[Tradutores-Ubuntu] [Fwd: Lucid translations are now open]
Fran Dieguez
listas at mabishu.com
Thu Feb 4 22:11:02 GMT 2010
Colle a lista de prioridades que se enviou fai unhas semanas e
certificate de que está completa e revisada.
Eu enviei onte as traducións do gnome 2.30 (simple coincidencia de
verdade) pero aínda teño que enviar correccións que teño facer sobre
elas. Polo que estará listo, espero, o domingo.
Saúdos, e como dixo david planella: happy translating!
Miguel Bouzada wrote:
> 2010/2/4 Fran Dieguez <listas at mabishu.com>
>> Atención ao que di na mensaxe, toca puntos moi importantes a tomar enconta
>> en FF, oOo, e tradución en xeral.
>> Hi translators,
>> I'm pleased to announce that Lucid translations are now open. You can
>> now go to
>> http://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu
>> and start doing your rocking job to translate your favourite distro as
>> usual.
>> Some notes:
>> Priorities
>> ----------
>> The template priorities are still not set up as they were in Karmic.
>> That means that although some of the most important templates are
>> already at the top of the list, not all of the priorities have been
>> entered in Launchpad yet.
>> We'll sort that out in the next few days and set up the priorities for
>> all templates. If in the meantime you see any particular one you'd like
>> to be further up (or down) in the list, just let me or anyone from the
>> Ubuntu Translations Coordinators team [1] know and we can change it
>> straight away.
>> OpenOffice.org
>> --------------
>> At UDS we discussed about having the OO.o translation infrastructure in
>> shape and being able to translate it in Launchpad. That means using the
>> translations done in Launchpad and exporting them regularly in the
>> OpenOffice.org package whenever the other language packs are released.
>> It is not sure whether we'll have the resources to make this happen, so
>> for now, we've decided disabling the OpenOffice.org translations in
>> Launchpad until we are sure this will be possible. Most importantly,
>> this will avoid giving translators false expectations that OO.o
>> translations from Launchpad will be used in the distro.
>> This does only mean that translations will not be exposed in the UI, but
>> they are still in the database and can be easily exposed again. We did
>> this some time ago for other releases already, and in order to make it
>> easier for those teams working only in Launchpad to reuse the
>> translations and send them upstream, you'll find them here:
>> http://people.ubuntu.com/~dpm/ooo/ <http://people.ubuntu.com/%7Edpm/ooo/>
>> Language packs
>> --------------
>> During the development cycle, language packs for Lucid are generated
>> twice per week and automatically uploaded to the archive, so that you
>> can see and test the results of the translations more frequently.
>> On the time preceding an archive freeze before a milestone the automatic
>> upload will be temporarily disabled and reenabled after the freeze.
>> You'll see that there hasn't been a Lucid language pack update since a
>> few weeks. That's due to the migration of the language packs to another
>> server, but very soon new ones will be generated.
>> Firefox
>> -------
>> Due to the migration to Firefox 3.6 and the work involved merging the
templates, translations are still not getting exported in the Lucid
>> language packs, but we're working on this.
>> The change you'll notice is that now there is only a 'firefox' template,
>> making translation a bit easier (before there were e.g. 'fifefox-3.5'
>> and 'xulrunner-1.9.1' templates).
>> I think that's all for now, if you've got any questions, feel free to
>> ask and...
>> ... happy translating!
>> Regards,
>> David.
>> [1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuTranslationsCoordinators
>> --
>> David Planella
>> Ubuntu Translations Coordinator
>> david(dot)planella(at)ubuntu(dot)com
>> www.ubuntu.com
>> --
>> ubuntu-translators mailing list
>> ubuntu-translators at lists.ubuntu.com
>> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-translators
>> --
>> Ubuntu-l10n-gl mailing list
>> Ubuntu-l10n-gl at lists.ubuntu.com
>> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-l10n-gl
> A vista disto, comezo a facer o que xa fixen na karmic... revisar un a un
> todos os paquetes comezando polo primeiro.
> Vos adicadevos a ir rematando o que teñades entre mans ou os que estean sen
> traducir.
> Amoss... digo eu, se ninguén suxire nada en contra. :-)
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