[Tradutores-Ubuntu] manual

Miguel Bouzada mbouzada at gmail.com
Sun May 2 20:05:57 BST 2010

Na liña 1535 lese

To start Rescue mode, shut down your computer, then power it up. As the
computer starts up, press \textbf{Esc} when you see the white-on-black
screen with a countdown (the \acronym{GRUB} prompt). Select the
\textbf{Rescue mode} option using the arrow keys on your keyboard. Rescue
mode should be the second item in the list.
\screenshot{08-grub-boot-screen.png}{ss:grub-boot-screen}{This is the grub
screen in which you can choose the rescue mode.}

Agora, con GRUB2 non se emprega Escape para acceder ao modo rescate senón
que se manten premida Maiúsculas, creo que habería que informar dese erro
aos redactores orixinais.

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