Gathering of Techies

Josiah Mugambi jmugambi at
Tue Feb 13 09:09:33 GMT 2007

Today - 13th February 2007

Forwarded Message:


We're having a gathering of techies today evening at 5pm.
venue:  GPO 5th floor Food-Court

If they close early, we shall move to Steers (next to Trattoria)

This is an open forum, and the beginning of a weekly forum.

We'll have open discussions, lectures about anything techie from GSM
networks, to UNIX, IP and software dev.

Tune into skype for a video call if you can't make it
skype: rbachani


Josiah Mugambi Muketha
Cell# +254 722 799654
P.O. Box 12632 - 00100
Nairobi, Kenya

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