[Ubuntu-l10n-eng] GNU General Public License

Sridhar Dhanapalan sridhar at dhanapalan.com
Wed Aug 23 13:57:13 BST 2006

On Wednesday 23 August 2006 22:28, Malcolm <malcolm.parsons at gmail.com> wrote:
> I checked the French translation, they kept "GNU General Public
> License" as it is.

This can be viewed in two different ways:

  (a) To refer to the licence in a strict legal sense, you need to spell it 
the way the FSF does.

  (b) French, being a different language entirely, is unable to translate this 
proper noun. However, en_GB is just a different dialect that differs mainly 
in spelling, and so it can get away with it.

Creative Commons and wxWindows seem to be happy with translating the title:


Sridhar Dhanapalan
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"America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without 
civilisation in between." - Oscar Wilde
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