[Gruppo traduzione] Fwd: Please translate gnome-user-docs package in Natty

Milo Casagrande milo a casagrande.name
Mar 3 Maggio 2011 19:04:09 UTC


Ci sarebbe questa immane traduzione da fare... tra l'altro se
controllate i pacchetti della documentazione, ora ci dovrebbero essere
stringhe nuove da tradurre.

Luca, che ne dici? Come possiamo fare? Alla fine puņ servire anche per GNOME...


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Matthew East <mdke a ubuntu.com>
Date: Mon, May 2, 2011 at 11:34
Subject: Please translate gnome-user-docs package in Natty
To: Ubuntu translators <ubuntu-translators a lists.ubuntu.com>
Cc: Ubuntu Doc <ubuntu-doc a lists.ubuntu.com>

Hi there,

As previously announced [1] we were not in time this release to allow
translations of Ubuntu desktop help to take place prior to the

Very significant progress has now been made on the help and it is in a
state where translation can start. We have not yet got to the stage of
making a hard string freeze but we have got far enough that it is
appropriate for translators to commence the work of translating this
package. We intend to make a hard string freeze in a couple of weeks.
Then, we will make several releases over the course of the cycle to
update translations. These would be intended to coincide with the
language pack updates, because help translations are contained in the
language packs.

The Ubuntu onboard help is mainly contained in the gnome-user-docs
package in natty, with ubuntu-docs only containing help for the
fallback "Ubuntu Classic" desktop. I therefore suggest that you focus
on translating the gnome-user-docs package [2]. Within that, you
should focus on the gnome-help template. The other template
(user-guide) is only used by very few applications for their help
pages. The gnome-help template is the important one because that is
what appears in the front page of yelp.

This template reuses *some* strings from upstream Gnome, although many
many strings have been changed. It may be worth you uploading po files
from upstream for your language if work has been going on there to
translate gnome-user-docs, so that the translations of any common
strings will be reused.

Let's be honest - this is a very large job. There are over 2500
strings. We will commit to doing regular updates and reusing the
translations in future releases for this reason.

Please note: this is translation of xml. Please read carefully the
first three guidelines in the "For Translators" section here:


Failure to observe these guidelines could result in your translated
help files being invalid. We won't have the opportunity to test and
fix any errors in translated help files. You can however do so
yourselves by getting the bzr branch for the package
(lp:~ubuntu-core-doc/gnome-user-docs/natty), importing the po files
into the relevant directory and testing the files using the
gnome-doc-utils build tools.

Please note (2): there are various screenshots used in the gnome-help
files. These are contained in the gnome-help/C/figures directory in
the source. Please submit any translated screenshots by creating a bzr
branch for your language and proposing a merge into
lp:~ubuntu-core-doc/gnome-user-docs/natty. Translated screenshots
should go in gnome-help/LANG/figures.

I will try to update our translation wiki page with a guide to how to
test translations and submit screenshots over the coming days.

Please feel free to ask here if you have any questions about
translation of this package.

[1] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-translators/2011-April/004675.html
[2] https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/gnome-user-docs

Matthew East
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Milo Casagrande <milo a casagrande.name>

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