[Ubuntu-l10n-ptbr] New template of checkbox get imported
Henrique P. Machado
zehrique em ubuntu.com
Sexta Outubro 23 14:08:16 BST 2009
Quem ficou cismado ao tentar traduzir as strings deste pacote por
causa das barras invertidas "\". Pode traduzir tranquilamente em uma
única linha.
Qualquer dúvida, entrem em contato aqui na lista.
"Sergio Zanchetta <primes2h em ubuntu.com>
David and me have talked with Marc about "\" thing on #ubuntu-devel.
He told us that they are needed to indicate the following newline
should be ignored in the code.
He added they're not meant to be like \n, they're meant to enable the
template files to be more readable by having long lines wrapped.
The lines are merged by the parser when \ is followed by a newline, so
it will be the same if you just don't use \ nor newline.
_So, we have to translate strings as a single line without "\"._
He ended saying that the issue with the program will definitely be
addressed early in the lucid cycle.
Henrique P Machado
zehrique em ubuntu.com
OpenPGP Keys: 0CE49BAA
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