Ajuda per comprovar el paquet de llengua de l'Ubuntu (Fwd: CALL FOR TESTING of 3rd FULL Oneiric language pack update (Deadline January 11th))
David Planella
david.planella at canonical.com
Sun Jan 8 17:30:17 UTC 2012
S'està a punt d'alliberar el tercer paquet de llengua per a l'Ubuntu
11.10 (Oneiric). Normalment solc comprovar-los jo mateix i donar-los el
vist-i-plau perquè els pugin, però ara mateix tinc la versió de
desenvolupament (Precise) instal·lada i aquesta setmana seré fora i no
tindré temps de muntar una màquina virtual per comprovar-los.
El procediment és senzill. Simplement cal
- Activar el dipòsit 'oneiric-proposed'
- Actualitzar els paquets de llengua
- Sortir de la sessió i tornar a entrar
- Comprovar que els programes més importants estan traduïts
- Afegir els resultats de la comprovació a:
El document anterior torna a explicar el procediment amb més detall.
Si algú pogués col·laborar a fer-ho abans del dia 11 a les 16:00 seria
-------- Missatge original --------
Assumpte: CALL FOR TESTING of 3rd FULL Oneiric language pack update
(Deadline January 11th)
Data: Thu, 05 Jan 2012 15:06:19 +0100
De: Kenneth Nielsen <k.nielsen81 at gmail.com>
A: Ubuntu Translators <ubuntu-translators at lists.ubuntu.com>,
"Coordinators, Ubuntu Translations"
<ubuntu-translations-coordinators at lists.launchpad.net>
Hallo translators,
It is now time for the third language pack update cycle for Ubuntu 11.10
(Oneiric Ocelot).
We've uploaded the language packs to the oneiric-proposed repository for
you to test before they are released to all users. These should contain
all your updates and fixes in translations done since the release date.
I'd like to ask teams to test them and provide an indication that
they've done so by following some simple steps and submitting a signoff,
so that we know that translations have been successfully tested.
Simply follow the instructions in this page and add your team's signoff
in the appropriate table:
The desktop specific language packs will only be distributed for the
desktops (e.g. GNOME and KDE) that have been tested.
PLEASE NOTE. That since this is a full update, including documentation,
you must also perform the documentation tests described at the end of
the page.
The deadline for the testing is the 11th of January (in one week's
time). After that, we'll update the language packs we've received
feedback for into oneiric-updates, so that all users can benefit from
the new translations and fixes.
Remember that you'll have to to enable the oneiric-proposed repository
to get these updates:
Remember that now you can subscribe to the iCal feed to stay up to
date with language pack updates and better coordinate your work:
Thank you for your help in testing translations for all users in your
Regards Kenneth.
(on behalf of the Ubuntu translations coordinators)
ubuntu-translators mailing list
ubuntu-translators at lists.ubuntu.com
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