The Yarmouk University Linux, and FOSS, workshop(or conference) plan. [RESURRECTED]

Omar omar.the.pythoner at
Mon Apr 14 15:00:29 BST 2008

As'salamu Alaikom Wa Rahmatu Allah Wa Barakatoh.

Good afternoon dear JoLUGers and Linux users in each and every inch or
Jordan, and the world of course.

A couple of weeks back (maybe even months, I'm not sure), I asked for
help and support in holding a Linux and FOSS conference in the
university of Yarmouk. And after I found out that it's kinda not going
to work, I decided to give up on it and forget about the whole thing.

But today, my instructor, Prof. Qasem Radaideh saw me holding a book
about Python, and he told me that he's ready to help me arrange for a
conference and about Python, and I told that Linux is more important
now, and he said it's okay, and was welling to start discussing the

And, now I'm kindly asking you to back me up. I'm not saying that you
adopt the whole thing, because I know it's not as easy as it might
sound. But I'm just asking if you could just back me up with ideas and

And of course, it'll be just great if anyone of you can come down to
Yarmouk University as a guest in order to participate in the conference.

For example, if Mr. Khamis Seksik, or Mr. Jad Madi, or any of the
respectful Linux and FOSS professionals, can arrange to give it a small
visit down to Yarmouk University, to help in giving a rich, exciting and
excellent presentation about the following main points:

1. What is Linux?
2. Why should people try Linux?
3. What are the main differences between Linux and other operating
systems such as Windows and Mac OS?

4. What is the FOSS philosophy?
5. What are the main goals of the FOSS philosophy?
6. How does the FOSS people make money?
7. How can we contribute to the FOSS community?

NOTE: This list is just a suggestion and can be modified to better fit
the goals of the conference.

Please do your best to help me as much as you can in making this
conference as good and rich as possible.
And remember, anything we do to support Linux and the FOSS community
will not only benefit us, in fact, it will benefit the entire kingdom!

With my very best wishes, regards and salutes to each and every one of

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