
Redmar redmar op
Zo Mrt 4 08:24:54 UTC 2012

Ik doe mee!

Hannie Dumoleyn schreef op za 03-03-2012 om 09:00 [+0100]:
> Beste medevertalers,
> Op onze laatste vergadering (3 deelnemers) hebben we het gehad over de
> global jam (zie mailtje hieronder). Wij vonden het te kort dag om dit
> weekend al iets te organiseren en hebben besloten een vertaalspurt te
> houden in het weekend van 31 maart/1 april.
> Doen jullie mee?
> De bedoeling is dat we die dagen proberen zo veel mogelijk te vertalen
> waarbij we via chatten contact met elkaar hebben.
> Zet het in je agenda!
> Groeten,
> Hannie
> -------- Originele bericht -------- 
>                         Onderwerp: 
> High priority translation tasks for
> the global jam
>                             Datum: 
> Fri, 02 Mar 2012 16:50:09 +0100
>                               Van: 
> Kenneth Nielsen
> <k.nielsen81 op>
>                               Aan: 
> Ubuntu Translators
> <ubuntu-translators op>
> Hallo translators
> It is now almost time for the global jam and what better time to get a 
> lot of translation done. However, even at a jam, where we gather all the 
> volunteers, we often still cannot complete everything and it can 
> sometimes be difficult prioritize.
> Therefore, a couple of the Ubuntu translation coordinators banged our 
> heads together to see if we could come up with a list of high priority 
> or new and interesting translation tasks.
> We have gathered these below.
> 1) Finish up modules only missing a few strings:
> One of the things that jams (where we might be gathered in the same 
> physical location) are really good for, is finishing a lot of small 
> tasks. Sitting right next to each other, cuts down the communications 
> burden of coordinating e.g. proofreading of lots of small tasks.
> Therefore, one of the things that we recommend you use the jam for, is 
> to work on some of the modules that are missing less than say 20 string. 
> You can see a list of the modules for your language, sorted by 
> untranslated strings on Davids status page:
> 2) Work on the default and/or high visibility programs:
> Some modules are more important to get translated than others. Either 
> because they are the default programs for popular tasks or because they 
> are used for crucial tasks by many users at least once. Below we have 
> made a (not complete and unordered) list of such programs. These are 
> good candidates for programs to work on first:
>  * Unity (including lenses)
>  * Unity indicators (named indicator-...)
>  * Software center
>  * Rhythmbox
>  * Empathy
>  * Gwibber-...
>  * Shotwell
>  * Nautilus
>  * Ubuntu One
>  * Ubiquity (including the slideshow)
> New items in the Gnome Control Center:
>  * Deja-dup
>  * Activity Log Manager
> 3) Localizing doc images (screenshots)
> This is not necessarily a high priority target, but rather something we 
> would like to point out to you is now a possibility.
> We now have a workable system for localizing the images (screen shots) 
> in the Ubuntu docs. You can view all the images that needs to be 
> translated for your language and the originals on this webpage:
> After making the localized screenshots, you can easily get them 
> submitted to the archive by:
> 1. Replying to this thread saying that you want to localize images for 
> your language. David will then add you to the Ubuntu One share where you 
> can save your localized images.
> 2. Following the instructions to do the actual localization: 
> 3. Ensuring your localized images are there before the 
> NonLanguagePackTranslationDeadline on the 10th of April
> We hope that this will give you a few ideas for stuff to get started on.
> Happy translating :)
> Regards the Ubuntu translations coordinators

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