Foute melding in Ubiquity

Redmar redmar op
Za Feb 4 09:50:29 UTC 2012

Mooi dat er nu iets aan gedaan wordt. Nu moeten we alleen nog in de gate
houden of dit nog voor precise aangepakt wordt, of dat we tot de
volgende release moeten wachten. Anders kunnen we wellicht de huidige
vertaling alvast aanpassen.


Pjotr Kan schreef op vr 03-02-2012 om 13:47 [+0100]:
> Kijk, dat is geluk hebben..... De kwestie is opgepakt, een uurtje
> nadat ik de boel heb aangeslingerd op IRC, bij de verantwoordelijke
> ontwikkelaars. Zie het betreffende draadje in Launchpad. Activisme
> helpt vaak, mits respectvol gedaan, natuurlijk.  :-)
> In het verleden hebben Jan Claeys en ik, weleens eerder een
> Ubiquity-kwestie aangekaart bij Colin Watson. Even gezocht op IRC,
> waar-ie zat, en zowaar:
> * U praat nu op #ubuntu-devel
> * Onderwerp voor #ubuntu-devel is: Alpha 2 released!  Archive: open |
> Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build
> failures -> | #ubuntu for support and general
> discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for app
> development on Ubuntu | | See
> #ubuntu-bugs for | Patch Pilots:
> * Onderwerp voor #ubuntu-devel is ingesteld door
> micahg!~micahg op ubuntu/member/micahg op Thu Feb  2 21:52:02 2012
> -ChanServ- [#ubuntu-devel] Welcome to #ubuntu-devel. This channel is
> logged. Use of this channel implies acceptance of terms at
> <Pjotr> cjwatson: in ubiquity, there's an incorrect and misleading
> message, which should be adapted or deleted, IMHO. Because it may lead
> to damage.
> <Pjotr> I've made a Launchpad bug report about it:
> <ubottu> Ubuntu bug 925427 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) ""Ready when you are"
> message is misleading and incorrect" [Undecided,Confirmed]
> <Pjotr> Can you do something about it?
> <cjwatson> mpt: ^-
> <cjwatson> I believe that's a design-specified message, and it's
> already been through an iteration or two.  I'd like mpt to review and
> suggest an amended design rather than just changing it myself.
> <mpt> ah yes
> <mpt> I don't think there's been a formal test on it, but that's
> tripped up everyone I've watched installing
> <mpt> Not that they think installation is finished, but that they sit
> there waiting for something else to happen
> * dendro-afk is nu bekend als dendrobates
> * TiMiDo (~bla op is
> binnengekomen bij #ubuntu-devel
> <cjwatson> The original intent was to remind people that the installer
> is currently waiting for you to finish answering questions before it
> can carry on
> <cjwatson> "Get on with it"
> <apw> :)
> <apw> "Waiting for you to complete the configuration questions"
> <cjwatson> Gets a bit long for a button :)
> <cjwatson> Er, actually it isn't a button is it
> <mpt> cjwatson, do you have a screenshot handy?
> <cjwatson> Not immediately
> * cjwatson googles
> * OdyX (~OdyX op heeft #ubuntu-devel verlaten
> * ricotz (~rico op unaffiliated/ricotz) is binnengekomen bij #ubuntu-devel
> <Pjotr> I'm sorry, I have no screenshot either...
> <cjwatson> mpt:
> <cjwatson> from
> <cjwatson> it might appear on previous question pages as well
> <Pjotr> It's not related to any Ubiquity instance that needs a user
> action. In that way, the screenshot is a bit confusing
> <cjwatson> Hmm?  It certainly is - it's waiting for the user to
> complete the action of answering all the questions
> <cjwatson> The user setup page constitutes some of those questions
> <mpt> thanks cjwatson -- I think this is going to require more than a
> string fix unfortunately
> <Pjotr> No, the answering could have happened earlier on, and been
> finished already.
> * cjwatson eyes his upcoming leave
> <cjwatson> Pjotr: In that case you won't get the "Ready when you are" message.
> <Pjotr> the "ready when you are" message happens anyway, regardless
> <mpt> I've talked about this with ev before, maybe moving the progress
> bar bit to the top and then saying something like "While we're doing
> that..."
> <cjwatson> Pjotr: It's not supposed to.  That would be a separate problem.
> * rickspencer3 heeft verlaten (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
> <cjwatson> mpt: OK, I definitely won't have time for that, so I guess
> the question is whether we can reasonably do something intermediate
> <cjwatson> Fixing the message being shown when we aren't actually
> waiting for the user would be an example
> <Pjotr> sounds fine to me... :-)
> * elif (~marco op is binnengekomen bij #ubuntu-devel
> <cjwatson> Unfortunately that code is some of the twistiest in ubiquity ...
> * wzssyqa (~syq op ubuntu/member/wzssyqa) is binnengekomen bij #ubuntu-devel
> * mtlith (~mtlith op heeft
> #ubuntu-devel verlaten ("Leaving")
> * TiMiDo heeft verlaten (Changing host)
> * TiMiDo (~bla op ubuntu/member/timido) is binnengekomen bij #ubuntu-devel
> * _salem is nu bekend als salem_
> <cjwatson> Maybe (untested)
> <mpt> "This flight is ready to depart. All other passengers are
> waiting for you."
> <cjwatson> I had that for me once - I made like Linford Christie
> <Pjotr> It's a bit above my head now... Thanks for the attention that
> you're giving this matter. Hopefully you'll be able to fix it before
> Precise ships.
> * udienz heeft verlaten (Remote host closed the connection)
> <Pjotr> Goodbye

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