[Ubuntu-l10n-ptbr] command key

Renato Krause renatokrause em gmail.com
Quinta Março 26 16:26:24 GMT 2009

Boa tarde caros amigos,

Go to the directory containing the installation files and start up the
<command>Penguin</command> booter, holding down the <keycap>command</keycap>
key. Go to the <userinput>Settings</userinput> dialogue (<keycombo>
<keycap>command</keycap> <keycap>T</keycap> </keycombo>), and locate the
kernel options line which should look like <userinput>root=/dev/ram
ramdisk_size=15000</userinput> or similar.

Qual é o entendimento de vocês a cerca de "<keycap>command</keycap>"? Seria
a tecla Ctrl?
Realmente me pegaram nessa.

Renato Krause
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