Evolution On Maverick

Antony Kipingor kipingor at gmail.com
Tue Dec 14 08:07:47 GMT 2010

I second the recommendation, I too use Thunderbird, it has plenty of 
useful plug-in's as well, been using it for 3 years, no issues. I also 
use it for Gmail btw...

Antony Kipingor
Chat  Google Talk: kipingor  Skype: qwelegen  Y! messenger: 
akipingor at yahoo.com
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--- @ WiseStamp Signature 
Get it now 
On 12/14/2010 10:51 AM, Kagwe Gichohi wrote:
> This email is from a ubuntu-ke subscriber to other subscribers inluding you:)
> I suppose I will also strongly recommend thunderbird. I've used it for my office
> emails for the last 2 years and have never had an issue with it. Plus it'll
> connect beautifully, almost automatically to gmail via IMAP. POP is also
> available but I wouldn't strongly recommend it to access gmail - but that's a
> case of preference.
> ________________________________
> From: Isaac Witmer<isaaclw at gmail.com>
> To: ubuntu Kenya<ubuntu-ke at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Sent: Mon, 13 December, 2010 9:49:57
> Subject: Re: Evolution On Maverick
> This email is from a ubuntu-ke subscriber to other subscribers inluding you:)
> I assume you've used Evolution in the past without any problems?
> I never really liked Evolution. I currently use google gears for
> gmail, but when i was using non-webmail, I used thunderbird.
> -Isaac
> On Sun, Dec 12, 2010 at 10:32 PM, Kinuthia Muchane<muchanek at gmail.com>  wrote:
>> This email is from a ubuntu-ke subscriber to other subscribers inluding
>> you:)
>> Hi,
>> I hope you guys had a good Jamhuri day.
>> I installed 10.10, 9.10 almost sent me to the nuthouse! So far so good but
>> I am
>> having a small problem. Evolution is 'saying' that it
>> cannot find the network, whereas I am online and surfing merrily,
>> which means that it can not send or
>> receive mail.
>> The connection button at the bottom left corner of the
>> Evo window does not seem to function.
>> I am writing this from the less than adequate mail client that comes with
>> the Opera browser ;-( Do I go the Thunderbird way?
>> Kĩnũthia
>> --
>> Ubuntu-ke mailing list
>> Ubuntu-ke at lists.ubuntu.com
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