Bug Ubuntu Manual e1 en e2

Hannie lafeber-dumoleyn2 op zonnet.nl
Wo Jul 21 14:38:14 UTC 2010

Op #Launchpad heb ik de volgende conversatie gehad met Danilos:

We had translated 70% of Lucid-e1 so far
hannie, yeah, are you still having problems with translations disappearing?
Yes, all my translations have become suggestions
hannie, again? on lucid-e1 or lucid-e2?
hannie, that's weird
But now e1 has changed from 70 % translated to 39%
hannie, oh, right, that's because they are using message sharing: I 
should have thought of that earlier
hannie, basically, since those two have mostly the same messages, they 
get applied to both when lucid-e2 messes them up
But can it be fixed?
hannie, it's a bug that I'll bump the priority for so we'll get it done 
hannie, a work-around is still simple: project maintainers would need to 
set up lucid-e2 to import only templates as well
hannie, I'll also make sure we fix the actual bug soon
hannie, for yourself, you should probably download a PO file as soon as 
you are done with translation for a while, and if it turns it into 
suggestions, you can just re-upload it (at least until we fix the bug)

Zoals jullie kunnen zien zal het probleem binnenkort opgelost worden.
vr. gr. Hannie
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