Translating bootloader

Redmar van den Berg redmar.vdberg op
Za Feb 20 13:26:43 UTC 2010

Hi all,

As the people who tested the alpha(2) release of 10.04 might have
noticed, the initial screen of the live CD is no longer fully
translated. More specific, it shows "Try Ubuntu without installing" for
every language, instead of the translated string. The strings in
questions are located in bootloader.

Because bootloader doesn't use langpacks the maintainer has import the
translations and build the package manually. We would therefore like to
ask you all to make sure that bootloader is fully translated before we
ask the maintainer to build a new package.
The translation templates for bootloader can be found here:

With kind regards,

(Ubuntu Dutch Translators)
------------- volgend deel ------------
Een niet-tekst bijlage is gescrubt...
Naam: signature.asc
Type: application/pgp-signature
Grootte: 197 bytes
Omschrijving: Dit berichtdeel is digitaal ondertekend
URL : <>

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