[Ubuntu-l10n-eng] Expanding the scope of the en-GB translation

Sridhar Dhanapalan sridhar at dhanapalan.com
Tue Aug 1 14:55:40 BST 2006

> I think perhaps we oughtn't to base it off en_GB. Perhaps en_GB, en_AU, etc
> could be based off en_CW (commonwealth english) if such an ISO code exists.

No such code exists, and it wouldn't be our place to create one.

> Surely the differences between British and Australian English are just
> slang...

Aside from a small handful of words, yes. For the most part, this also applies 
to other English dialects as well.

This is a major reason why I have proposed that en-GB form the trunk of our 
efforts. It is a recognised locale, and by its very nature it defines what 
English is (English is from England, after all). When users wish to set their 
language to 'real' English, they expect to find it as 'en-GB'. I see no 
reason to change that.

Sridhar Dhanapalan
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beyond presence - presence is the most trivial notion of context."
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