Character -????? ?????:
??? ??????
tree diagram - ?? ??????
tree network - ?? ????????
triad - ????
trichromatic - ????? ????
triple precision - ???? ???????
tristate logic - ?????? ????
trouble shoot - ???? ????
truncate - ??????
truncation error - ?????? ????
trunk - ??? ???
truth table - ??????? ??????
Turing machine - ???? ??????
turn off/on - ?????/??????
turnaround time - ????? ????
turnkey system - ???????? ?????
turtle graphics - ??? ??????
tutorial program - ???? ????
tweak - ????????
twinkle box - ?????? ????
two address computer - ? ?????? ?????????
two dimensional array - ? ?????? ?????
two way branching - ???? ???????
type ahead - ?????????
type ball - ???? ???
type face - ??? ???
type font - ??? ???????
type over - ??? ??????
type size - ?????
typematic - ???????
ULSI - Ultra Large Scale Integration -?????
?????: ??? ????? ?????????
ultra fiche - ?? ??????
ultra violet light - ?? ??? ???
ultrasonic - ???? ???
unary - ???
unary operation - ??????? ???????
unconditional branching - ??????????? ???????
unconditional transfer - ??????????? ????
uncontrolled loop - ????????? ????
under flow - ???? ???????? ????
undo - ?????? ????
unibus - ????? ?????
unipolar - ?????? ?????
unit - ???, ???, ???, ???
unit position - ????? ??
UNIX - ??????? ?????? ???
unpack - ????
unset - ?????? ???????, ????????
up - ??? ????
up and running - ?????? ???????
UPC - Universal Product Code -????? ?????: ????
????????? ??????
update - ????????? ????
upgrade - ???????
upload - ??????
uppercase - ?????? ????, ???????
upward compatible - ???????? ???????
usability - ???????, ?????
user - ????
user defined function - ???? ??????? ????
user friendly - ???? ??????
user group - ???? ??
user profile - ???? ?????
user terminal - ???? ?????
utility - ??????
utility programme - ??????? ????
utility statistics - ???????? ?????????
VAB - Voice Answer Bank -????? ?????: ??? ????
VAL - Vicar Arm Language -????? ?????: ?????? -
??? ?????
vaccine - ????
vacuum tube - ??????? ???
validation - ?????? ??????
value - ?????
variable - ????
variable length record - ??? ??? ??
variable resistor - ???? ??????
variation - ??????
VDT - Video Display Terminal -????? ?????: ???
??????? ????? ?????
VDU - Video Display Unit -????? ?????: ???????
??? ????????
vector - ??????
vector display - ?????? ?????
vector pair - ????? ????
vendee - ???????
vendor - ??????
Venn diagram - ??? ??????
verification - ????????
verifier - ?????????
very high speed integrated circuit programme - ???
??? ???????? ??????? ????
video - ??????????
video cassette - ?????????? ????
video digitiser - ????????? ????????
video disk - ????????? ???
video display - ?????????? ???????, ?????????? ??
video game - ????????? ????????
video generator - ?????????? ???????
video signal - ?????????? ???????
view - ???, ?????
view data - ?????? ???
view port - ????? ?????
virtual - ???
virtual reality - ???? ??????
virus - ???????
Visi Calc - ????? ??????? ????
vision recognition - ????? ?????
visual display - ?????? ????
visual page - ???? ????
visual scanner - ????? ???
VLDB - Very Long Data Book -????? ?????: ??? ????
???? ???
vocabulary - ???? ???
voder - speech synthesizer- ???? ??????? ?????
voice communication - ????? ??????
voice grade - ??? ???
voice input - ??? ?????
voice mail - ??? ????
voice output - ??? ???????
voice recognition system- ??? ????? ?????
voice response - ??????? ????
voice synthesizer - ??? ???????
volatile file - ??????? ?????
volatile memory - ????? ???????
volatility - ????? ????
wafer - ????
wait state - ?????? ????
wait time - ?????? ????
walk through - ???
WAN - ????: wide area network
wand - ????????
warm boot - ??? ???????
warm start - ??? ???????
warmup time - ???? ????
warning message - ????????? ?????
WATS - ????: wide area telephone service
web server - ??? ???????
web site - ??? ?????
weed - ???
weighted code - ?????? ??????
wheel printer - ???? ?????????
white noise - ??? ?????
whole number - ?? ??
wide area network - ???? ???? ????????
wide area telephone service- ???? ???? ??????????
wide band - ???? ????
widow - ???? ??????
wild card - ????? ??
Winchester disk drive - ???????? ??? ????
window - ?????
windowing - ?????????
wire board - ????? ????, ??? ????
wire wrap - ????? ???????
wired programme computer- ??????? ?????????
word - ????
word length - ???? ????
word processing - ???? ???????
word processor - ???? ???????
word star - ?????????? ???? ????
word wrap - ???? ????
work area - ??????? ????
work bench - ?????? ????
work breakdown structure- ??? ????? ???????
work station - ????????? ?????????
work year - ??? ???
working storage - ??????? ??????
worksheet - ???? ???
workspace - ??????? ????
world wide web - ???? ?????? ???
wrap around - ???? ????
write - ???
write enable ring - ??????? ?????
write inhibit ring - ??????? ?????
write protect notch - ????? ???? ???
write protect ring - ????? ???? ?????
write protect sensor - ????? ???? ????
WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get -?????
?????: ?????? ???????
X axis - X ???
X Punch - X ???, X ??????
X-Y chart - X-Y ???
X-Y plotter - X-Y ?????
XOR - ?????? ????
Y axis - Y ???
Y punch - Y ???
Y orientation - Y ????????
yoke - ???
Z Address - Z ?????
Z axis - Z ???
Z Force - Z ????
Z-buffer - Z ?????
zap - ???
zero - ???
zero fill - ??? ??????
zero flag - ???? ????
zero suppression - ??? ?????
zeroth track sensor - ???? ?? ????
zone - ??????
zone bits - ?????? ??????, ????? ??????
zone Punch - ?????? ???, ?????? ??????
zoom factor - ???????? ?????
zoom in - ????????, ????????
zoom out - ????????, ?????????
zooming - ?????????, ?????????

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