[Gruppo traduzione] Fwd: Kubuntu 10.10 translations
Milo Casagrande
milo a ubuntu.com
Mar 7 Set 2010 14:37:24 BST
Pare che quella pagina wiki contenga cosa effettivamente va tradotto
per Kubuntu.
Dateci un'occhiata.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jonathan Riddell <jriddell a ubuntu.com>
Date: 2010/9/7
Subject: Kubuntu 10.10 translations
To: kde-i18n-doc a kde.org, ubuntu-translators a lists.ubuntu.com
Cc: kubuntu-devel a lists.ubuntu.com
I've compiled a list of what needs translated in Kubuntu 10.10 which
is due out at the start of October.
Of course most of our translations come from upstream KDE so the main
way to keep Kubuntu translated is to keep translating KDE.
There's a small number of packages with extra strings patched in. In
future I'll put these strings into upstream KDE so they can be
translated there but for now they need done in Launchpad.
There are several apps which are specific to Kubuntu and need
translations, installer, docs etc. These need to be translated in
Launchpad. Also Quassel which uses our translations in Launchpad as
their upstream translations.
Finally there are a few applications in KDE SVN which are used by
Kubuntu but don't have many translations because they aren't used by
(many) other distros. These can be translated in KDE and I'll pick up
the latest translations on September 28th.
Deadline for translations in Launchpad for 10.10 is September 30th
(translations done later will be included in language pack updates).
Milo Casagrande <milo a ubuntu.com>
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