The glossary project

tegegne tefera tefera.tegegne at
Fri Jul 28 03:11:01 BST 2006

Hello again to the glossary team.

I am happy to see the the glossary page started functioning again. I
am also happy to see a team well organized and being run by competent

What remains is the result, which is quite disappointing considering
the capability  of individuals organizations who are involved in this
project. Many developing countries with less population and less
budget has already implemented not only the glossary project but a
complete operative system and user application translation.
"...Bhutan, a country of 700,000 inhabitants that sits between China
and India, now has its own Debian-based operating system in the
national language, Dzongkha....";1239885333;fp;2;fpid;1

Please look at this initiative
This Glossary team can make a truly historical difference if it takes
this initiative under it's wing and See it through. The team has
called on the public to participate on it's initiative by saying
"...Full participation of the public is critically important for the
success of the project...". Now it is time for the team to show the
public it is meant what it wrote by taking the participation of the
public seriously.

Please do not take the tone of this message as negative. The tone is
not directed towards the individuals in the team or the team, but it
is meant to show the urgency of the problem.

Those of you who worked on the localization and translation know how
frustrating it is the lack of standard terms for our contribution. I
would like all to use and improve this glossary page so that it can be
completed as soon as possible so that we can get on our work without
worrying tomorrow all our efforts will be worthless when the terms

best regards
tegegne tefera
Partcipant EMGP

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