[Ubuntu-l10n-eng] "routeing"

Malcolm malcolm.parsons at gmail.com
Thu Mar 6 20:55:28 GMT 2008

On 06/03/2008, Colin Watson <cjwatson at ubuntu.com> wrote:

>  I find "routeing" a rather surprising spelling myself. I don't think I'd
>  use it even in non-technical senses, and I find that it jars
>  particularly when referring to Internet routing; I've never seen a
>  British English speaker use this spelling before. Could we discard this
>  particular translation?

I think it can go, it's better to have a consistent term, and routing
is the most common spelling.

It's a shame that "routing" is used as the present participle of both
"route" and "rout".

>  I live in Cambridge.

Me too.

Malcolm Parsons

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