[Ubuntu-l10n-eng] Expanding the scope of the en-GB translation

William Anderson neuro at well.com
Sat Aug 19 13:05:43 BST 2006

Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
> On Tuesday 15 August 2006 19:46, "Matthew Vermeulen" <mattvermeulen at gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> I definitely prefer 'rubbish bin', but that's just me, I suppose. Around
>> here, at least, noone refers to anything except 'rubbish' and 'rubbish
>> bin', never 'garbage' or 'trash'. 'Wastebasket': I agree with what you said
>> on that.
> In that case, I propose that the entries in the "Dialectical Differences" 
> table remain the same, apart from "Wastebasket" which should become "Rubbish 
> Bin". Since we have already been using Wastebasket in our Dapper 
> translations, I suggest that this change takes place as of Edgy.
> Any thoughts on this?

Where is the precedent for using "Rubbish Bin" in an operating system?  It
sounds awfully unprofessional sounding to me.  I know "Trash" sounds no
better, but can you imagine someone's face when they install an OS,
selecting en-GB, and seeing "Rubbish Bin" on their desktop?

_ __/|  William Anderson      |  Tim: Your cheese game is strong.
\`O_o'  neuro at well dot com | Zane: My cheese game. It's all about the
=(_ _)= http://neuro.me.uk/   |       cheese platter.
   U  - Thhbt! GPG 0xFA5F1100 | -- Tim Westwood, Zane Lowe, R1, Dec 2005

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