[Gruppo traduzione] Fwd: Final call for universe packages to be translatable in Launchpad

Milo Casagrande milo a ubuntu.com
Gio 29 Mar 2012 19:28:32 UTC


Se avete idee su qualche programma che è in universe e che vorreste
poter vedere tradurre via Launchpad per i rilasci di Ubuntu, fatemi


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Andrej Znidarsic <andrej.znidarsic a gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Mar 29, 2012 at 19:22
Subject: Final call for universe packages to be translatable in Launchpad
To: ubuntu-translators a lists.ubuntu.com

Hello translators!

You might remember a call for universe packages to be translatable in
We managed to get the first testing package working and iron out the
bugs. Now we are confident the system works as it should feel we can
push it's usage to other packages..

List of upstream programs to be included is located at

Please review it and add any other upstream program you feel should be
translatable in Launchpad. Note this is a final call for suggestion
for the first round.

We would like to get as many suggestions as possible but at the same
time need to hurry if we want to have good possibility of getting some
of the translations into Precise so the deadline for additional
suggestions is Tuesday, April 3rd, 14.00 CET.

After that we will start filling first batch of bugs with the
responsible maintainers and hopefully we will manage to enable some of
them already for upcoming 12.04.

questions & comments are welcome


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Milo Casagrande <milo a ubuntu.com>

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